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Benghazi committee finally tracks down talk radio caller who reveals...


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And the laughter is anyone who thinks this red herring has ONE damn THING to do w/ Benghazi, the dead ambassador, why he was there... or ANYTHING.

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And the laughter is anyone who thinks this red herring has ONE damn THING to do w/ Benghazi, the dead ambassador, why he was there... or ANYTHING.


That's exactly my point. It was a pathetically desperate thing to be pursuing in the first place.

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Yeah the dems report that they just released, it was a real eye opener....believe it even mentioned Donald Trump....not sure why because he wasn't there nor was he running or in office at the time....they did a really good job :-\

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Yeah the dems report that they just released, it was a real eye opener....believe it even mentioned Donald Trump....not sure why because he wasn't there nor was he running or in office at the time....they did a really good job :-\

Well, they had to release their own report since they weren't allowed to participate in the main report. But it sounds to me like there's not much difference except the Republican report is twice as long. That's a lot of extra whining.

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton

Like eight previous reports, the bitterly partisan panel finds failings, but no blame for the former secretary of state.


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She was proven guilty, anything but exonerated. This Baghdad Bob reporting by the mainstream media is got to be about the worst thing I've ever seen.

Some highlights -

* The House Benghazi Committee’s report confirms that President Obama did not attend his daily intelligence briefing even after the terrorist attack claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans

We know he was IN the White House, but not in the Situation Room, nor at the Intel briefing. So, WHERE WAS HE ??? :gofig:

* The committee found no evidence of the “three directives” that President Barack Obama claimed he issued when he first learned about the ongoing terror attack.

Neither the committee’s official report, nor the Democrats’ dissenting minority report, mentions the “three directives.” (In fact, President Obama barely features in the Democrats’ report at all, as if someone else were Commander-in-Chief that evening.)

* Revealed: Hillary told Egyptian PM day after Benghazi attack that Mohammed movie had nothing to do with it.

And yet, for almost 2 weeks, she told the public, and the families of the dead Americans that it was exactly that, " about a video ".

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