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Texas A&M -- two coaches suspended


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At an event specifically for female fans of A&M football (presumably mostly female students), some amazingly disgusting, mysogynistic actions involving two of the A&M coaches (as well as other football supporters) has resulted in the two coaches being suspended without pay and required to do community service. Kevin Sumlin acted quickly on this, stating “There is absolutely no place in our program or in our University community for inappropriate conduct or degrading comments towards women, or anyone, regardless of intent.”

Examples of the idiotic stuff that led to the suspensions are in the article linked below. We often chide players for their stupidity, but say "they are just kids." Well, obviously, these coaches are not kids, but they are astoundingly stupid.



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That sumlin is some leader! I'd say two weeks is light without additional fining. Could this go further or is the punishment over?


Never knew much about eddie gran, but apparently he has very poor judgment at times as well. 

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Complete and total. Lucky to keep their jobs, and given Baylor's culture problems, I'd definitely use this on mamas to argue A&M isn't going to teach your boy to respect women. 

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Dumb stuff indeed but popular rap music is worse and kids tweet or post similar things all day long.   Sounds like some coaches are just trying to get down to the level of "popular culture" .....saying and writing things some of their recruits will find humorous.   The coaches are not kids....and you would hope that they would be trying to elevate the culture of their program......but not in this case for certain.

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If A&M ever gets their collective ish together look out.  

Right now they can't even take comfort in their Heisman, recruiting success or big shiny new stadium.

How could those guys think that was a good idea?  Pretty crass.

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One of these assistants, Jim Turner, is the same guy who was dismissed from the Dolphins for his complicity and support of hazing and bullying of one of his players. The guy is a real piece of work.

I can't help but think that Sumlin looked at and approved of this program before it took place. Because a 2 week suspension is a baby tap on the wrist. These coaches make half a million dollars per year. $40,000 per month. This is a non-penalty.

If Sumlin were really going to apologize to the women and punish the coaches, he would refund the $80 each woman paid to attend, and then have these two coaches donate the equivalent amount to a women's health cause locally, have the coaches attend counseling and then require that they give talks to their players on respect for women and to the university in public forums on unacceptable misogynistic practices and discrimination against women.

Turner is a class act for sure. That guy needs some real serious counseling and supervision.

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20 minutes ago, AURex said:

One of these assistants, Jim Turner, is the same guy who was dismissed from the Dolphins for his complicity and support of hazing and bullying of one of his players. The guy is a real piece of work.

I can't help but think that Sumlin looked at and approved of this program before it took place. Because a 2 week suspension is a baby tap on the wrist. These coaches make half a million dollars per year. $40,000 per month. This is a non-penalty.

If Sumlin were really going to apologize to the women and punish the coaches, he would refund the $80 each woman paid to attend, and then have these two coaches donate the equivalent amount to a women's health cause locally, have the coaches attend counseling and then require that they give talks to their players on respect for women and to the university in public forums on unacceptable misogynistic practices and discrimination against women.

Turner is a class act for sure. That guy needs some real serious counseling and supervision.

If you haven't figured out by now, Sumlin doesn't care about character in the people he surrounds himself with in the slightest.  All he cares about is whether or not they will help him succeed. If so, they can do whatever they want, with his blessing... if not, he tosses them for the next best thing. 

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