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Liberal/Democrat vs. Conservative/Republican


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Just out of curiosity. What side are you affiliated with, how long, and why?


At the end of the day, we are all here because we love and support Auburn University. I feel like that

is forgotten in these political threads. 

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The labels are tough, but I lean conservative overall.  Maybe "center-right."  I mostly vote Republican.  If the GOP puts up sorry, morally bankrupt candidates, I usually end up voting third party or abstaining.  If there's a Democrat that's not hard left, I might vote for them.  Just depends on the person.

Honestly it varies by issue.  I'm more flexible or lean left on many fiscal issues.  I'm usually staunchly conservative on most social/moral issues.

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Center left on some issues, center right on others. Mostly opposed to extremism and support common sense solutions to societal problems regardless of label. Not pleased with either party. Disgusted with how Republicans have almost totally gone off the rails. Folks I’ve felt most aligned to on rhetoric in recent years are never Trump Republicans, e.g. Frum, French, Kristol— strongly opposed all of them on foreign interventionist stances prior to 2016, but they aren’t critiquing Trumpism from a partisan lens. Appreciate their recognition of the tremendous damage Trumpism has done to this country & world. Greatest priority— save our democracy, and then civilly disagree on policy.

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Happy birthday TAYLOR KEETON. 



I'm liberal on most issues now and have voted mostly Democrat in the past several election cycles, I'll vote for Republicans in some races where the Dem is crazy or I'll vote in Republican primaries for who I think would be the best when the Dem has no chance of winning.


I grew up in a very Republican/Conservative family/church/and school and so I followed that and was a pretty hardcore Conservative through my teen and college years, but as I got out of that bubble I started really branching out in what news and information I read and paid attention to and learned that ultimately the left side of most issues just seemed more correct to me and makes more sense a lot of the time.  


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i am a lib altho i am not really happy with them but these days most repub pols make me want to puke. that being said i have voted republican a few times in my life. loca, state, and national. i always wanted the best person for the job. and i am a threat to vote for a repub but with all the crap and crazy stuff they seem to have embraced i am not sure. i would however consider dennis k but consider is different to me than pulling the trigger on it.   and no jj i am not threatening anyone with the word trigger so lets be clear.

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Right wing, pro-life, pro-American ,religious, social and political conservative.

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Progressive. Hard left on pretty much every fiscal issue. Generally very socially liberal with a few exceptions starting to spring up as I age.

Usually vote Libertarian in protest but more recently actively vote Democrat since the Republican Party has gone rat****ing insane. 

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16 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

The labels are tough, but I lean conservative overall.  Maybe "center-right."  I mostly vote Republican.  If the GOP puts up sorry, morally bankrupt candidates, I usually end up voting third party or abstaining.  If there's a Democrat that's not hard left, I might vote for them.  Just depends on the person.

Honestly it varies by issue.  I'm more flexible or lean left on many fiscal issues.  I'm usually staunchly conservative on most social/moral issues.

Ditto: I do not trust either party farther than I could throw them. They both lie like hell and are more or less completely owned by Wall Street. 
As you read, you will see that I am far more Dem than Republican, Libertarian on many things too. But I see the Middle Class getting run-over daily and I dont see either party doing much. THE DEMS AT LEAST TALK ABOUT IT MORE, not so sure about the DO.

I am fully Indie Prog. Read my signature.

I am very Socially Progressive. Far more than I can even discuss here. I dont dare truthfully discuss some of my true feelings. The crowd, by and large, is FAR TOO IMMATURE.

I am also Fiscally Conservative, although moderating on this so that the Middle Class can once again grow in wealth.

I think that Cash Bail and Releasing those in prison for Non-Violent, Drug Offenses is fine. (The Soros DAs etc have totally screwed this up.)

I am Pro-LEO for violent crimes. 

I am Pro-Gay Marriage,

Pro-Abortion upto 16 Weeks,

I am for M4A,

Educational Reforms to bring Public Schools back to Competitive Reality,

Basic Universal Income Equality, with some limits.


Definitely against the 1%.

Edited by DKW 86
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Conservative fiscal and social. 
Pro life. 

Honorable mention to fiddy for somehow working me into his answer. Keep trying on voting conservative (pull the R trigger) and one day you will get there.

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19 hours ago, TAYLORKEETON said:

Just out of curiosity. What side are you affiliated with, how long, and why?

Very liberal on social issues. I used to consider myself conservative on economic issues, but I've been sliding left in recent years. Voted for Gore back in 2000, but then voted Republican until 2016. Most candidates I voted for were Republican during that time, but there were some Libertarians and Democrats. Then came Trump, and everyone went crazy. I voted for Gary Johnson because I thought Trump wouldn't win and I despise Clinton, but now seriously regret that. Voted Biden in 2020, and it's difficult to find a Republican politician I can support these days.

I mentioned I've been moving left on economic issues. Two big reasons for that were realizing: 1) The people I was voting for were not doing any better getting us out of debt, 2) Having government step in to correct some problems was not going to lead us to becoming a communist dictatorship.

Aside from a three year stretch from 1988-1991, I'd always lived in southern states. Then I moved back up north ten years ago. I had already begun realizing some of the unconscious biases I'd had, but moving back north accelerated it, because I was no longer immersed in the culture. Not saying where I live now is completely devoid of some of those biases, but it's far less pronounced. There are many great things about the culture and people in the south, but I believe there is also a lot of work to do when it comes to realizing how much inequality, both personal and economic, is still present in society. Also, looking at it from the outside and getting opinions from friends here, there are north-south biases that still haven't gone away. I think much of the south has little-brother syndrome, and I think the north is irritated because they won't let it the **** go. I honestly think that subconscious feeling of inferiority has fed the rise of hardline religion in the region, and it's causing the biases on both sides to get worse.

I also believe the condescending attitude of many on the left is counterproductive, because it immediately makes those that don't share their opinions want to find a way to prove them wrong. 


19 hours ago, TAYLORKEETON said:

At the end of the day, we are all here because we love and support Auburn University. I feel like that is forgotten in these political threads. 

Fantastic sentiment and I agree. Thank you for posting.

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Conservative Right of center and depending on the day even more right.

Pro-2nd Amendment
Pro- Constitution as it is written.

Social issues are what is tearing this country apart in my opinion.  The biggest issue here is the teaching gender identity to K-3 children and allowing puberty blockers and irreversible *gender affirming care* to minors.  Some without parental knowledge or approval.

You will also notice that even though there are a lot of barbs being thrown back and forth on this forum, it usually stays here.  In other forums it doesn’t seem to show the animosity.

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Ambivalent Right

  • 18% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents
  • the youngest and among the least religious and politically active of the Republican-leaning groups
  • most don't identify as "conservative" politically, but are conservative economically, on issues of race and in that they prefer smaller government
  • more moderate than other Republicans on immigration, abortion, same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization
  • lean toward the GOP but are not enamored with it; almost two-thirds would like Trump to not remain a national figure, and, in fact, a quarter identifies with Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents
  • the only GOP-oriented group to say President Biden definitely or probably legitimately received the most votes in the 2020 election, and only about 4 in 10 believe the results of the 2022 elections "really matter"
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20 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

I grew up in a very Republican/Conservative family/church/and school and so I followed that and was a pretty hardcore Conservative through my teen and college years, but as I got out of that bubble I started really branching out in what news and information I read and paid attention to and learned that ultimately the left side of most issues just seemed more correct to me and makes more sense a lot of the time.  

Explains some of the topics you post…….you are like the ex smoker that chases a smoker down and inform him of his stupidity. 

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I believe being devoutly ideological is grotesquely stupid.  The idea of a perfect ideology is ridiculous. 

I believe society is generally good about self regulation.  I believe business has repeatedly shown that profit motive outweighs all concerns, social, moral, ethical.  So, business must be regulated.

I am a life long registered Republican.  However, the Republican Party has become a culture void of truth.

IMHO, we have three existential issues that must be addressed, global warming, extreme inequality, a government that is openly for sale.  Only one party is willing to acknowledge these issues.

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3 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

I believe being devoutly ideological is grotesquely stupid.  The idea of a perfect ideology is ridiculous. 

I believe society is generally good about self regulation.  I believe business has repeatedly shown that profit motive outweighs all concerns, social, moral, ethical.  So, business must be regulated.

I am a life long registered Republican.  However, the Republican Party has become a culture void of truth.

IMHO, we have three existential issues that must be addressed, global warming, extreme inequality, a government that is openly for sale.  Only one party is willing to acknowledge these issues.

And that party wants to fleece us to pretend to “fix” global warming, but keep and expand the other two. 

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