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Consider the Possibility That Trump Is Right About China


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2 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

Consistent with what I said except it leaves out the stick part. POTUS said some nice things in public while at the same time putting a $250B tariff on their goods which forced a trade deal. Then he put an early travel ban on their country to fight the virus when we had 0 deaths and just 5 cases. China was very unhappy about both of those actions as were their msm and pol sycophants. The author also leaves out the context, the things the NIH, CDC and WHO were saying and advising during that timeline.

I don't think you get it, IronMan. What Trump SAYS is no different from what he DOES. There is no difference. If he make a petty tweet then the country's economic outlook or unemployment rate doesn't matter. All of the rest of us are defined by our actions, but not Trump!

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3 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

Consistent with what I said except it leaves out the stick part. POTUS said some nice things in public while at the same time putting a $250B tariff on their goods which forced a trade deal. Then he put an early travel ban on their country to fight the virus when we had 0 deaths and just 5 cases. China was very unhappy about both of those actions as were their msm and pol sycophants. The author also leaves out the context, the things the NIH, CDC and WHO were saying and advising during that timeline.

BS. Trump sang their praises because he wanted to downplay the threat to us even though he had info telling him the threat was serious and imminent. 

Is Trump right about the threat China poses? In many respects, yes. But he has no well thought out and consistent plan to address it. Has America been wrong in its approach to China on many things? Absolutely. Does Trump have a plan? Of course not. Have tariffs had the desired effect? No. His standing with our allies weakened us in regard to lessening Huawei’s influence. He’s leading no one except his mindless sheep to slaughter.

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5 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

BS. Trump sang their praises because he wanted to downplay the threat to us even though he had info telling him the threat was serious and imminent. 

Is Trump right about the threat China poses? In many respects, yes. But he has no well thought out and consistent plan to address it. Has America been wrong in its approach to China on many things? Absolutely. Does Trump have a plan? Of course not. Have tariffs had the desired effect? No. His standing with our allies weakened us in regard to lessening Huawei’s influence. He’s leading no one except his mindless sheep to slaughter.

BS describes your first sentence, perfectly. The motive you assign to POTUS is an opinion drawn on mere speculation. Navarro was the one circulating his memo within the administration with his opinion on the danger. That opinion was contrary to that of the healthcare professionals, at that time. But what did POTUS do ? He put on the China travel ban 2 days later. Run a timeline of what the health experts were saying immediately before and after he banned China travel against their recommendations. Your 2nd paragraph is rife with incorrect conclusions and speculation (his plan, tariffs, etc.)  It oddly resembles the globalist pablum fed to their mindless robots.    


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7 hours ago, Grumps said:

I don't think you get it, IronMan. What Trump SAYS is no different from what he DOES. There is no difference. If he make a petty tweet then the country's economic outlook or unemployment rate doesn't matter. All of the rest of us are defined by our actions, but not Trump!

I've noticed that, lol. It's funny you mention that because Charlie Hurt at the Washington Times posted an article on that very topic today.



Dictator ? Trump Understands Limits to His Power Better Than Press Does

By Charles Hurt - The Washington Times - Monday, April 20, 2020

Instead of freaking out over Trump's words, reporters should consider his actions. As always, President Trump’s humble modesty is his greatest asset.

I know what you are thinking. Everybody knows he is a swashbuckling, loud-mouthed, crass-talking Yankee. You know … Don. Don from Queens. The real estate mogul who slaps his name in gold on everything he owns. The guy who picks fights with reporters in wildly entertaining beat downs worthy of the pro-wrestling circuit.

“When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total,” Mr. Trump recently bellowed at reporters questioning his authority during this time of crisis. “And that’s the way it’s got to be.”

Let’s put aside the stupidity of reporters for one second. They are forever vacillating between accusing Mr. Trump of not doing enough and doing too much. They will claim whatever it takes at any given moment to tarnish, ridicule or undermine this president.

Mr. Trump’s claim on “total” authority sent the jackals scurrying back to the Constitution to declare that Mr. Trump was behaving more like a king. Suddenly, the press corps had broken out in hives of federalism.

Well, good for them. They will be back to crotch-nuzzling a king and getting scratched behind the ears with his scepter just as soon as the next Barack Obama gets into the White House.

As usual, the problem here is that even after years of listening to Mr. Trump, these morons have no idea how Mr. Trump speaks or what he means. Clearly, the president does not believe he has “total” authority. (Think of all he could have accomplished if he did!)

Instead of freaking out over his words, they should consider his actions.

Just last week, he advised that it was governors — not the president — who actually have the frontline authority to ease restrictions to reopen the economy.

That is because the president understands that his highest authority during these times is merely that he has the biggest bullhorn. It is his press conferences that Americans are tuning into. He is the man with the biggest pulpit.

And, as a wise leader, he knows that is where his authority to force people into quarantine begins. And he knows that is where it ends as well.

Obviously, the president does have specific authorities in times of national crisis to take other bold actions, such as closing borders or prohibiting foreigners from flying into the country. And he did that.

But when it comes to forcing American citizens to stay home, he can only advise.

The real stupidity starts when state and local authorities start arresting preachers or citing people for showing up at church or chasing after people running down an empty beach. The First Amendment of the Constitution could not be clearer on the right of Americans to assemble peacefully. And the right of Americans to attend church unmolested by government actors.

Only a complete fool politician would test that authority by arresting someone or detaining them or physically barring them from going to church.

Any such case would quickly shoot to the top of the courts, where the Supreme Court would flatly rule any such actions as totally unconstitutional.

This would erode any future governor’s ability to use the bully pulpit to advance public safety, as may be necessary in the next pandemic.

• Charles Hurt is opinion editor of The Washington Times. He can be reached at churt@washingtontimes.com or @charleshurt on Twitter.

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1 hour ago, IronMan70 said:

BS describes your first sentence, perfectly. The motive you assign to POTUS is an opinion drawn on mere speculation. Navarro was the one circulating his memo within the administration with his opinion on the danger. That opinion was contrary to that of the healthcare professionals, at that time. But what did POTUS do ? He put on the China travel ban 2 days later. Run a timeline of what the health experts were saying immediately before and after he banned China travel against their recommendations. Your 2nd paragraph is rife with incorrect conclusions and speculation (his plan, tariffs, etc.)  It oddly resembles the globalist pablum fed to their mindless robots.    


You choose ignorance. Educate yourself.

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7 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

You choose ignorance. Educate yourself.

That dog won't hunt. I chose to educate myself about the dangers of globalism long ago. But my last sentence was pretty tough on you globalist lemmings, I get that. Speaking of your education, did you run that timeline on the statements by the healthcare advisors yet ? 

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17 hours ago, Grumps said:

I don't think you get it, IronMan. What Trump SAYS is no different from what he DOES. There is no difference. If he make a petty tweet then the country's economic outlook or unemployment rate doesn't matter. All of the rest of us are defined by our actions, but not Trump!

When you are the POTUS, your words are actions.  Ever hear the term "bully pulpit"?

Of course, Trump doesn't understand that, which is a different subject.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

When you are the POTUS, your words are actions.  Ever hear the term "bully pulpit"?

Of course, Trump doesn't understand that, which is a different subject.

That's pretty funny! When does Trump's murder trial start??? "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters." - DJT

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