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Ricky Seals-Jones hit on Dinson and behavior after- Discuss


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On 9/14/2016 at 11:25 AM, Charhair said:

My personal favorite kind of attitude from an athlete. You've gotta be ruthless when you're on the field, show no mercy. I don't mind have a couple of players on my team acting like Josh Norman as long as they can back up their play. Now when you're destroying arky state, it's a little different. But you do have to knock them on their ass and leave them there, nothing else gets in someone's head like getting destroyed and seeing the other player walk away like nothing happened cause then you know it's coming again. 

I don't think we'll be helping any TAMU players off the ground this week. Particularly not RSJ. 

Edit: I didn't actually start this thread

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6 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

I don't think we'll be helping any TAMU players off the ground this week. Particularly not RSJ. 

Of course not. I honestly think I hate that kid. Seeing him get licked a few times and shut down the whole game would be a victory on top of a victory 

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12 minutes ago, Charhair said:

Of course not. I honestly think I hate that kid. Seeing him get licked a few times and shut down the whole game would be a victory on top of a victory 

If I ever see this post in person, I'm going to give it a big hug. 

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27 minutes ago, Charhair said:

Of course not. I honestly think I hate that kid. Seeing him get licked a few times and shut down the whole game would be a victory on top of a victory 

Won't say I hate him, but I will say that I can't think of any other person to don a football uniform that I have less respect for. He also single handedly eliminated the last vestige of respect I had for Sumlin, which, to be honest, was mostly gone already thanks to Johnny Football and some of the crap the team pulled in 2014.

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Just now, Barnacle said:

Someone refresh my memory on RSJ, and why I should also strongly dislike him

Took out Jeremiah Dinson with what could be considered a cheap shot, causing a catastrophic injury to his leg. Stood over him and gloated. 

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On September 12, 2016 at 0:58 PM, Eagle Eye 7 said:

You and jeff need to take your troll selfs back to the uat where you belong. It is easy to see you have never been and AU fan so quit trying to pretend. By the way if you think anyone  actually believes anything you say you are really blind to facts. WDE

? straight flexin bro ?

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3 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

Someone refresh my memory on RSJ, and why I should also strongly dislike him

Master of the helmet to helmet cheap shot against defenseless players (got flagged for it more than once) who put Dinson in the hospital, last year, never expressed a bit of remorse for it, then bragged about it on twitter.

2 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

what could be considered a cheap shot

I actually read the other day that the NCAA came out and said that the overturn on the targeting shouldn't have happened.

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2 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

Master of the helmet to helmet cheap shot against defenseless players who put Dinson in the hospital, last year, never expressed a bit of remorse for it, then bragged about it on twitter.

I actually read the other day that the NCAA came out and said that the overturn on the targeting shouldn't have happened.

I know the SEC did in fact say the call should not have been overturned. I didn't know he was bragging about it afterwards. That's low rent. 

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Yep, @lionheartkc, you are correct:


The Texas A&M wide receiver, who was initially called for targeting on the hit but the call was overturned – the SEC has since said that was an error, addressed the hit during SEC Media Days.

"I haven't (talked to Dinson) but I wish the best for him," Seals-Jones said at the Wynfrey hotel in Hoover on Tuesday. "At the time it was part of the game. Football is a physical sport but I do wish the best for him and a speedy recovery."

Seals-Jones' sentiment is far different than his initial public exchange about the hit on Nov. 7.

"I got my foot on they neck and my foot on the GAS!,"Seals-Jones wrote on Nov. 10, repeating a lyric in the song "Digital Dash" by Drake and Future.In an apparent exchange of Instagram posts with Blake Countess, who posted a picture of himself standing over Texas A&M's Christian Kirk, Seals-Jones captioned a picture of his hit on Dinson with the same song lyric as the Auburn defensive back, who was drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles.


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3 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

I know the SEC did in fact say the call should not have been overturned. I didn't know he was bragging about it afterwards. That's low rent. 

Yea... and it was the second time he'd done that exact same thing in a game that year (fortunately, the other player he took out didn't end up in the hospital), which is the most prominent of several examples that tell me that Sumlin has no problem with his players playing dirty.

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2 hours ago, Barnacle said:

I know the SEC did in fact say the call should not have been overturned. I didn't know he was bragging about it afterwards. That's low rent. 

I was "okay" with what happened on the field, it happens. I hate that it happened but it does but that won't make me think someone is a bad person 

the fact was that he bragged about it, after seeing the person he cheap shotted get carted off the field, he tried to make himself feel all macho with the pictures and what not

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1 hour ago, Charhair said:

I was "okay" with what happened on the field, it happens. I hate that it happened but it does but that won't make me think someone is a bad person 

the fact was that he bragged about it, after seeing the person he cheap shotted get carted off the field, he tried to make himself feel all macho with the pictures and what not

I guess maybe I'm too soft for football, but I'm not okay with someone helmet to helmet blindsiding another player, full force, when they don't have the ball and therefor aren't expecting a hit. That's basically trying to injure someone, which is not what the game is about. The fact that the punk did it more than once last year says that much more about his character. The grandstanding afterwards was almost expected from someone who plays like that.

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25 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

I guess maybe I'm too soft for football, but I'm not okay with someone helmet to helmet blindsiding another player, full force, when they don't have the ball and therefor aren't expecting a hit. That's basically trying to injure someone, which is not what the game is about. The fact that the punk did it more than once last year says that much more about his character. The grandstanding afterwards was almost expected from someone who plays like that.

Football only recently outlawed that kind of stuff, mind you. And the Broncos would LOVE to get their hands on more guys like that- just ask Cam. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they have made changes and I have no interest in watching guys permanently damage each other's bodies, but the play itself wasn't that far removed from what used to be common practice. Junior Rosegreen sure didn't mind celebrating the Reggie Brown hit until he realized the dude might be paralyzed. And that's the difference that @Charhair- I think- and I see. Continuing to celebrate it and brag about it after you knew you sent the kid to the hospital with a season-ending and possibly career-ending leg injury... yeah, that's borderline sociopathic. And that's why I'm hoping that RSJ is in pain on Sunday. Not "injured", but in pain. And if he does get injured, I can't honestly say I'd be nearly as upset about it as I was with Treadwell, or Lattimore, or Prothro....

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4 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Football only recently outlawed that kind of stuff, mind you. And the Broncos would LOVE to get their hands on more guys like that- just ask Cam. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they have made changes and I have on interest in watching guys permanently damage each other's bodies, but the play itself wasn't that far removed from common practice. Junior Rosegreen sure didn't mind celebrating the Reggie Brown hit until he realized the dude might be paralyzed. And that's the difference that @Charhair- I think- and I see. Continuing to celebrate it and brag about it after you knew you sent the kid to the hospital with a season-ending and possibly career-ending leg injury... yeah, that's borderline sociopathic. And that's why I'm hoping that RSJ is in pain on Sunday. Not "injured", but in pain. And if he does get injured, I can't honestly say I'd be nearly as upset about it as I was with Treadwell, or Lattimore, or Prothro....

The big difference I see in all of the examples you gave is the people being hit were ball carriers. Cam had the ball.  Reggie was going for the ball as a receiver.  Jeremiah, at best, may have had a shot at tackling the ball carrier. What I saw last year is that Jones got off on hitting anyone he could as hard as he could, even if it had no bearing on the play, which I would argue the hit on Jeremiah didn't. If he wants to lay the wood, he needs to transition to DB instead of wide receiver.

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5 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

The big difference I see in all of the examples you gave is the people being hit were ball carriers. 

Makes absolutely no difference. I'm not saying that to be rude. It really, truly makes no difference. Helmet to helmet is a rule. Launching is a rule. Anything else that is within the rules is fair game and RSJ is far from the only WR who seizes the opportunities that present themselves. Think about it. Those guys get rocked by DBs going across the middle, or even on the sidelines, all the time. Also, after interceptions you see defenders tee off on offensive players away from the ball all the time. You expect those guys not to give as good as they get when they get the chance? I guarantee you none of our coaches do.  

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2 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

Makes absolutely no difference. I'm not saying that to be rude. It really, truly makes no difference. Helmet to helmet is a rule. Launching is a rule. Anything else that is within the rules is fair game and RSJ is far from the only WR who seizes the opportunities that present themselves. Think about it. Those guys get rocked by DBs going across the middle, or even on the sidelines, all the time. Also, after interceptions you see defenders tee off on offensive players away from the ball all the time. You expect those guys not to give as good as they get when they get the chance? I guarantee you none of our coaches do.  

Like I said.. maybe I'm too soft for football, but the sportsman in me says laying into someone when it has no bearing on the play is bad form. Blindsiding someone at full force is trying to hurt them and no better than what got Duke kicked off our team for last year.

Anyway, didn't there used to be a rule called "unnecessary roughness", or is that just called when you hit the QB late or knock someone down out of bounds?

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@McLoofus Actually, hitting a defenseless player (regardless of launching or helmet-to-helmet) is also against the rules. RSJ's hit was basically a retread of the Warren Sapp-Chad Clifton cheap shot. No question that both plays were dirty as hell and not even really borderline. It's a defenseless player chasing a play with almost zero chance of affecting the ball carrier (go back and take a peak at how far Murray was around Dinson... other players could've made the play, but Dinson was not on the list). They both took an opportunity to hit someone in a way that could end their careers. In the end, both guys also launched and weight high, but it's the defenseless nature of the person being hit that makes the whole thing dirty.

Sapp's hit

Seals-Jones' hit

Those are the same, and neither have a place in the game.

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5 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

Like I said.. maybe I'm too soft for football, but the sportsman in me says laying into someone when it has no bearing on the play is bad form. Blindsiding someone at full force is trying to hurt them and no better than what got Duke kicked off our team for last year.

Anyway, didn't there used to be a rule called "unnecessary roughness", or is that just called when you hit the QB late or knock someone down out of bounds?

Unnecessary roughness was, I think, usually for stuff after the whistle. Or eye pokes, nut shots, stuff like that.  

4 minutes ago, mcgufcm said:

Actually, hitting a defenseless player (regardless of launching or helmet-to-helmet) is also against the rules. RSJ's hit was basically a retread of the Warren Sapp-Chad Clifton cheap shot. No question that both plays were dirty as hell and not even really borderline. It's a defenseless player chasing a play with almost zero chance of affecting the ball carrier (go back and take a peak at how far Murray was around Dinson... other players could've made the play, but Dinson was not on the list). They both took an opportunity to hit someone in a way that could end their careers. In the end, both guys also launched and weight high, but it's the defenseless nature of the person being hit that makes the whole thing dirty.

Sapp's hit

Seals-Jones' hit

Those are the same, and neither have a place in the game.

Honest question: did you ever play?

I played for a crap team at a tiny high school for 3 years. Stuff like what rsj did happened all the time and the coaches celebrated it each and every time. And there were no helmet to helmet or launching rules in the early 90s.

I'll defer to this NFL guy's explanation:


What is a "dirty" play?  Wow.  It's hard to find a more subjective term in our game.  I'd imagine if you ask 100 players that question you'd get 100 different answers.  

Dirty isn't about "legal" or "illegal", that's for sure.  There are numerous things in football deemed illegal that amongst players aren't "dirty" at all.  One example would be so-called "blind-side hits."  These kinds of hits have been made the subject of scrutiny by the NFL in some weird attempt to make sure that anyone that gets hit knows they're about to get hit--as if there wasn't an awareness of that fact as soon as you step between the lines.  

"Hey, buddy.  I'm about to hit you.  Is that cool?  Prepare yourself."

"Sure.  Go for it.  Let me just get situated here."

"Thanks man.  All the best to you and your family."  


Kidding aside, I think the majority of players would agree that there are some common elements that can make a hit "dirty."  Hitting the back of anything is basically off limits.  This is sucker-punching 101...the basic tenants of which extend to all walks of man-life.

Hair pulling is kinda weird--you'd probably have to throw that in there.   That said, there's a grey area when it comes to using someone's long hair to tackle them.  If you're going to grow giant handles on the back of your head, I don't think it's dirty for another player to use them.  That's just me...probably not a consensus on that one.  

Eyes, ears and groin?  Totally off limits.  Childhood playground rules here apply all the same.  In a billion dollar business with a rule book longer than a commercial lease, the same unwritten rules for kids carry over amongst men.

I mentioned earlier that once you step on the field, you should expect to get hit...getting hit "unexpectedly" isn't dirty, it's just an indication that your awareness stunk on that play.  That said, there's a caveat to this idea.  When you hit someone unexpectedly, you have to hit them where they've got protective equipment.  In other words, crack-back blocking, blind-side shots, etc...not dirty UNLESS you go low when they're not looking.  That's filthy.  Snakes crawl around on their belly.  Stand up.  

The most talked about (and admittedly debatable) kind of "dirty" hit is cut-blocking.  Some of the toughest, most stand-up guys I know would cut-block you on a city street if you don't watch out.  Are they dirty?  Sorta.  But that's not the kind of dirty that gets disrespect.  

Trust me, if you just read through all that I've written and the definition of "dirty" still seems a lil' murky...well, then you're right there with the rest of us.  The game moves at 100 mph.  Sterling judgment predictably doesn't always keep pace.  

At the end of the day, you sorta know what dirty is, but there's always going to be a subjective element to it. 


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3 minutes ago, mcgufcm said:

@McLoofus Actually, hitting a defenseless player (regardless of launching or helmet-to-helmet) is also against the rules. RSJ's hit was basically a retread of the Warren Sapp-Chad Clifton cheap shot. No question that both plays were dirty as hell and not even really borderline. It's a defenseless player chasing a play with almost zero chance of affecting the ball carrier (go back and take a peak at how far Murray was around Dinson... other players could've made the play, but Dinson was not on the list). They both took an opportunity to hit someone in a way that could end their careers. In the end, both guys also launched and weight high, but it's the defenseless nature of the person being hit that makes the whole thing dirty.

Sapp's hit

Seals-Jones' hit

Those are the same, and neither have a place in the game.

I guess I see it differently, but those are not the same plays. The nature of the hits were the same, I agree with that. I also think, at least from RSJ's POV, that Dinson was the only player who could have affected the play. I don't agree with the hit, but I do believe he was right to go make a block/impede Dinson. 

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4 minutes ago, Barnacle said:

I don't agree with the hit, but I do believe he was right to go make a block/impede Dinson. 

That I totally agree with... but I don't think his intention was to make a block... I think his intention was to knock him out.  I would have even given him the benefit of the doubt if he hadn't done the exact same thing a few weeks earlier.  All he had to do was lower his body and it would have been a clean block with no damage done.

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Just now, lionheartkc said:

That I totally agree with... but I don't think his intention was to make a block... I think his intention was to knock him out.  I would have even given him the benefit of the doubt if he hadn't done the exact same thing a few weeks earlier.  All he had to do was lower his body and it would have been a clean block with no damage done.

Right, and I think this is where we all can agree: the hit has no place in the game. As for his intent, I have no idea. You very well could be right. His actions afterwards certainly supply evidence to support your case. 

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3 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

That I totally agree with... but I don't think his intention was to make a block... I think his intention was to knock him out.  I would have even given him the benefit of the doubt if he hadn't done the exact same thing a few weeks earlier.  All he had to do was lower his body and it would have been a clean block with no damage done.

The repeat offender angle didn't stick with me before, but that's a good point.

I guess I was thinking of it more in terms of "Nameless players A and B". If player A had shown contrition, I wouldn't be thinking about Saturday's game in nearly the same context that I am now. 

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1 minute ago, alexava said:

This hit was questionable both ways. However it was not at all such a occurrence that it should affect this game. We should move on. 

Aw, maaaaan. The low road is so much easier.

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