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Trump wants you to watch Sex Tapes


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It's a valid question. And anyone who saw the ' traumatic ' video of the media at this girl's gym , where Trump allegedly fat shamed her can see that he was actually supporting her, saving her job, when the pageant folks wanted to can her fat ass. 

But let's not talk about any of that.

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2 hours ago, AURaptor said:

It's a valid question. And anyone who saw the ' traumatic ' video of the media at this girl's gym , where Trump allegedly fat shamed her can see that he was actually supporting her, saving her job, when the pageant folks wanted to can her fat ass. 

But let's not talk about any of that.

Because calling her names like "Miss Piggy",  and referring to Latinas as "Miss Housekeeping" is really helpful and supportive? 


Other Trump tweets:   http://www.cbsnews.com/news/elections-2016-donald-trump-alicia-machado-tweets-debate-preparation-nj-gov-chris-christie/



Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump

Wow, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an "angel" without checking her past, which is terrible!

4:14 AM - 30 Sep 2016


Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump

Using Alicia M in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con.

4:19 AM - 30 Sep 2016


Hillary never tried to portray Ms. Machado as a 'paragon of virtue" or an "angel". In fact, Hillary wasn't addressing Machado's morality or character at all!

The point was that Donald is a misogynist and a bigot, body shaming women ("Miss Piggy") and using crude derogatory stereotypes for Latinas ("Miss Housekeeping")! It doesn't matter if Machado was Mother Teresa, your own mother or sister, or Aileen Wuornos (the Florida serial killer/prostitute).

He is also a hypocrite, attacking Machado's alleged nudity on a Spanish reality TV show while ignoring his own wife's nude modeling. (Personally, I don't think it matters if either woman has nude pictures out there. I neither judge them nor condemn them: Their bodies, their choice.)

Attacking someone's character (and not even the person who attacked you in this case), the 'ad hominem' attack, or deflecting from the actual topic of discussion, the 'strawman' argument, displays a terrible understanding of logic and is a very poor trait for a President to have.  https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/

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  Trump  never did say that. You're going on hearsay, and not what was actually on the video. 


 As for sex videos, how many did  miss piggy appear in? I am aware of only one. And that's all Trump says we should go watch. Are there more? 

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19 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

  Trump  never did say that. You're going on hearsay, and not what was actually on the video. 


 As for sex videos, how many did  miss piggy appear in? I am aware of only one. And that's all Trump says we should go watch. Are there more? 

Considering that you condone this language of her, I assume you have either 1) never had a woman in your life that you care about, or 2) have an extremely 1950s view of a woman's place in society.  I've mostly been reading the comment threads and staying away from things (and I know I'm about to start a flame war), but your views on modern society truly scare the hell out of me.

And before you call me a democrat or libtard or whatever, I'm an independent.  If the Republican party had put anyone of substance as their nominee, they likely would have had my vote this year.

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1 hour ago, quietfan said:

Because calling her names like "Miss Piggy",  and referring to Latinas as "Miss Housekeeping" is really helpful and supportive? 


Other Trump tweets:   http://www.cbsnews.com/news/elections-2016-donald-trump-alicia-machado-tweets-debate-preparation-nj-gov-chris-christie/

Hillary never tried to portray Ms. Machado as a 'paragon of virtue" or an "angel". In fact, Hillary wasn't addressing Machado's morality or character at all!

The point was that Donald is a misogynist and a bigot, body shaming women ("Miss Piggy") and using crude derogatory stereotypes for Latinas ("Miss Housekeeping")! It doesn't matter if Machado was Mother Teresa, your own mother or sister, or Aileen Wuornos (the Florida serial killer/prostitute).

He is also a hypocrite, attacking Machado's alleged nudity on a Spanish reality TV show while ignoring his own wife's nude modeling. (Personally, I don't think it matters if either woman has nude pictures out there. I neither judge them nor condemn them: Their bodies, their choice.)

Attacking someone's character (and not even the person who attacked you in this case), the 'ad hominem' attack, or deflecting from the actual topic of discussion, the 'strawman' argument, displays a terrible understanding of logic and is a very poor trait for a President to have.  https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/

Don't forget she was only 18 years old at the time.

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@Brad_ATX -  I condone nothing. But I'm also mocking this whole fiasco, this non-issue. It clearly is something that Hillary and her campaign are trying to inflate. Step back from your soapbox. 

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42 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

@Brad_ATX -  I condone nothing. But I'm also mocking this whole fiasco, this non-issue. It clearly is something that Hillary and her campaign are trying to inflate. Step back from your soapbox. 

Except it isn't a non-issue.  Sure, as a guy, you may not care.  But many women on both sides will quickly tell you it is, and by the way, they are 52% of the population. 

The POTUS, for better or worse, is the most visible person in our society and how he/she outwardly speaks about people matters.  As a husband and someone who has young female cousins, I'm appalled at the constant amount of vile coming from Trump regarding women, a man who wants to lead this nation.  It gets even worse if you dig into his history, especially the public bragging of an extra-marital affair while he was married to Ivanna.  Basically what I'm saying is that it's a pattern, not an isolated incident.

Are there important issues that need to be addressed this year?  Absolutely.  However, when a party nominates a man that is so openly disdainful of anyone who speaks negatively against him, this is the kind of campaign you end up with.  If the Republican party actually wanted to have an issues debate this year, they would have nominated Kasich, Rubio, or a number of other options (all of whom, by the way, were leading Hillary in hypothetical polls).  This is essentially "you reap what you sow".

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58 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

@Brad_ATX -  I condone nothing. But I'm also mocking this whole fiasco, this non-issue. It clearly is something that Hillary and her campaign are trying to inflate. Step back from your soapbox. 

I do not believe the idea is to inflate the incident.  I believe the idea is to put Trump on the defensive and,,,,,let him do what he does best.  

If anything has been "inflated", it might be Trump's pattern of behavior.  Still, that is Trump's own fault.  He could take a lesson from HRC here.  Accept responsibility, feign remorse, minimize the damage and, move on.

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That's inflating a 19 yr old incident to play politics and use as a smoke screen to cover Hillary's true crimes and faults. 

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1 minute ago, AURaptor said:

That's inflating a 19 yr old incident to play politics and use as a smoke screen to cover Hillary's true crimes and faults. 

Look, I don't think it is news worthy either.  It was a beauty pageant in which he had a financial stake.  The winner is suppose to be exceptionally beautiful.

However, this is the big leagues.  Trump himself is the one "inflating" by keeping it alive with 3 am tweets.  It's his own fault.

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11 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Look, I don't think it is news worthy either.  It was a beauty pageant in which he had a financial stake.  The winner is suppose to be exceptionally beautiful.

However, this is the big leagues.  Trump himself is the one "inflating" by keeping it alive with 3 am tweets.  It's his own fault.

Sean Hannity isn't letting it go either.  A caller basically told him he and Trump are taking the bait, and need to let it go. Sean didn't say it, but from how he replied, he knew the caller to be right. It was kinda funny.  

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6 hours ago, AURaptor said:

  Trump  never did say that. You're going on hearsay, and not what was actually on the video. 


 As for sex videos, how many did  miss piggy appear in? I am aware of only one. And that's all Trump says we should go watch. Are there more? 

Admittedly, I haven't nor will I view the tapes. But was this a sex tape or did she merely lie in bed with someone in a soap opera? That is an important distinction don't you think?

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1 minute ago, AUUSN said:


With those little hands? Just damn.

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"There's been a lot of talk about sex tapes today and in a strange turn of events only one adult film has emerged today and its star is Donald Trump," Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill told her traveling press.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/trump-early-tweet-storm-alicia-machado-228947#ixzz4Ln2do8sf
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Given some of the pics from Melania's, modeling portfolio.......................He might get more of a sex tape surprise than he thinks....


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20 hours ago, AURaptor said:

@Brad_ATX -  I condone nothing. But I'm also mocking this whole fiasco, this non-issue. It clearly is something that Hillary and her campaign are trying to inflate. Step back from your soapbox. 

Yeah, Hillary forced Donald to get up at 3:00 am to tweet about it.  :-\

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8 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Yeah, Hillary forced Donald to get up at 3:00 am to tweet about it.  :-\

About it... yeah. Because SHE brought it up. 

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1 minute ago, TexasTiger said:

Miss Machado'a choices over the last 19 years have nothing to do with how he treated her 19 years ago.

Damn right. He should have not even bothered trying to help and just   fired her ! 

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9 hours ago, AURaptor said:

About it... yeah. Because SHE brought it up. 

Damn right she brought it up.  Duuuuuh! :-\

And it worked perfectly.  She'll do it again, just watch.

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