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It will be Hillary vs Condi in 2008

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Hillary vs Condi

Dick Morris Exclusive: It's Condi vs. Hillary in 2008

Dick Morris, the nation's most prominent political consultant, says the 2008 race is shaping up to be showdown between two of America's most popular women: Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton.

Dick Morris exclusively details how the 2008 race could turn out to be the race of the century in the latest edition of NewsMax Magazine just hitting newsstands across the country (including many Barnes & Nobles and Books-a-Millions).

Few are better positioned to analyze the 2008 race than Dick Morris.

Morris, who also serves as a Fox News commentator, accurately called the 2004 race for Bush when most pundits and polls said Bush would lose.

And few know Bill and Hillary Clinton better than Dick Morris. For more than two decades Dick Morris was an intimate friend and advisor to Bill & Hillary.

It was Dick Morris who Hillary first called during the desperate days of the Clinton's first term in the White House.

Now Dick Morris tells all about Hillary's strengths and weaknesses, and why she is definitely the Democratic nominee in 2008.

In a surprising analysis, Morris writes in NewsMax Magazine that Condoleezza Rice is the only Republican on the national scene who can beat Hillary and keep the GOP in the White House.

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This would be a landslide, right? I mean, a woman with a brain, a backbone, a vision and proven competence in real, substantial jobs; against a suspiciously corrupt woman who has ridden her husband's coat-tails from day one, this despite his best adulterous efforts to shake her off...

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Hillary vs Condi
Dick Morris Exclusive: It's Condi vs. Hillary in 2008

Dick Morris, the nation's most prominent political consultant, says the 2008 race is shaping up to be showdown between two of America's most popular women: Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton.

Dick Morris exclusively details how the 2008 race could turn out to be the race of the century in the latest edition of NewsMax Magazine just hitting newsstands across the country (including many Barnes & Nobles and Books-a-Millions).

Few are better positioned to analyze the 2008 race than Dick Morris.

Morris, who also serves as a Fox News commentator, accurately called the 2004 race for Bush when most pundits and polls said Bush would lose.

And few know Bill and Hillary Clinton better than Dick Morris. For more than two decades Dick Morris was an intimate friend and advisor to Bill & Hillary.

It was Dick Morris who Hillary first called during the desperate days of the Clinton's first term in the White House.

Now Dick Morris tells all about Hillary's strengths and weaknesses, and why she is definitely the Democratic nominee in 2008.

In a surprising analysis, Morris writes in NewsMax Magazine that Condoleezza Rice is the only Republican on the national scene who can beat Hillary and keep the GOP in the White House.


Morris may be the most prominent political consultant caught sucking on a hookers toes, but I hardly think he's the nation's most prominent political consultant. I don't even know if he's done that in years. Karl Rove is the nation's most prominent political consultant.

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This is what I've been thinking for some time; that Condi would be the best candidate for the Republican party in 2008. I hoped that she would replace 'Cheney as the VP candidate, primarily for that reason, but Secretary of State may actually be a more visible office. I think that Condi's candidacy would be devistating for Hitlary; much of the vote from segments that are demoncratic strongholds would be divided and the result would be a landslide.

Competence, you ask? For someone right of center to lead a major university when academia is the most left wing segment of the country speaks to her competence. If she were less than competent, the left wing academians would have shredded her just as the demoncrats in congress have tried to do.

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proven competence


Got any examples? :P


50 million now free people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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Either Morris is wrong, or Condi has....gasp...flip-flopped.

As a social conservative and deeply religious person, she would face no bar in winning the votes of the Christian right, so crucial to winning the Republican nomination. Unlike former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani ® and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — both of whom could probably win in November — she would be very attractive to the pro-life, anti-gun-control, anti-affirmative-action base of the GOP.

While Rice is hawkish on foreign policy, her stance on other issues doesn't necessarily fall into line. In 1999, she described herself to the San Francisco Chronicle as a "pro-choice evangelical.” Later that year, in an interview with National Review, she told the magazine she was "mildly pro-choice."

This latter position would lead "single-issue" abortion voters to lean toward Clinton, speculated Democratic strategist Scott Segal.

“Single-issue voters are not interested in someone who mildly holds a position, who would put limitations on it,” Segal said.

Jacobus added that Rice’s pro-choice position could help her against Clinton, but could hurt her in the GOP primary.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- one of the highest-ranking members of the Bush administration -- said Friday she believes race can sometimes be considered as "one factor among others" to achieve diversity within a school or university.

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Segal needs to sober up.

What do you mean "flip-flopped?" She is basically conservative, educated, SELF-ACCOMPLISHED, etc. I am sure that any real conservative would have no qualms supporting her over Hildebeast.

Again, What do you mean "flip-flopped?"

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Segal needs to sober up.

What do you mean "flip-flopped?" She is basically conservative, educated, SELF-ACCOMPLISHED, etc. I am sure that any real conservative would have no qualms supporting her over Hildebeast.

Again, What do you mean "flip-flopped?"


Well, read the Morris excerpt I posted in the context of the other excerpts I posted.

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Too many "old southerners" for Condi to win the ticket.

Probably march out Rudi, or even Jeb. Maybe have Condi as VP candidate.

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Rudi will kick hitlary's butt all the way back to NY or AR or wherever she claims as home these days. :D

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