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Part of why I still want Bernie

DKW 86

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50 minutes ago, homersapien said:

David, you really come across as a nasty little man with your constant insults. :no:

The only persons on this forum I insult are those that BEG for it. You have shown yourself to be an almost political knowledge joke over the last three years. Maybe you should turn off the Talking Points and sit back and open your mind to something besides whatever you are being spoon fed by the DNC? That will never happen tho and we all know it. 

You have posted EYEROLL articles here that are literally CRAZY.
You posted up an article by some drive-by psychiatrist that had never spent a nano-second with Trump on the couch talking about his deepest inner thinking and how his mind processed information. If you want to call Trump a narcissist, go ahead, he is a total narcissist, but dont claim some deep understanding of another's inner thought processes when you havent spent 5 seconds with him on the couch. Articles like that OBVIOUSLY LAUGHABLE ONE make almost everything you post EYEROLL MATERIAL. 

How many articles have you posted up that ultimately were just junk op-eds? Orange Man Bad!!! WE FREAKIN GET IT HOMEY. YOU DONT HAVE TO POST ANOTHER 3 articles a day for the next eight months. Okay? WE FREAKIN GET IT. 330M People in America get it. But screaming it everyday quoting The Alternet? etc is just being the Anti-Proud.

In honesty, not everything you post is crazy. But when you go off the deep end, you go off the deep end. 
DJT needs to go. But you have to do it at the ballot box. I have said that consistently for three years. We disagree BIGTIME on how to do even that. I think if Bernie had run in 2016, he would have taken Trump out. America wants a political outsider Bernie, Gabbard, Buttigieg, Trump are all outsiders. That may explain why they are doing as well as they are. 

The American People are tired of the DC Elites. We are tired of DNC INC & RNC INC. We are tired of Clinton INC. and biden looks like just another Retread of DNC INC. HRC II.
The middle class is tired of being "The Deplorables." 
The middle class is tired of being "The Bitter Clingers to the their Guns and Bibles."
The middle class is tired of not being allowed into the West Coast Wine Caves and really tired of being priced out of the $2880 per plate Wall Street galas where nearly all Republicans and nearly all Corporate Democrats get their marching orders from their Masters. 
The middle class is tired of not being Part of the TARP Bailouts that saved Wall Street while they are just now recovering from the 2008  financial crisis. 

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14 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

The only persons on this forum I insult are those that BEG for it. You have shown yourself to be an almost political knowledge joke over the last three years. Maybe you should turn off the Talking Points and sit back and open your mind to something besides whatever you are being spoon fed by the DNC? That will never happen tho and we all know it. 

You have posted EYEROLL articles here that are literally CRAZY.
You posted up an article by some drive-by psychiatrist that had never spent a nano-second with Trump on the couch talking about his deepest inner thinking and how his mind processed information. If you want to call Trump a narcissist, go ahead, he is a total narcissist, but dont claim some deep understanding of another's inner thought processes when you havent spent 5 seconds with him on the couch. Articles like that OBVIOUSLY LAUGHABLE ONE make almost everything you post EYEROLL MATERIAL. 

How many articles have you posted up that ultimately were just junk op-eds? Orange Man Bad!!! WE FREAKIN GET IT HOMEY. YOU DONT HAVE TO POST ANOTHER 3 articles a day for the next eight months. Okay? WE FREAKIN GET IT. 330M People in America get it. But screaming it everyday quoting The Alternet? etc is just being the Anti-Proud.

In honesty, not everything you post is crazy. But when you go off the deep end, you go off the deep end. 
DJT needs to go. But you have to do it at the ballot box. I have said that consistently for three years. We disagree BIGTIME on how to do even that. I think if Bernie had run in 2016, he would have taken Trump out. America wants a political outsider Bernie, Gabbard, Buttigieg, Trump are all outsiders. That may explain why they are doing as well as they are. 

The American People are tired of the DC Elites. We are tired of DNC INC & RNC INC. We are tired of Clinton INC. and biden looks like just another Retread of DNC INC. HRC II.
The middle class is tired of being "The Deplorables." 
The middle class is tired of being "The Bitter Clingers to the their Guns and Bibles."
The middle class is tired of not being allowed into the West Coast Wine Caves and really tired of being priced out of the $2880 per plate Wall Street galas where nearly all Republicans and nearly all Corporate Democrats get their marching orders from their Masters. 
The middle class is tired of not being Part of the TARP Bailouts that saved Wall Street while they are just now recovering from the 2008  financial crisis. 

Like I said.....

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23 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

If you look at the betting line, he still is...

Keep looking at betting lines and you’ll eliminate Bernie. 

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8 hours ago, alexava said:

Keep looking at betting lines and you’ll eliminate Bernie. 

Good point and i have...if you havent caught that yet. 

But here is an idea off of a bernie Supporting FB Group.

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Look know we called you brownshirts, blamed you for Trump, called you Russian bots, constantly lie about your agenda, gaslit you for years, engaged in mass voter suppression, got weird with an app in lowa and know we won't adopt any of your ideas and know Biden said he'd veto Medicare-For-All but I'm really going to need you to vote for this senile puppet now otherwise Trump going to win'

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US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard ends Democratic bid for president, endorses Joe Biden

* Sometimes you actually see the guano hitting the floor of the cave...If you ever thought TG was going to go third party, smeared and slandered her because of your stupidity and your hate, please refrain from voting ever again. The rest of us aint got no time for that.


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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:


US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard ends Democratic bid for president, endorses Joe Biden

* Sometimes you actually see the guano hitting the floor of the cave...If you ever thought TG was going to go third party, smeared and slandered her because of your stupidity and your hate, please refrain from voting ever again. The rest of us aint got no time for that.


Exhibit 1163 that Kulinski and the Young Turks give otherwise reasonable people brainworms. 

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13 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Exhibit 1163 that Kulinski and the Young Turks give otherwise reasonable people brainworms. 

You actually believed all the BS about Major Gabbard being a Russian Plant and Guaranteed going Third Party? At least admit you were dead wrong as usual about that. All that Russian Plant, Traitor, Third Party, etc was from the truly totally mindless voters.

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7 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

You actually believed all the BS about Major Gabbard being a Russian Plant and Guaranteed going Third Party? At least admit you were dead wrong as usual about that. All that Russian Plant, Traitor, Third Party, etc was from the truly totally mindless voters.

I think she's a political opportunist in the same vein as Hillary Rodham Clinton, and consider her excuse making for Bashar Al-Assad as he wantonly slaughtered his own people a low point in a s***ty political career.

And I have never said either of the bull**** accusations in that first sentence you're trying to strawman me with.

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2 minutes ago, AUDub said:

I think she's a political opportunist in the same vein as Hillary Rodham Clinton, and consider her excuse making for Bashar Al-Assad as he wantonly slaughtered his own people a low point in a s***ty political career.

And I have never said either of the bull**** accusations in that first sentence you're trying to strawman me with.

Those were the ones I am bashing the totally mindless with. Not everything is aimed at you. How many pundits, those running for the nomination, including HRC, smeared TG and outright lied their asses off about her? If you are going to call DJT on his many many lies, then by all means call out DNC INC for theirs. If you want to laugh at someone lets have a laugh at them all. 



in an interview last week on David Plouffe’s podcast (start at the 27:57 mark), the former secretary of state alleged that Republicans have set their sights already on a 2020 Democratic contestant who they believe can be persuaded into running as a third-party candidate. Clinton’s theory is that such an individual would siphon votes away from the Democratic presidential nominee in the general election, benefiting President Trump greatly at the polls.

“They (Reps) are also going to do third-party again, and I’m not making any predictions but I think they got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” she said on Oct. 17.....

That said, Clinton still alleged, without evidence, that Gabbard is a "Russian asset."

“She is a favorite of the Russians,” Clinton said of the combat veteran. “They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far.”


How can anyone listen to that bilge and believe any word HRC has ever said?
"The Republicans are grooming Tulsi for a third party run"...what hogwash, she just thru her support behind Biden.
HRC slimed TG with the Russian Asset BS...Someone tell me once again how HRC is anything but a sore loser hack that has staked her legacy on running two of the worst campaigns for President in history. Out spent Trump by $500M and still lost. 


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Just now, DKW 86 said:

Those were the ones I am bashing the totally mindless with. Not everything is aimed at you. How many pundits, those running for the nomination, including HRC, smeared TG and outright lied their asses off about her? If you are going to call DJT on his many many lies, then by all means call out DNC INC for theirs. If you want to laugh at someone lets have a laugh at them all. 

How can anyone listen to that bilge and believe any word HRC has ever said?
"The Republicans are grooming Tulsi for a third party run"...what hogwash, she just thru her support behind Biden.
HRC slimed TG with the Russian Asset BS...Someone tell me once again how HRC is anything but a sore loser hack that has staked her legacy on running two of the worst campaigns for President in history. Out spent Trump by $500M and still lost. 


How else am I to take "wait, you seriously believed...? " It was, at best, a loaded question. 

The "Russian asset" thing was a misquote of HRC. We even had a thread on it.

But even if the Hillary you posted was true, two things can be true simultaneously; Hillary is a bitter asshat, and Tulsi is an opportunist of the worst sort not unlike Hillary herself.

And, hey, Bernie was outspending and outfundraising Biden too. How far did that get him?

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4 hours ago, AUDub said:

The "Russian asset" thing was a misquote of HRC. We even had a thread on it.


That quote came from an article of the writer apologizing for saying that HRC saying TG was being groomed by the Russians.
HRC said: 
TG was a Russian Asset
Jill Stein was a Russian Asset.

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10 hours ago, AUDub said:

I think she's a political opportunist in the same vein as Hillary Rodham Clinton, and consider her excuse making for Bashar Al-Assad as he wantonly slaughtered his own people a low point in a s***ty political career.

And I have never said either of the bull**** accusations in that first sentence you're trying to strawman me with.

That's his M.O.

(And apparently, he just recently learned the meaning of "guano".:laugh:)

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