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Alabama GOP Chairman Supports Strict voting ID Laws.....Except For Him and His Own Family.


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John Wahl is the Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and like most Republicans supports strong Voting ID laws for all voters with very few exceptions....except for his own family members. Who apparently belong to a sect of Christianity that believes having photos of them taken in any context is sinful so they say they dop not have any photo ID's and refuse to get any. 

Mr. Wahl completely supports his family and has in the past tried to bully the local voting officials in his country to allow his family to vote without ID's by swearing an oath that they identify Wahl's family as being who they are. When one poll worker refused to swear to that and required John's family to show ID's then Mr. Wahl had the worker fired/removed from consideration from future polling work. 


In an act of defiance against poll workers and in support of his Family, it's come out that John Wahl created his own fake government ID of himself and tried to force poll workers to accept it as valid, and even contacted probate judges/state officials to force the poll workers to accept it. He tried lying about how he got the fake State government ID he used to vote with and it's now coming out that he just created it himself. 


He's now trying to get an amendment to the State voting ID law passed that exempts people if they have religious reasons not to have one. So as usual, the ONLY valid excuse Republicans allow for violating laws and regulations is "Religious" exemptions....everyone else must always be in strict compliance no matter what. 


Not surprisingly we have another Republican offical who likes to live by the creed of "Rules for Thee, but not for Me".




Edited by CoffeeTiger
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