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Part of why I still want Bernie

DKW 86

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Joe Biden to host more than 250 donors from Wall Street, big business at NYC fundraisers – here’s the guest list

The topic will be how make the 1% richer, cut your benefits, and probably who is going to hire Hunter at $1M/yr for a job he doesnt know how to spell.


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Sanders gets more Trumpian by the day

(emphasis mine)

Populist leaders present themselves as the only authentic voice of the “people.” Therefore, critics in the media are enemies of the people, for to take on the leader is to attack the people. When the leader is rejected at the polls, it cannot be an authentic expression of the people. The system must be rigged; the establishment must be out to get the candidates and, by extension, the people.

We have seen this for the three years President Trump has been in office, and previously in his 2016 campaign. The deep state, the fake news and the elites (not “real” Americans) are out to get him, he says. He insists that all these forces do not respect the people, his followers and the only real Americans.

We are reminded in watching Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), as his presidential campaign fizzles, this mind-set is not limited to the right. Sanders had this exchange on ABC’s “This Week”:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: When you joined us last Sunday, you were leading in delegates, look poised for a big lead coming out of Super Tuesday. Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg all still in the race. How surprised were you by Super Tuesday and how do you explain it?
SANDERS: Well, one of the things that I was kind of not surprised by is the power of establishment to force Amy Klobuchar, who had worked so hard, Pete Buttigieg, who, you know, really worked extremely hard as well, out of the race.
What was very clear from the media narrative and what the establishment wanted was to make sure that people coalesced around [former vice president Joe] Biden and try to defeat me. So that’s not surprising.
We are taking on, George, as I think everybody knows, the establishment.
We’re taking on the corporate establishment. We’re taking on the political establishment. And what you are seeing now just in the last few weeks is Wall Street, the health-care industry, the billionaire class putting a lot of money into Joe’s campaign.

This is bonkers. Other Democrats got out of the race because voters across the country did not vote for them. Sanders sneers at them as if they are puppets on a string, yanked out of the race by nefarious forces. They actually looked at the facts, saw they could not win and decided Biden had a better chance to unify the country and beat Trump than did a self-proclaimed socialist who cannot resist the urge to pick fights with his own party. This is akin to his waving off South Carolina voters, predominantly African American, and instead attributing Biden’s win to “corporate Democrats.”

Sanders’s complaint about billionaires giving to Biden’s campaign (they would be limited to $2,800 per person like all other donors) is part of the fixation with attributing opponents’ success to something other than popular opinion. Sanders had no real answer when Stephanopoulos pointed out that “you outspent him on Super Tuesday.” In fact, one of the remarkable aspects of Biden’s romp on Super Tuesday was his lack of ads and organization in states in which Sanders poured in millions and had paid people on the ground.

For an ideologue such as Sanders, there is always reason to oppose practical measures, be it the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement or President Barack Obama’s bailout to save the country from a devastating depression. Stephanopoulos pointed out that the latter was “also backed by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, your own senior senator from Vermont, Pat Leahy.” Were they also wrong? Sanders responded, “That’s right.” For Sanders, no Democrat is pure or operating out of good will. They are all dupes and pawns.

One might ask how he expects to accomplish any of his extreme agenda when so many in the Democratic Party have no interest in his views or how he expects to unite a party when, he acknowledges, “we’re not going to get the support of most elected leaders. Not most governors, not most senators.”

Sanders keeps insisting he is “winning the support of grass-roots America.” That simply is not so. Biden won 10 of 14 states, driving turnout sky-high in states he won, like Virginia. Sanders’s promised onslaught of new voters has never shown up.

Perhaps he and his snarling online supporters should confront an unpleasant truth: Sanders’s problem is not the establishment or corporate Democrats or billionaires. It is the voters.


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Bernie is a fool for not realizing how narrow and unreliable his base is, and a fool for thinking like minded democrats would end his only chance of pulling it out by narrowing the field. The establishment he rails against constantly are just as much the voters as the candidates and politicians, and he decided he didn't need them. 

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And now a lesson about eating your own. How dare a sketch comedy show exist then there are people with needs out there. 

Seriously, the swarm of Bernie Bros going off about this is laughable. Read through the responses. 


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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

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Kulinski and Cenk give otherwise reasonable people brainworms. 

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On 3/9/2020 at 1:36 PM, AUDub said:

Bernie is a fool for not realizing how narrow and unreliable his base is, and a fool for thinking like minded democrats would end his only chance of pulling it out by narrowing the field. The establishment he rails against constantly are just as much the voters as the candidates and politicians, and he decided he didn't need them. 

He eliminated himself years ago by labeling himself as a socialist. I don’t think much of what does now even matters. But you are correct. He has been called inflexible. I appreciate his honesty,it’s consistent. But he’ll never win and it’s his fault. 

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It's becoming clear that Bernie's base is much smaller than we thought. In 2016, many voters just voted against her-- not necessarily for him.

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Look, I am telling the truth here. I am not saying I am not voting against DJT. (I am voting against DJT) I also have no clue why it is so hard a concept that this is one of those elections where you hold your nose and do the correct thing, but you still are going to have to hold your nose. BIDEN IS AT BEST, REPUBLICAN LITE. He is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Wall Street, ESPECIALLY BIG BANKING, and has been for decades. I still 100% support Bernie, and think he is heads up the better candidate. However you have to be a fool to believe that the youth vote didnt bail on him the last 2 weeks or so. He has soundly lost all momentum and the path to the nomination. That also doesnt mean that voting for the equivalent of "The Candidate the Republican Party should have Run" doesnt make me sick. It does. I would have picked Gabbard, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, etc, over Biden. Biden is there for one and only one reason, Beating DJT, NOTHING MORE.

And get ready folks, there are going to be all kinds of Biden memes coming for the next 7-8 months. And Biden is going to be exactly the candidate folks turned their back on in HRC. 

Election 2020: Chose between the Good, Average, Everyday, Run of the Mill Republican or the Bad, Crazy, Orange Republican.

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

Election 2020: Chose between the Good, Average, Everyday, Run of the Mill Republican or the Bad, Crazy, Orange Republican.

I'll take the "good, average, everyday, run-of-the-Republican" every day if that's the choice.


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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

I'll take the "good, average, everyday, run-of-the-Republican" every day if that's the choice.

If thats all that it takes to make you happy...so be it.


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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Didn't you just admit having the same position?  :dunno:

I may ACCEPT the position, but I am in no way HAPPY about it. 

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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Look, I am telling the truth here. I am not saying I am not voting against DJT. (I am voting against DJT) I also have no clue why it is so hard a concept that this is one of those elections where you hold your nose and do the correct thing, but you still are going to have to hold your nose. BIDEN IS AT BEST, REPUBLICAN LITE. He is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Wall Street, ESPECIALLY BIG BANKING, and has been for decades. I still 100% support Bernie, and think he is heads up the better candidate. However you have to be a fool to believe that the youth vote didnt bail on him the last 2 weeks or so. He has soundly lost all momentum and the path to the nomination. That also doesnt mean that voting for the equivalent of "The Candidate the Republican Party should have Run" doesnt make me sick. It does. I would have picked Gabbard, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, etc, over Biden. Biden is there for one and only one reason, Beating DJT, NOTHING MORE.

And get ready folks, there are going to be all kinds of Biden memes coming for the next 7-8 months. And Biden is going to be exactly the candidate folks turned their back on in HRC. 

Election 2020: Chose between the Good, Average, Everyday, Run of the Mill Republican or the Bad, Crazy, Orange Republican.

I agree with you that Biden and Trump are owned by Wall Street, but if you are implying that the other dem candidates aren't also bought and paid for then I disagree on that.

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2 minutes ago, Grumps said:

I agree with you that Biden and Trump are owned by Wall Street, but if you are implying that the other dem candidates aren't also bought and paid for then I disagree on that.

Tulsi, Bernie, too? I wonder if anyone, other than Franck and Dodd, owe more to Wall Street than Biden. 

They all take money, but not all turn around and be the lap dog like Biden was...

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1 minute ago, DKW 86 said:

Tulsi, Bernie, too?

Honestly, I don't know much about Tulsi's views even though I voted for her in the primary (funny how you never got to hear her views unless you look hard for it). I'll agree with you that Bernie is probably not owned by Wall Street. He still scares me more than any other dem candidate though, just because it seems like SOMEBODY has to pay for everything.

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4 hours ago, homersapien said:

Why did you presume I was, other than to throw some shade? 

Then say so. I am in no way happy about this. How do we go from dominating the issues with Bernie a month ago to now running Republican Lite?

Not a happy camper myself. Biden is better than Trump, but man...Electing him guarantees we wont see any real movement for maybe up to 12 years. 
We have issues right now and putting Biden in the WH means we get 8-12 years of nothing new. Just 8-12 more years of the 1%ers getting even richer by the day. 

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2 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Then say so. I am in no way happy about this. How do we go from dominating the issues with Bernie a month ago to now running Republican Lite?

Not a happy camper myself. Biden is better than Trump, but man...Electing him guarantees we wont see any real movement for maybe up to 12 years. 
We have issues right now and putting Biden in the WH means we get 8-12 years of nothing new. Just 8-12 more years of the 1%ers getting even richer by the day. 

No way Bernie would win the presidency.  He's not even winning the nomination, and he won't.

But even if he did win the presidency, there's no way he'd get his agenda passed.  Hell, he wouldn't even have the support of the majority of Democrats. With Biden, we will at least reverse Trump's agenda.  That alone would be progress.

With Bernie as the Democratic candidate, we get 4 more years of Trump. 

With Biden, Democrats get at least the Presidency and the House and possibly the Senate if turnout tops 60%.


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And we get 4 more years of nothing...Its better than a negative, but we have to move forward and the only one going to do that is Bernie. Biden wont even look at it. 


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Here are some of the people Biden is considering for senior positions, per Axios:

  • Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is a top contender to head up the World Bank. Bloomberg endorsed Biden immediately after dropping out of the 2020 race.
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as Treasury secretary. Warren dropped out of the race last week after disappointing losses on Super Tuesday but hasn't yet made an endorsement. Axios reported that Warren's name had been floated as part of an effort to unite the fractured Democratic Party around Biden. Some of Biden's advisers have also suggested Warren as a vice-presidential candidate for that reason.
  • Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, as the US ambassador to the United Nations or the US trade representative. Buttigieg also endorsed Biden shortly after dropping out.
  • Some Biden advisers see Sen. Kamala Harris of California as a contender for attorney general if she's not on the ticket.
  • JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Bank of America Vice Chairman Anne Finucane have both been floated for positions at the Treasury Department.
  • The Biden campaign is also considering a slew of veterans from the Obama administration for key positions. Among those being considered:
    • Former Secretary of State John Kerry may reprise his role or take on a Cabinet position focused on combatting climate change.
    • The former national security adviser Susan Rice may be nominated for a State Department role.
    • Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is a contender for attorney general.

Biden's campaign got a critical boost last week when the former vice president swept up victories in 10 out of the 14 US states that voted on Super Tuesday.



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28 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

And we get 4 more years of nothing...Its better than a negative, but we have to move forward and the only one going to do that is Bernie. Biden wont even look at it. 


Do you have any idea how much work it will be to undo some of what has been done, let alone try to make any progress in a different direction? Bernie does not know how to build coalitions, has not ever spearheaded major legislation passed. It will take all of that experience, plus some to roll the sleeves up and get things done. On top of all of that, we need someone who knows how to quickly get experts back into our government at career positions. There are Departments and agencies that have been decimated by premature retirements, etc because of our current administration. This isn't just about medicare for all. 

And I get your hate for political parties, I do. But your vitriol around anything with our government seems to have progressively amped up over the years. It's been sad to watch.

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9 minutes ago, channonc said:

Do you have any idea how much work it will be to undo some of what has been done, let alone try to make any progress in a different direction? Bernie does not know how to build coalitions, has not ever spearheaded major legislation passed. It will take all of that experience, plus some to roll the sleeves up and get things done. On top of all of that, we need someone who knows how to quickly get experts back into our government at career positions. There are Departments and agencies that have been decimated by premature retirements, etc because of our current administration. This isn't just about medicare for all. 

And I get your hate for political parties, I do. But your vitriol around anything with our government seems to have progressively amped up over the years. It's been sad to watch.

Aint seen nothing yet. We have people in America that have NEEDS TODAY. Needs no one in DC gives a frick about. And with Biden in office, we arent going to get one nanometer of positive motion as long as we have someone sold-out to Wall Street, especially the Banking Industry. No one running for office has a strong sycophantic bent like Biden has. He has no peers. Axios published a list that was supposedly leaked by Biden Staffers. It is filled DC dullards and Banking Strongmen. Sad. The American Middle Class will continue to get screwed yet again. SSDD

Forgive me if I actually wanted more. 

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