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Consider the Possibility That Trump Is Right About China


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39 minutes ago, homersapien said:

The article was to reveal China's long term plan.

I think the coronavirus pandemic has hurt this plan. But eventually, this will end and in China, long term plans are exactly that, long term.

Trump's adversity to multi-lateralism and supporting global organizations facilitates China's strategies. 

It is something our next POTUS will have to start reversing immediately,  along with the myriad other misguided policies Trump has instituted due to his ignorance, such as environmental protection.

Do you mean Biden?  The guy that announced China can’t compete with the U.S.?  That next President?  The one that wants open boarders and globalism?  That guy?  Got it.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you mean Biden?  The guy that announced China can’t compete with the U.S.?  That next President?  The one that wants open boarders and globalism?  That guy?  Got it.

That would be him which is the same as our previous 4 Presidents. Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama all have something in common, they were all establishment globalists. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are one in the same, there is no difference. They throw out issues around the edges as pablum, crumbs for their respective groups to chew on, to set one group against another. At the same time they push globalism, for their own benefit and that of the establishment, to the detriment of our own country and its sovereignty. This has happened on one issue after another over 35 years and changing that is what motivates most us. This has never been about Republicans vs Democrats for most Trump supporters. Trump is a danger to both sides.

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Do you mean Biden?  The guy that announced China can’t compete with the U.S.?  That next President?  The one that wants open boarders and globalism?  That guy?  Got it.

Can you back up those claims with references? 

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8 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Can you back up those claims with references? 


Yet the Democratic Party's presumptive front-runners, Biden and Sanders, have failed to explain how their reckless open borders policy and promises of health care to millions of illegal immigrants will be supported by a deluged health care system and paid for by taxpayers -- especially during an ongoing pandemic that's estimated to continue for many months.


Mr. Biden’s globalist views are reflected in his in-depth blueprint for solving the nation’s faulty immigration system. It might have seemed proper prior to the unwelcome arrival of the virus, but its emphasis is on treating the entry of immigrants unbidden as American as mom and apple pie. Protecting the rights of existing Americans, not so much.



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Another reference:

“Some of you are going to get mad at me with this, but nobody is going to be deported in my first 100 days until we get through the point we find out the only rationale for deportation will be whether or not, whether or not you have committed a felony while in the country,” he said.

The former vice president has tacked to the left in his immigration rhetoric in recent months, saying in January that he would fire any ICE agent who tried to deport an undocumented immigrant not charged with a felony, and added that “I don’t count drunk driving as a felony.”


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20 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:


Yet the Democratic Party's presumptive front-runners, Biden and Sanders, have failed to explain how their reckless open borders policy and promises of health care to millions of illegal immigrants will be supported by a deluged health care system and paid for by taxpayers -- especially during an ongoing pandemic that's estimated to continue for many months.


Mr. Biden’s globalist views are reflected in his in-depth blueprint for solving the nation’s faulty immigration system. It might have seemed proper prior to the unwelcome arrival of the virus, but its emphasis is on treating the entry of immigrants unbidden as American as mom and apple pie. Protecting the rights of existing Americans, not so much.



So are you saying that China - with their communist system - is going to out-compete the United States for global leadership?

You are betting on China?  Really?

Biden is simply saying that our democracy had inherent advantages over such an authoritarian system.  At least it would if we had a rational POTUS instead of the idiot we have.  China will assume our role of global leader only if we abdicate it in favor of a parochial "America First" policy.

And he is basically correct about immigration. It has been the foundational strength of our country from the beginning.  That is not to say we should have "open borders", which we have never had.

And if this pandemic doesn't illustrate the fact we exist in one world, you'll never understand even understand the term "globalism".

Trump - and people like you - apparently prefer the nationalist philosophy that was so common in the first half of the 20th century.  Presumably, because it worked so well. :rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

So are you saying that China - with their communist system - is going to out-compete the United States for global leadership?

You are betting on China?  Really?

Biden is simply saying that our democracy had inherent advantages over such an authoritarian system.  At least it would if we had a rational POTUS instead of the idiot we have.  China will assume our role of global leader only if we abdicate it in favor of a parochial "America First" policy.

And he is basically correct about immigration. It has been the foundational strength of our country from the beginning.  Get used to it.

What a classic mis-read (leap of logic) by you.  What I am saying is that Sleepy Joe wouldn’t know if China is a threat to the U.S. until is was too late.  I disagree with your assumptions on the “America First” policy.  We need to take over some of the manufacturing of critical medical supplies from China.

Since when does giving up on the rule of law correct about immigration?  We have boarders for a reason and immigration laws that help protect the boarders. We have legal immigration that we monitor, illegal immigration is, well, illegal.


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30 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

What a classic mis-read (leap of logic) by you.  What I am saying is that Sleepy Joe wouldn’t know if China is a threat to the U.S. until is was too late.  I disagree with your assumptions on the “America First” policy.  We need to take over some of the manufacturing of critical medical supplies from China.

Since when does giving up on the rule of law correct about immigration?  We have boarders for a reason and immigration laws that help protect the boarders. We have legal immigration that we monitor, illegal immigration is, well, illegal.


Biden was simply pumping up the United States as a superior system, as in rah rah!

He certainly knows that China represents a competitive threat in all respects.  And thankfully, he certainly doesn't think that he knows more than the generals and economists who will be advising him, like the current narcissist in chief.

This whole argument that Biden is oblivious to the competitive threat the Chinese represent is absurd on it's face, particularly with the "evidence" you are presenting.:rolleyes:

And I don't think Biden has ever advocated illegal immigration or "open borders".  That's just another bogus claim.

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On ‎4‎/‎18‎/‎2020 at 2:43 PM, I_M4_AU said:

What a classic mis-read (leap of logic) by you.  What I am saying is that Sleepy Joe wouldn’t know if China is a threat to the U.S. until is was too late.  I disagree with your assumptions on the “America First” policy.  We need to take over some of the manufacturing of critical medical supplies from China.

Since when does giving up on the rule of law correct about immigration?  We have boarders for a reason and immigration laws that help protect the boarders. We have legal immigration that we monitor, illegal immigration is, well, illegal.


It's amazing how the supporters of the R and D establishment will contort themselves to support the globalist policies that have done so much damage to America. Even in the face of a pandemic, when the globalists have eagerly allowed the manufacture of key pharmaceuticals to go to Communist China leaving us dangerously exposed, they will still rationalize it. I agree, on this and many other critical issues, America First.

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20 hours ago, homersapien said:

And I don't think Biden has ever advocated illegal immigration or "open borders".

What Biden does is advocate that he will not deport anybody for 100 days in his administration.  What that does is signal anybody in other countries to come over the boarders, through any means possible, and you will not be deported.  At that point the system will become overwhelmed again and the chance of that illegal immigrant to be deported is lower that the death rate of the Coronavirus. It is open boarders by a different name.  Don’t be fooled.

What do you think of former A.G. Sessions’ new suggestion?

Are you for America and American workers or immigration at all coasts?

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On 4/5/2020 at 10:04 PM, AUFAN78 said:

And yet even as the current emergency has proved him right in fundamental ways—about China specifically and foreign policy more generally—many respectable people in the United States are letting their disdain for the president blind them to what is really going on in the world. Far from discrediting Trump’s point of view, the COVID-19 crisis reveals what his strategy asserted: that the world is a competitive arena in which great power rivals like China seek advantage, that the state remains the irreplaceable agent of international power and effective action, that international institutions have limited capacity to transform the behavior and preferences of states.


then why is trump getting all his reelection gear from china when he keeps touting america first? i bet some small american businesses would love to have that contract. oh wait...........he tries to stiff payments all the time except for hookers. wink...........now thats funny right buddy?grins

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

What Biden does is advocate that he will not deport anybody for 100 days in his administration.  What that does is signal anybody in other countries to come over the boarders, through any means possible, and you will not be deported.  At that point the system will become overwhelmed again and the chance of that illegal immigrant to be deported is lower that the death rate of the Coronavirus. It is open boarders by a different name.  Don’t be fooled.

What do you think of former A.G. Sessions’ new suggestion?

Are you for America and American workers or immigration at all coasts?

maybe the first hundred days is his way of saying they have a hundred days to get out before he takes action?

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13 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

It's amazing how the supporters of the R and D establishment will contort themselves to support the globalist policies that have done so damage to America. Even in the face of a pandemic, when the globalists have eagerly allowed the manufacture of key pharmaceuticals to go to Communist China leaving us dangerously exposed, they will still rationalize it. I agree, on this and many other critical issues, America First.

it is not so much about globalization as it is greed. most of those cats are on record saying cheap labor and lower taxes. they are patriotic until they have to shell out a few more bucks to support american workers and then that ol greed kicks in and they say screw em. THAT is what happened........

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3 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

maybe the first hundred days is his way of saying they have a hundred days to get out before he takes action?

That would be a good take, but why not state that?  He did say that the only people he would deport after the 100 days is the illegal  immigrants that have committed a felony. I just don’t think he is strong on boarders

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Just now, I_M4_AU said:

That would be a good take, but why not state that?  He did say that the only people he would deport after the 100 days is the illegal  immigrants that have committed a felony. I just don’t think he is strong on boarders

because some people do not have to act like punks or thugs to get their point across. you sir have been trump washed..............or so it would appear.

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8 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

it is not so much about globalization as it is greed. most of those cats are on record saying cheap labor and lower taxes. they are patriotic until they have to shell out a few more bucks to support american workers and then that ol greed kicks in and they say screw em. THAT is what happened........

It's ALL about the greed, including globalism. It's also a direct threat to our country. There was a confluence of interest between the establishment of the Rs and Ds for the cheap labor and votes through open borders. The very same forces were at play, for the same reasons, in the destruction of our manufacturing base along with the hundreds of thousands of jobs of American workers. The Koch (Rs) type money was on one side and the Soros (Ds) type money was on the other. Meanwhile the establishment politicians got wealthy in the process, using "contributions" to their foundations (from foreign governments, individuals, etc.) as the conduit. It's all sickening and corrupt to the core.      

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12 hours ago, IronMan70 said:

It's ALL about the greed, including globalism. It's also a direct threat to our country. There was a confluence of interest between the establishment of the Rs and Ds for the cheap labor and votes through open borders. The very same forces were at play, for the same reasons, in the destruction of our manufacturing base along with the hundreds of thousands of jobs of American workers. The Koch (Rs) type money was on one side and the Soros (Ds) type money was on the other. Meanwhile the establishment politicians got wealthy in the process, using "contributions" to their foundations (from foreign governments, individuals, etc.) as the conduit. It's all sickening and corrupt to the core.      

great take on that. i wish we had term limits for everyone.

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On 4/9/2020 at 3:11 PM, IronMan70 said:

Trump IS right about China. He has been right about China all along.

Which time? He’s taken every position in regard to China?

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22 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

then why is trump getting all his reelection gear from china when he keeps touting america first? i bet some small american businesses would love to have that contract. oh wait...........he tries to stiff payments all the time except for hookers. wink...........now thats funny right buddy?grins

Because is the world’s greatest hypocrite with easily duped followers.

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21 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

That would be a good take, but why not state that?  He did say that the only people he would deport after the 100 days is the illegal  immigrants that have committed a felony. I just don’t think he is strong on boarders

100 days. 3 months to sort thru the current mess and then restart the process. Do you really think that’s so problematic? Obama deported more folks than Trump. 

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32 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

100 days. 3 months to sort thru the current mess and then restart the process. Do you really think that’s so problematic? Obama deported more folks than Trump. 

When he says he will not deport felons in that time period and not consider a drunk driver a felon, yes I do.

Former vice president Joe Biden said Monday that “I don’t count drunk driving as a felony” during a Vice News panel on minority issues.  

Biden’s comments came after he was asked “what exact changes would you bring to ICE as an agency,” and he responded by saying he would fire an agent who tried to deport an undocumented immigrant not charged with a felony.

“You change the culture by saying you are going to get fired. You are fired if, in fact, you do that. You only arrest for the purpose of dealing with a felony that’s committed, and I don’t count drunk driving as a felony,” Biden said.


I didn’t hear anything Biden said as sorting through the mess we are in.  What I heard is he will not deport anybody for the first 100 days and then only felons that commit a felony in the U.S.  It seems he is saying if you commit a felony after the 100 days you will be deported, but does not mention if you have committed a felony and are being held for deportation, you get deported.   I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, but I’m sure he didn’t want to nail down his policy in a debate.  Just can’t trust the guy.

It seems ole Sleepy Joe is following after Obama on his tough on crime apology tour.

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back to the article trump might be right about china. dr fauci calls bullcrap. i posted an article where he explains it but i posted it in a separate thread.

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On 4/20/2020 at 10:37 AM, TexasTiger said:

Because is the world’s greatest hypocrite with easily duped followers.

Funny, that's how we look at those that buy into the globalist agenda. Duped lemmings.

On 4/20/2020 at 10:36 AM, TexasTiger said:

Which time? He’s taken every position in regard to China?

Really ? Do tell. He has been speaking the same thing for 20 years about China ripping us off on trade and theft of technology. He was right and the globalists were wrong. But I would bet you are referring to the negotiation tactics he used to force a trade deal with China to correct that. He played nice in public, hardball in negotiations and put tariffs on Chinese goods as a stick. He was right about that too. Now we have the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and we have a reset. As evidence comes forward, he is publicly calling out China on their negligent and criminal actions. Again, he is right.

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29 minutes ago, IronMan70 said:

Funny, that's how we look at those that buy into the globalist agenda. Duped lemmings.

Really ? Do tell. He has been speaking the same thing for 20 years about China ripping us off on trade and theft of technology. He was right and the globalists were wrong. But I would bet you are referring to the negotiation tactics he used to force a trade deal with China to correct that. He played nice in public, hardball in negotiations and put tariffs on Chinese goods as a stick. He was right about that too. Now we have the Covid-19 Wuhan virus pandemic and we have a reset. As evidence comes forward, he is publicly calling out China on their negligent and criminal actions. Again, he is right.


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21 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Consistent with what I said except it leaves out the stick part. POTUS said some nice things in public while at the same time putting a $250B tariff on their goods which forced a trade deal. Then he put an early travel ban on their country to fight the virus when we had 0 deaths and just 5 cases. China was very unhappy about both of those actions as were their msm and pol sycophants. The author also leaves out the context, the things the NIH, CDC and WHO were saying and advising during that timeline.

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