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Imam and His Assistant Shot Dead in Queens; Local Muslims Blame Trump for Encouraging Islamophobia


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“That’s not what America is about,” said local resident Khairul Islam. “We blame Donald Trump for this…Trump and his drama has created Islamophobia.”


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9/11 created " Islamophobia ". 


* a man described as “tall and dark-skinned, carrying a large handgun, and wearing a dark blue shirt and short pants” walked up and shot them both in the head.


Yep. Sounds like a typical Trump rally attendee, huh? 


More likely, it was some ISIS lovin' freak who wanted to start this religious war on our soil. 

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"People held signs declaring, “We Are Muslims, Not Terrorists,” “We Want Peace,” “We Want Justice” and “Muslim Lives Matter.”


Can you believe they have the audacity to say such a thing. Such bigots with so much hate for black lives...

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