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BlackLivesMatter committing intellectual suicide


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As is so often the case, a group undermines attention to a worthy cause by making ridiculous claims and false equivalencies.

The truth comes out at last, courtesy of Black Lives Matter:

It is with pain and heartache that the Black Lives Matter Network extends love, light, protection, and abundance to our family in Orlando, Florida. We love you. Black people are a diverse community, and though the hate-filled rhetoric of the conservative right is currently trying to pit us against our kin — we will always stand with all the parts of ourselves. Today, Queer, Latinx, and Muslim family, we lift you up.

Despite the media’s framing of this as a terrorist attack, we are very clear that this terror is completely homegrown, born from the anti-Black white supremacy, patriarchy and homophobia of the conservative right and of those who would use religious extremism as a weapon to gain power for the few and take power from the rest.
Those who seek to profit from our deaths hope we will forget who our real enemy is, and blame Muslim communities instead.

But we will never forget.

In case you didn’t notice, Omar Mateen, an Afghani-American radical gay Muslim registered as a Democrat, was really a right-wing, gay-hating, white conservative. No, Black Lives Matter isn’t crazy at all. Why would you say so? More:

Until these systems are defeated, until anti-Blackness no longer fuels anti-Muslim and anti-queer and trans bigotry, exploitation, and exclusion — we can never be truly free.

Nope, perfectly sane. By no means is this a foaming expectoration from a bunch of racist far-left crackpots.

Seriously, though. Seriously. How is it that people so given over to ideological derangement command such admiration from the media and others on the cultural heights? Who decided that to prove you really cared about black lives, you had to embrace this movement? I’m not asking rhetorically; I would love to know. You can’t just overlook these malicious Jacobin lies. To my knowledge, this is crazier than anything Donald Trump has ever said — and that takes some doing, for sure.

Imagine that white right-wing extremist Tim McVeigh blows up the Murrah Building, but some conservative group says the real criminals are black gay liberals. Anybody who said that would be instantly ridiculed, and never taken seriously again by any morally sane person. Somehow, I doubt that will happen with these sacred monsters.


What sort of internal mental contortions does one have to go through for this flatulence from BLM to sound reasonable?

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"Despite the media’s framing of this as a terrorist attack, we are very clear that this terror is completely homegrown, born from the anti-Black white supremacy, patriarchy and homophobia of the conservative right and of those who would use religious extremism as a weapon to gain power for the few and take power from the rest."

That absurd take is really no different than "hands up don't shoot" and am not a bit surprised by it. These people are nothing but a political distraction using fabricated events and imagined scenarios in a failed attempt to acquire political power. They were a joke all along. Is intellectual suicide the same as revealing themselves and their total unworthiness to be taken seriously by anyone? If so, then yeah, they just took 2 rounds to the temple.

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BLM beginnings were based on false statements. They might have recovered from that, but they are being pay-rolled by sources more interested in chaos than improvement in the lives of minorities in America.

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Is it me??.. or are we at a all time high for the what is up is down, down is up, left is right and right is left kind of stuff?

It's by design. No sane, intelligent, thoughtful soul would conceive of a movement like this & dream it could result in anything good or positive

Nor was it ever meant to do so.

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Ridiculous!! I through donating to BLM.


Surely, you can't be serious. You actually gave $ to those phonies ?

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Sure Raptor. You have something against it???

I also run a 4.12 second 40 and swim 5 miles before breakfast every morning ^-^

Wow. Life must be good for you.

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Heck, when I saw the thread title, I thought it was going to be this story:


A peace vigil held in remembrance of the victims of the Orlando terror attack at the University of Missouri was completely derailed after one of the speakers began denouncing white attendees and an angry white couple began shouting back.

College Fix was on the scene and got it all on camera “I was really nervous to get up here because there’s a lot of white people in the crowd,” an activist said. “That wasn’t a joke,” she added after a few nervous chuckles.

She continued to complain that the large group of white people who had come out for the peace vigil never came out to support Black Lives Matter protests. “As much as it’s awesome that so many of you are here today, it’s like, who are you really here for?” she asked.

We’re here for everybody,” a woman yelled from the audience yelled to applause.

“We are here to be uniting, not dividing, which is what you are doing now,” another man from the audience yelled. He and his husband began a shouting match with the activists on stage, that ended when they were removed by security.

“Right here on this stage, they are segregating us as a community,” one of the men Carl Brizendine told College Fix after they were kicked out. “They are making it a racial issue. It’s not a racial issue at this point.”

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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

celebrating the outing of a fraudulent, bat guano crazy group ?

Yeah, anyone should celebrate that.

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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

When you spout bull****, expect to be ridiculed.

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If I, as a white person, can't identify with this so called cause, and am openly mocked by those in the movement , simply because my skin reflects more light, then yeah, I'm not gonna care. I'll care even less when the movement is built upon lies and nonsense.

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As is so often the case, a group undermines attention to a worthy cause by making ridiculous claims and false equivalencies.

The truth comes out at last, courtesy of Black Lives Matter:

It is with pain and heartache that the Black Lives Matter Network extends love, light, protection, and abundance to our family in Orlando, Florida. We love you. Black people are a diverse community, and though the hate-filled rhetoric of the conservative right is currently trying to pit us against our kin — we will always stand with all the parts of ourselves. Today, Queer, Latinx, and Muslim family, we lift you up.

Despite the media’s framing of this as a terrorist attack, we are very clear that this terror is completely homegrown, born from the anti-Black white supremacy, patriarchy and homophobia of the conservative right and of those who would use religious extremism as a weapon to gain power for the few and take power from the rest.
Those who seek to profit from our deaths hope we will forget who our real enemy is, and blame Muslim communities instead.

But we will never forget.

In case you didn’t notice, Omar Mateen, an Afghani-American radical gay Muslim registered as a Democrat, was really a right-wing, gay-hating, white conservative. No, Black Lives Matter isn’t crazy at all. Why would you say so? More:

Until these systems are defeated, until anti-Blackness no longer fuels anti-Muslim and anti-queer and trans bigotry, exploitation, and exclusion — we can never be truly free.

Nope, perfectly sane. By no means is this a foaming expectoration from a bunch of racist far-left crackpots.

Seriously, though. Seriously. How is it that people so given over to ideological derangement command such admiration from the media and others on the cultural heights? Who decided that to prove you really cared about black lives, you had to embrace this movement? I’m not asking rhetorically; I would love to know. You can’t just overlook these malicious Jacobin lies. To my knowledge, this is crazier than anything Donald Trump has ever said — and that takes some doing, for sure.

Imagine that white right-wing extremist Tim McVeigh blows up the Murrah Building, but some conservative group says the real criminals are black gay liberals. Anybody who said that would be instantly ridiculed, and never taken seriously again by any morally sane person. Somehow, I doubt that will happen with these sacred monsters.


What sort of internal mental contortions does one have to go through for this flatulence from BLM to sound reasonable?


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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

Celebrating? More like denouncing a left wing fringe nut group. There are legit groups advancing the cause of the African American community. These clowns haven't a clue. :no:
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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

Celebrating? More like denouncing a left wing fringe nut group. There are legit groups advancing the cause of the African American community. These clowns haven't a clue. :no:

So EVERY member of BLM is a left wing nut? The Black community have no complaints or do the Whities here just want to hightlight the disjointedness in an effort to shout down legitimate complaints?
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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

Celebrating? More like denouncing a left wing fringe nut group. There are legit groups advancing the cause of the African American community. These clowns haven't a clue. :no:

So EVERY member of BLM is a left wing nut? The Black community have no complaints or do the Whities here just want to hightlight the disjointedness in an effort to shout down legitimate complaints?

I don't think the group in this story represents all of BLM. Not even close. And they certainly don't represent all of the African American community. Absurd to think otherwise.

Of course the black community has complaints. Don't you? And who exactly is shouting down those complaints?

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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

Celebrating? More like denouncing a left wing fringe nut group. There are legit groups advancing the cause of the African American community. These clowns haven't a clue. :no:

So EVERY member of BLM is a left wing nut? The Black community have no complaints or do the Whities here just want to hightlight the disjointedness in an effort to shout down legitimate complaints?

I don't think the group in this story represents all of BLM. Not even close. And they certainly don't represent all of the African American community. Absurd to think otherwise.

Of course the black community has complaints. Don't you? And who exactly is shouting down those complaints?

Glad to hear it. So then theres another reason for these old white guys to weigh in with their dumb ass comments huh? That was the point of my smart ass comment.
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I'm an old white guy you should not include such a large group of people with having dumb ass comments. There seems to be so much hate right now. Good lord life is to damn short people

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I'm an old white guy you should not include such a large group of people with having dumb ass comments. There seems to be so much hate right now. Good lord life is to damn short people

I just checked this thread and you havent made a comment so I wasnt including you.
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White people celebrating the bad news about an organization they have no identity with.

Celebrating? More like denouncing a left wing fringe nut group. There are legit groups advancing the cause of the African American community. These clowns haven't a clue. :no:

So EVERY member of BLM is a left wing nut? The Black community have no complaints or do the Whities here just want to hightlight the disjointedness in an effort to shout down legitimate complaints?

I don't think the group in this story represents all of BLM. Not even close. And they certainly don't represent all of the African American community. Absurd to think otherwise.

Of course the black community has complaints. Don't you? And who exactly is shouting down those complaints?

Glad to hear it. So then theres another reason for these old white guys to weigh in with their dumb ass comments huh? That was the point of my smart ass comment.

The dumbest comments came from the group on stage. There is no hiding that fact. I hope we can agree. Some of the other ramblings on this thread are merely a sideshow and in the grand scheme, meaningless.
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