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What game did you really lose it?

DKW 86

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I mean truly make a fool of yourself?

Mine was 2001 Iron Bowl. Paid $300 for tickets (3) and sat in great seats and we got massacred. Not sure how Wannabe didnt kill me by the time we got home. I still get furious thinking about the Mullet nation cheering Rammer Jammer in JHS. The most classless cheer done by the most classless fans in college football.

Close second would be 2003 :om: You just dont lose to :om: but somehow we have twice recently.

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Ole Miss 03 is the only time I ever remember getting so mad that I actually felt the need to let my anger out physically. (Which is weird since I get that feeling all the time) But after Ben dropped that pass I thought he had caught and celebrated, and then missed on 4th down, I lost it and kicked the back of JH-S (we were standing at the top of the upper deck)and nearly broke my foot. I feel really bad about how mad I got at Ben now. But I am still ticked at the coaches for calling pass plays.... :angry: I also remember b eing really mad when Duval missed that FG to beat UF in 2002.

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Mine was the 2002 UGA when Duval could not punt it pass the line of scrimage. We needed two good punts and he could not punt it past his shadow. By the time UGA scored on the fouth down I was to already to tried to be mad.

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I agree with the 2002 Florida game. I refused to go to church afterwards and I was on a church retreat when we watched it.

I've handled losses pretty well for the most part. In 2002 I was new to football, so the UGA game bothered me, but not as much. Ooooo yea.... Ben's drop - I called my family, after Ben's big catch to get into the redzone, (who were at Disney World) and screamed "GET TO A TV!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU, BUT GET TO A TV!!" Afterwards I called my parents and cussed ridiculously and threw all out tailgating stuff around.

Last year I paid $100 to go to the UK-Louisville basketball game in Louisville.... great game except UK won on free throws with HUGE controvesy with no time on the clock. I was rooting for UL incase you couldn't tell.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Ok, I think the statue of limitations (it has been almost six years) has passed, so I can admit to this.

Dateline Auburn, AL, November 20, 1999. I went to the game with a couple that I knew through work (she was an estimator at the same company that I was a project manager) and the guy was a big drinker. Unfortunately, this particular day, I was also. After starting with a beer or two before I met up with them, he quickly pulled out a flask of a warm, brown liquid that may or may not have been Jim Beam. Now I have loved some ladies and I have loved Jim Beam (thank you, Hank, Jr.) and I could not imagine either trying to kill me on this fall evening in the loveliest village.

We sat in front of a mixed marriage couple and, if you will recall, the night did not unfold favorably for the Tigers. The guy (the Bama contigent of the union) from the couple behind us was not a bad fan, but that night, I was. Or at least a drunk one. I probably gave Kenny Stabler a run for his money that night. About midway through the fourth quarter, I turned and told him, "Congratulations! You just got DuBose for another two years!" I was told the next week that I was very close to getting my rear end kicked.

But that isn't the kicker. After the game, we returned to our tailgate spot, where the coolers still had a few beers in them. I procured three of said beers, put two in my pockets and proceeded to walk to meet some other friends with whom I was spending the night. I was walking toward the eagle's cage and was about twenty feet on the other side of the street from Parker Hall. I stopped to chat with another friend and when I did, turned back toward Parker Hall, where I observed a group of Bama fans around college age gathered around a couch in the low area to the left (as I was looking at it) of Parker Hall. They were generally being obnoxious and giving the Auburn fans in the close proximity a hard time.

I have often referred to my military background on this forum. One basic skill that all soldiers learn is how to throw a hand grenade. It is not a direct throw, but rather a lob, designed for accuracy within about a ten foot circle over about a forty yard distance. Instinct, alcohol, who knows what took over, but I pulled a full can of beer out of my pocket, lined up my target with my left arm and executed a perfect grenade throw. I watched in (now) horror as the can sailed into the group of Bama fans, exploded and showered them with beer, fortunately not hitting anyone directly. I turned and walked away.

Not my proudest moment, but one I can now look back on with a little humor.

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1999 mississippi state.

My blood still boils when I think about that game. Our seats that season were in Section 14 row 10, which is just to the right of the old Auburn entrance tunnel.

We were soooooooooo pissed after the game we just stood there. Then I see Markieth Cooper and some benchwarmer walking off the field laughing and I really did 'lose it'. I quickly made my way over to the tunnel entrance and loudly berated Cooper and the other guy for laughing after a piss-poor performance like that, then waited on Mazzone and Lovett and gave them the business as well. I'm pretty sure they heard me, b/c a friend of mine said that Tuberville (whom I didn't see due to being so focused on the coordinators) didn't take his eyes off of me from the 10 yd line in.

I don't think I've ever been that mad before, or since. NO EXCUSE for losing that game, absolutely NONE.

I'm going to have to and meditate now. :banghead:

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I mean truly make a fool of yourself?

Mine was 2001 Iron Bowl. Paid $300 for tickets (3) and sat in great seats and we got massacred. Not sure how Wannabe didnt kill me by the time we got home. I still get furious thinking about the Mullet nation cheering Rammer Jammer in JHS. The most classless cheer done by the most classless fans in college football.

Close second would be 2003 :om: You just dont lose to :om: but somehow we have twice recently.


Ditto on the 2001 Iron Bowl except I only paid $250 each for 2 tickets...

First AU game I took my wife to see and I was in rare form by the end of it.

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2003 Tech, I about had to brawl with some Tech fan that decided it would be nice if he grabbed his nuts at me. I was disgusted with everything about that game.

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From the Alabama perpective, the 1997 Iron Bowl.

That screen pass to Scissum had to be one of the dumbest play calls in the history of the Iron Bowl. I was very lucky that there was nothing very hard lying close at hand or I would have had to go and buy a new TV.

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2003 TENNESSEE...........My girlfriend (now fiance) is a student at Tennessee and gladly cheers for Auburn on all occasions. However, at this game she was still mostly partial to UT and we invited my sister ito sit with us in my season ticket seats. I had been at the 97 SECC, 98, & 99 UT games and I have never wanted to beat anyone as bad as I did that night. I screamed and acted like a complete fool every time UT had the ball. The game for me was a complete blast. However, to make the long story short, my girl didn't think it was so great. She blasted me for rubbing her nose in it & being a jerk. I exploded and we had the most humiliating verbal assault ever in front of my sister and a hundred or so AU fans on the South EZ concourse. I was so pissed I went back to my truck after the game and missed the rolling of Toomer's.

On the bright side, we made up, she is now marrying me, and most importantly, she thinks UT sucks as much as I do and will always cheer for AU over those b*****d Volunteers!

As for second place, take your pick.........

2002 @ FLA (damn you Damon Duval)

2000 @ MISS STATE (nearly a brawl that would've sent me to the hospital)

2001 BAMA (may be the worse night of my life).........well, second worst)

1997 Miss State (absolutely no offense..........it still boggles me)

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2002 UGA. 4th and 16. Im actually still angry about that.


I shattered my TiVo remote when he caught the ball. That was my worst moment!

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1996 Iron Bowl. My last game as an Auburn Student. We had them on the ropes until the 4th quarter, and Bama game back and won by ONE point, all because Bowden tried running the Lizard up the middle on three straight downs, on three straight series. ONE first down, and I believe we would have won.

I began calling Terry Bowden's Offense the "Prevent Offense" after that game.

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Outback Bowl, Tampa, Florida. AU/Penn State. Reality sets in while sitting through a game long monsoon.....our midget coach is a complete moron. I refuse to go into any in-depth analysis as to why other than to say again...."RUN THE BALL BOWDEN, YOU IDIOT".

2002 AU/UGA like many others. Complete domination in the first half. Utter frustration(Duval) in the 2nd half. And then....that stupid 4th and 16 pass.

How could he.....why was the defender...what the....where was....who called that..... :blink:

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1999 Auburn at Georgia

AU has huge lead and I have to leave Samford stadium. I was sleepy and took shelter in some Bushes outside the stadium and fall asleep. I awaken to Georgia fans making sport of me. Apparently they had also burnt my lucky Auburn hat from 1983 and dumped the ashes on me while I took a power-nap. I had to endure their taunts all the way back to the tailgate spot.

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I don't remember ever just completely losing it after an :au: loss...I was at our 48-7 shellacking in Gainesville in 1990 and I was completely discouraged, probably too much so to be angry.

The 1988 loss to LSU in Red Stick was like being punched in the stomach...same with 2002 UGA.

Now, I lost it in a good way after our 1990 game against Florida State...I had been to the previous year's game in Tallahassee when their band played both "Rocky Top" (because Tennessee had beaten us earlier in '89) and "War Eagle" after the game ended. To win that one like we did (coming from down 17-7) was poetic justice...hearing our band serenade the Seminoles with the war chant was sweet revenge.

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2001 Iron Bowl.

I was leaving in the 4th quarter with my future wife. I was walking down the street(with quite a few other Auburn fans I might add) away from the stadium when a group of bama fans started yelling..."go ahead, leave...this is OUR house". I started walking up the hill yelling, cussing and god knows what else...there were quite a bit of them and one of me so needless to say it didn't come to blows...

When we got back into the car, I called my dad to talk about the ass whipping Auburn recieved and she thought it would be funny to jokingly tell on me about almost getting into a fight. I will never forget the look on her face when my mother replied..."almost got in a fight...he must have not been too mad...might as well get used to that if you are going to be a part of this family..."

4 years later and many more football games...she now understands...

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1996 PSU Outback Bowl was probably one of the worst football experiences of my life. The morning we left Auburn to drive down I had food poisoning, so my fraternity little bro had to drive us all the way down to Jacksonville, with me curled up in the fetal position in the shotgun seat. I felt better the next day for the drive to Tampa and New Year's Eve Activities. The next morning, my sickness was back 10 fold (combined food poisoning and hangover), not to mention the rain and cold - and I ALMOST skipped the game to watch it in a warm hotel bed.

What a disaster - keep in mind that my first year at Auburn was '93 - so I had lived through a 20-1-1 record with no bowl game, so this was my first bowl game as an Auburn fan. By the end of the game, I got on the big screen at the game .. what did I say? "WE ABSOLUTELY SUCK!!!!!"

Then I went home and got sick the rest of the day, and watched Tommy Fraizer singlehandedly destroy the Florida Gators.

4th and 15 against UGA was pretty bad also.

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1996 PSU Outback Bowl was probably one of the worst football experiences of my life.  The morning we left Auburn to drive down I had food poisoning, so my fraternity little bro had to drive us all the way down to Jacksonville, with me curled up in the fetal position in the shotgun seat.  I felt better the next day for the drive to Tampa and New Year's Eve Activities.  The next morning, my sickness was back 10 fold (combined food poisoning and hangover), not to mention the rain and cold - and I ALMOST skipped the game to watch it in a warm hotel bed.

What a disaster - keep in mind that my first year at Auburn was '93 - so I had lived through a 20-1-1 record with no bowl game, so this was my first bowl game as an Auburn fan.  By the end of the game, I got on the big screen at the game .. what did I say?  "WE ABSOLUTELY SUCK!!!!!"

Then I went home and got sick the rest of the day, and watched Tommy Fraizer singlehandedly destroy the Florida Gators.

4th and 15 against UGA was pretty bad also.


The worst part of that game was watching Davis run all over PSU in the first quarter, get injured, and Bowden proceed to go to a 4 wide out set IN THE POURING RAIN. I was yelling at my friends, where the heck is Beasley? Yeah, I was hacked off for that one as well.

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UVA 1998

The buildup of this game was too much to handle, and the nervous excitement led to Wishbone and I drinking at sunrise. By kickoff, I remember Wishbone passed out in his own vomit, girls in nice dresses were crying around us at our behavior. At one time, a State Trooper asked us if we were good enough to keep watching the game, he rapped WB several times over the head with his maglite, I convinced the ole State T that we were fine.

Fast forward a couple of hours, I find Wishbone on the floor of my room, surrounded by half-empty cans of Natural Lite and cigarette butts. The more scary thing was that WB had is pants around his ankles and was in a “compromising position”. I asked him what the Hell he was doing, he said he was getting ready for the game. I had to tell him that we had already been there and lost 20-0, he then let out this horrible scream-like cackle, kind of like a cow giving birth, I could tell he was heartbroken, as was I, all my beer had been drank.

Runner-up was the same year when MSU kicked off the ball to us, we fumbled the opening kickoff, and MSU ran it in for a TD.

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:om: in '03 I was so mad and frustrated that I cried for the next 3-4 hours after the game everyone at ruby tuesday's was staring at us after the game. :no:
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Dang Seas. I thought Wishbone was kidding in his earlier post about passing out in the bushes at Athens, but that story just confirmed.....dat' boy got issues. Passed out and pants around ankles....uh, okay Beavis. :blink:

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TYhe maddest I've ever been was hearing Tusk and Loser fans say that they won in `95 on the INCOMPLETION from Freddie Kitchens...

LEast we didn't kill the fan did in PRattville in `97 or `98...

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