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Petrino fired


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Can't wait till the rumor mill is on fire again with rumors of us hiring him 🙄

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48 minutes ago, around4ever said:

🤦‍♂️ Here we go again.  

NO! NO!! NO!!!

i am off the gus bus but i would keep him before i would embrace the "pit" at auburn. i will freely admit i just do not like ol bobby and i dang sure do not want anyone thinking i do. i concede he is or was a great offensive mind but he just comes off to me as being skanky or even trashy.

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1 hour ago, auburn4ever said:

Oh please Louisville, come offer Malzahn 15 to 20 million over the next 8 years.

Just so you will know, there is no offset provision in Gus’s contract.  The AU PTB went out of their way to come up with unforgivable ways to screw over AU. 

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On 11/11/2018 at 1:13 PM, Mike4AU said:

Just so you will know, there is no offset provision in Gus’s contract.  The AU PTB went out of their way to come up with unforgivable ways to screw over AU. 

Also Louisville owes Petrino 14 million in buyout. If Auburn doesn't think Gus is worth $32M, I highly doubt Louisville would think he's worth $40-something M...

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On 11/11/2018 at 1:13 PM, Mike4AU said:

Just so you will know, there is no offset provision in Gus’s contract.  The AU PTB went out of their way to come up with unforgivable ways to screw over AU. 

Also Louisville owes Petrino 14 million in buyout. If Auburn doesn't think Gus is worth $32M, I highly doubt Louisville would think he's worth $40-something M...

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21 hours ago, AUsince72 said:

NOW we know why AU's keeping Gus.  😉

The AU PTB would never have considered Brohm, anyway - not with Les Miles available.

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