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Brandon Jacobs


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i guess that's what you do at auburn, silence other opinions and remove the truth.


The pictures that you tried to post can be seen on tolerance.org. They've been posted here before many times and anyone can go to that site to see them. Your argument is weak and everyone sees that you merely posted them for smack and nothing more. Post them again, and they'll be removed again...I promise. :)

Take your garbage to the woodshed or crawl back to the bog from which you came...thanks! :big:


as if any of your posts on my board constitute anything other than smack or garbage...

Pot, meet Kettle.

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The ring thread and discussion is over.  This is about Brandon Jacobs.  I wanted to remind you that there were highly publicized racist incidents involving fraternities that you choose to ignore in the interests of bashing a former player.


A few things:

1. Those incidents happened over 2 years before Mr. Jacobs came to Auburn and the fraternities involved were suspended and I believe had their charters revoked after the investigation was completed.

2. I got on Mr. Jacobs case for more than just the racism charge (which incidentally had nothing to do with any specific situation, but Mr. Jacobs erroneous belief that black people are nothing on campus while black athletes are treated much better. Apparently it never crossed his narrow mind that elite athletes at virtually every major university are treated better than the average joe student. It's not the color, it's the hero worship of college athletes). He also castigated the people of Auburn in general, the players on the team and certain unnamed coaches. Now he's changing his tune and making it sound like he just realized Caddy and Ronnie were too good for him to get ahead of on the depth chart. To that, I call :bs: .

3. Is a fan of the school where one Mr. David Duke graduated seriously lecturing us about racism? That's rich.

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as if any of your posts on my board constitute anything other than smack or garbage...

Pot, meet Kettle.


The problem is that this thread had nothing to do with lswho. If I do post smack on your forum, it is ALWAYS in response to something about Auburn. You butted in and posted pictures for smack that had nothing to do with you...so they were promptly removed. Cry all you want, I couldn't care less.

But by all means, please delete any and all of my references to this past Auburn/lswho game on your forum...it's completely irrelevant, right? :big:

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as if any of your posts on my board constitute anything other than smack or garbage...

Pot, meet Kettle.


The problem is that this thread had nothing to do with lswho. If I do post smack on your forum, it is ALWAYS in response to something about Auburn. You butted in and posted pictures for smack that had nothing to do with you...so they were promptly removed. Cry all you want, I couldn't care less.

But by all means, please delete any and all of my references to this past Auburn/lswho game on your forum...it's completely irrelevant, right? :big:


I don't have moderator access. Your gripe is not with me on that.

I still say that Brandon Jacobs has a legitimate gripe about racism at Auburn

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TRA, once the story came out, the University immediately kicked them out and boarded up the fraternity house. There was a trainer/coach(forget exact position) that was accused of using a racial slur. Dismissed immediately, no tolerance and no questions asked.

Prejudice exists in all walks of life and at all universities. When it reared it's head at Auburn, they dealt with it on the spot and as harshly as possible. What would you have them do?

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I still say that Brandon Jacobs has a legitimate gripe about racism at Auburn


And I still say that based on an incident that happened two years before he got to AU, and which was dealt with severely, that it isn't a legitimate gripe. And that's beside the point that Jacobs never mentioned this incident as the reasoning behind his racism swipe. It was based on some nebulous notion that black football players were treated better than other black student. Well, duh. Black football players are treated better than regular white students too. It's not color, it's the fact that you play for the football team at a football crazy school. Get a clue, both of you.

And given that you never attended Auburn or lived there for any length of time (did you?), your opinion doesn't carry much weight. Now if you had the perspective of this native of Illinois who has lived in Auburn since 1996, maybe we'd think you know what you're talking about:

Dear Editor:

I read Zack Creglow's article "Brandon Jacobs finds a home in Carbondale," and it is so opinionated and full of falsehoods that I had to respond. I grew up in Illinois, and I am proud to say I did. I also now reside in Auburn, Ala., and work as a professional for a large insurance corporation. Now, I think the folks back in Illinois need to be informed about this news article because I have lived here in Auburn since 1996. I have found Auburn to be a great place to raise a family, and I also love the community and support Auburn athletics. Minorities are respected and treated very well in Auburn. In fact, I could tell you more bad racial stories from my days living in Illinois than I have ever seen around here.

Brandon only lived in Auburn for a short time, maybe a year. He knew coming into Auburn that he would be fighting for a position behind two talented and veteran running backs. One thing about playing football in the SEC, I know for sure, is you play for the team and you earn your respect, and those out for personal glory usually don't make it. You pay your dues. I have seen more talented players than Jacobs come in who play hard and patiently wait their turn and make the best of their opportunities, and if they are team players, they come out on top.

I don't believe for one minute he was told he would start at Auburn before proving it on the field. Not even veteran players are guaranteed starting positions. There are very few primadonnas in this league. Also if you transfer expecting to be treated like a "star," your teammates are usually not going to like that type of attitude. Your playing time is not based on past glory or what the folks back home are thinking.

Brandon Jacobs didn't fit in at Auburn because he was trying to play for himself and not for the team. I wish him the best of luck at SIU because I still follow sports from my home state of Illinois. I imagine the coaches and players at SIU will also expect Jacobs to prove himself worthy of playing on their team. He will need to start playing for his school (SIU) and not for the name sewn on the back of his jersey. This article was based on Southern stereotypes and opinions of a bitter football player that is upset because he wasn't treated like he was in high school or junior college.

Alan Bevard

Auburn, Ala.


You can shut up now.

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titan, esquire, i have no idea where you two got the idea that the frats involved in that halloween spectacle were kicked off (mind you, i'm just guessing that's what the photos were of... can't see them, but i figure that's what was shown). NEITHER of them were "boarded up" and neither charter was revoked. one of them was beta, and if you're in school here, you should drive by. it's the HUGE house on new frat row. first one on the left. very little was done to either fraternity. they had to do increased community service and they had to work with "the pledge" people from birmingham on the basically anti-racism pledge signing. that's it. i think the people involved were suspended for a semester maybe.

and to answer you all, i am at auburn right now. i've been here for God knows how long (aka 5 years). during my time here, i've seen auburn make cnn TWICE for issues of racism. to say that the problem here is no different than anywhere else in the country is ridiculous. my two best friends here are black girls. they are treated differently than white girls if for no other reason than they are generally they are two of MAYBE 5 or 6 black folks at any given party. i'm sorry. you can disagree all you want, but black folks, unless you are an athlete (a well-known one at that) are treated differently. and it's not right. i'm sorry you disagree, but we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. and i'll never fault brandon for his comments on what he perceives as a social injustice. folks say all the time that athletes should use their platform to effect change... when one does, he generally gets raked over the coals.

and brandon came to auburn the first time b/c he knew we were better, and building something special. he came the second time b/c we were loyal to him when lsu wasn't. lsu is not a better academic school than auburn, and there was certainly no better competition on the field than here. brandon was better coming out of juco than "jv" as a freshman so he would've played that year.

like i said before, i am proud to say brandon went to auburn, and i hope he tears up the nfc east unless he's playing one of my new favorites: the redskins.

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So basically you reached the conclusion that black people aren't treated as good because white people outnumber black people? Wtf? :huh:

White people outnumber black people at Auburn...who knew? :blink:

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So basically you reached the conclusion that black people aren't treated as good because white people outnumber black people?  Wtf?  :huh:

White people outnumber black people at Auburn...who knew?  :blink:


Not being racist...but your not going to go to a school in the country where black people outnumber white people unless its Alabama A&M or a school of that nature. His claims were pretty lame. :no:

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it's not just a matter of outnumbering one race or another, but acting like there isn't social awkwardness related to race is just sticking your head in the sand. i just talked to my friend, who is a black girl, she says she did feel like she was treated differently in the social scene at auburn. she also said that athletes that she knew were much less likely to experience that same treatment b/c people were eager to talk to them instead of just getting stared at a lot like she did. that's all i'm saying. that's all i can tell that brandon was saying.

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it's not just a matter of outnumbering one race or another, but acting like there isn't social awkwardness related to race is just sticking your head in the sand. i just talked to my friend, who is a black girl, she says she did feel like she was treated differently in the social scene at auburn. she also said that athletes that she knew were much less likely to experience that same treatment b/c people were eager to talk to them instead of just getting stared at a lot like she did. that's all i'm saying. that's all i can tell that brandon was saying.


I tend to think this cuts both ways, it's just more likely to happen to black people because by virtue of being a minority, they will encounter more situations where they are one of few or the only black person at a gathering. I know plenty of white folks who could tell you similar stories about going to a high school that was 90% black and how they were treated. Auburn is a unique situation because you have two fairly decent sized historically black colleges within an hour of campus (Tuskegee and Alabama State), so a lot of the central/east Alabama black kids that go to college in state opt for one of those institutions over Auburn. It's natural to want to be around kids you can relate to. I don't attach anything sinister to it.

My issue with Brandon is that he wasn't in Auburn long enough to be spouting off like he did and he made some assumptions that I don't think are as watertight as you think they are. And he didn't just talk about racisim. He made some pretty sweeping judgments of Auburn people in general, the players and the coaches. Like I said, let any white football player walk into a room at Auburn and see how different they are treated. I bet Jason, Carnell and Ronnie were treated better than anyone on campus this year, black, white, or purple with turquoise polka dots.

And my bad on the revocation of the charters for the frats. I know they were suspended for a while and revoking it was on the table. I couldn't find a story that gave the final resolution of the deal, hence I prefaced my remark with "I believe..." rather than "I know."

Look, I'm not saying Auburn doesn't have issues with racism. And unfortunately, the rancor on the political scene these days has done nothing to help race relations in this country. Black people think whites don't treat them fairly or view them with suspicion. White people think they have to walk on eggshells around black people, never knowing when an innocent comment or gesture will be taken the wrong way or assumed to be coming from a motive of "racism." It's a frickin' mess and Auburn is no different than any number of colleges and small towns in the South trying to grapple with it. I still say Brandon should show a little more class for a place that gave him a shot when others backed off and deal with those he feels misled him directly rather than using the local paper at his new place to ingratiate himself to the locals. That's my two cents.

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much better worded by both of us i think. i know exactly what you mean by "it cuts both ways." i went to a high school that was majority black (wouldn't trade it for the world) so i've been there. i'm just saying it's a much different situation to deal with that ALL THE TIME like a black person does in auburn. walk into class... you're one of two. go to a party... you're part of a handful. the feeling that everyone is staring at you (or the reality that everyone is staring at you) gets uncomfortable. and i think brandon is correct in saying that the social makeup of auburn (basically we have one of the worst diversity percentages of any school even in the sec) is a contributing factor to that discomfort, and like he said, black athletes do not go through the same discomfort b/c they are revered (athlete worship, for all intents and purposes, is also a problem... the folks that freak out when they meet a 21 year old football player are probably the same idiots who freak out and call their friends when they are standing next to a B-list celebrity; can't do anything with them).

as for the rest, i just have to say that i've never seen a single comment to contradict what he claims went down. it's obviously detrimental to our recruiting to have a guy say "they said i would start, and they screwed me." so my question is: if we didn't say anything even remotely close to that, why not come out and say "look he's frustrated, but he was never promised anything"? why not? i have a feeling that brandon jacobs may be the last guy that was ever promised anything at auburn. do i think they told him he'd start? no. do i think they told him: you come here, we'll make you a star... probably. he was hurt, and as far as i'm concerned, he's done nothing else to make auburn regret sticking with him. keep in mind, this interview was covered by a lot of local papers. his glowing comments now have been covered by a lot of papers in new york city and alabama. the latter have had far more impact.

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Maybe I'm crazy, but when a black guy walks into class, I don't want to think, HEY ITS A BLACK GUY!!

The problem is, Political Correctness and Racism from the other side of the fence has turned so many people into robots around people who are different than them. Its not an Auburn thing, its an America thing.

To talk about Black people at Auburn not getting a fair shake is irresponsible on his part, because he is singling Auburn out AFTER the fact. That is where my beef lies.

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There is a HUGE difference in feeling awkward by being the in the minority and actual racism. If I enrolled at Alabama State and was one of maybe 100 white students on campus, you know what, I'd probably feel very uncomfortable and awkward in most social situations as well. Does that make it racism? Absolutely not. I have no doubt that minority students at AU and any other campus with similar enrollment have those same feelings. The claims of racism by Mr. Jacobs are what have most here upset with his original comments.

As for the frat house thing, I too jumped the gun without doing any real research. I based my comment on having gone by the house shortly after the incident and it being the one house looking like it was in a ghost town. Still, I think the University handled the problems quickly, as they should have.

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