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At least this lawyer’s pretty


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8 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Like Trump likes.


The only way not asking for a jury trial makes sense is if they have already decided that they will lose either way and believe that getting it over quickly is the best route to take.  They may also believe that a judge is less likely to impose financial penalties to the same degree that a jury would.  From what little I know about the facts, it seems that the damages are limited, due to the incredible appreciation of real estate in the New York market.  I can't think of another explanation that makes sense.

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20 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

The only way not asking for a jury trial makes sense is if they have already decided that they will lose either way and believe that getting it over quickly is the best route to take.  They may also believe that a judge is less likely to impose financial penalties to the same degree that a jury would.  From what little I know about the facts, it seems that the damages are limited, due to the incredible appreciation of real estate in the New York market.  I can't think of another explanation that makes sense.

Easier to claim an unfair judge as opposed to a jury.



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And now he's out on Fox blaming the judge, blaming the attorney general, blaming the liberal media and everyone else he can for him not getting a jury trial.  Anything other than "the dipshit lawyer I hired" who's actually to blame.  And his groupies will lap it up.

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22 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

And now he's out on Fox blaming the judge, blaming the attorney general, blaming the liberal media and everyone else he can for him not getting a jury trial.  Anything other than "the dipshit lawyer I hired" who's actually to blame.  And his groupies will lap it up.

This is what Trump does every time and for some reason you guys are surprised by this.  He turns on his supporters if they hint at any kind of disagreement with his policies and/or views.  He is a 7th grade bully all grown up and yet the Dems don’t believe America will make the right choice without dogging the man.  

What does that say about the Dems?  Is thier only platform keeping DJT from running?

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I think Dems are concerned about some of the polling.  I mean, if the American voting population were acting like rational adults, a turd candidate like Trump would be polling in the single digits and relegated to an afterthought.  Instead he's got a 30 point lead for the GOP nomination of the next guy and looking like a tight race vs Biden in 2024.  That may not hold, but "trust the public" doesn't seem warranted by the current data either.

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16 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

This is what Trump does every time and for some reason you guys are surprised by this.  He turns on his supporters if they hint at any kind of disagreement with his policies and/or views.  He is a 7th grade bully all grown up and yet the Dems don’t believe America will make the right choice without dogging the man.  

What does that say about the Dems?  Is thier only platform keeping DJT from running?

Which supporters are you talking about? Elected officials or voters? Voters largely lead him.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

He is a 7th grade bully all grown up and yet the Dems don’t believe America will make the right choice without dogging the man.  

What does that say about the Dems?  Is thier only platform keeping DJT from running?

Should I gather from this that you will vote for Biden over Trump?

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1 hour ago, TexasTiger said:

Which supporters are you talking about? Elected officials or voters? Voters largely lead him.

Elected officials and his competition for the Presidency.  As soon as someone raises in the polls he brings up their lack of loyalty while he has never been loyal to any coworker.  People recognize this, but his followers with voices help him damage any real rivals.

Media has made this person and deserves the majority of the blame.  They just can’t leave him alone.

The Dems are all for this as their platform is *saving democracy* (all about Trump) which is pitiful since we have domocratic elections.

Each party believes there is no way we can lose this election because of the other candidate.  We are screwed.

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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

Should I gather from this that you will vote for Biden over Trump?

I don’t care what you gather.  Gather on.

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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

Should I gather from this that you will vote for Biden over Trump?

He's going to be forced to vote for Trump and it's all going to be the Democrats fault! 

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16 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

He's going to be forced to vote for Trump and it's all going to be the Democrats fault! 

Typical leftist, telling what conservatives think.

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On 10/3/2023 at 9:50 AM, Leftfield said:

Should I gather from this that you will vote for Biden over Trump?

Your question wasn't to me but I will answer. I hope the candidates are not Trump or Biden but if that's the case I will vote for Trump in a heartbeat,

Edited by Son of A Tiger
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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

I don’t care what you gather.  Gather on.

Um, the point is, if you vote for Trump, by your own statement you prove Democrats are justified in not believing America will make the right choice, but if you vote for Biden....well, you vote for Biden, and we all know how that would make you feel....

....which is why I absolutely love what you posted. Please continue.


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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

Um, the point is, if you vote for Trump, by your own statement you prove Democrats are justified in not believing America will make the right choice, but if you vote for Biden....well, you vote for Biden, and we all know how that would make you feel....

....which is why I absolutely love what you posted. Please continue.


It’s all black and white huh?  There are other options.  If those are the only two, as I have stated above, we are screwed.

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34 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

It’s all black and white huh?  

With what you stated, yes. Again, you said :


5 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

....the Dems don’t believe America will make the right choice without dogging the man.  

What does that say about the Dems?  Is thier only platform keeping DJT from running?

What "choice" are you referring to, other than to vote for Trump or not vote for Trump? You clearly indicate that Trump would not be the right choice. Maybe you're referring to voting third party instead of Biden, but you gave no indication of that.

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2 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

With what you stated, yes. Again, you said :


What "choice" are you referring to, other than to vote for Trump or not vote for Trump? You clearly indicate that Trump would not be the right choice. Maybe you're referring to voting third party instead of Biden, but you gave no indication of that.

You’re thinking like Trump now.  The primaries are next year.

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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

The primaries are next year.

If you're thinking people will make the "right" choice in the primaries, then you're really going out on a limb. 

The only way Trump will not be the Republican nominee is if he's in so much obvious trouble with his lawsuits at that point that people will see him as unavailable. It won't be some sudden "Oh, THAT'S who he is" moment. If the lawsuits didn't exist there's no chance he wouldn't be the nominee, and current polling proves it, so your confidence in "America" making the "right choice" is laughable.


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13 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

If you're thinking people will make the "right" choice in the primaries, then you're really going out on a limb. 

The only way Trump will not be the Republican nominee is if he's in so much obvious trouble with his lawsuits at that point that people will see him as unavailable. It won't be some sudden "Oh, THAT'S who he is" moment. If the lawsuits didn't exist there's no chance he wouldn't be the nominee, and current polling proves it, so your confidence in "America" making the "right choice" is laughable.


Is Biden the right choice?  

Trump’s campaign is strapped for cash and it’s a long time before the primaries.  Your lack of faith is telling.

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9 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Trump’s campaign is strapped for cash and it’s a long time before the primaries.  Your lack of faith is telling.

So you think Republicans will choose someone else because Trump runs out of cash? Would you define that as "making the right choice?" 

I'd be interested to hear your reasons for thinking his standing in the polls will change.

If you think "Americans" will turn away from Trump because he either runs out of cash or will likely be going to jail, and not because he's the most unqualified and unfit President we've ever had, I'd say my lack of faith is justified. 

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39 minutes ago, Leftfield said:

So you think Republicans will choose someone else because Trump runs out of cash? Would you define that as "making the right choice?" 

I'd be interested to hear your reasons for thinking his standing in the polls will change.

If you think "Americans" will turn away from Trump because he either runs out of cash or will likely be going to jail, and not because he's the most unqualified and unfit President we've ever had, I'd say my lack of faith is justified. 

The  Dems have had a campaign to make sure he is looked upon as despicable.  They have even, in some states, tried to bar him from the ballot.  In NYC alone he was procecuted for a *rape* charge that the SOL expired on, but was allowed.   This recent one is as political as it gets with the AG running on the platform of suing Trump.  If successful, Trump is through in NY as business man.

The four indictments are a worry as he will be in court and not campaigning.  He will turn those court dates into a sideshow.  As he has said every time he gets indicted his poll numbers go up.  So the man has not convinced very many independents to switch to his cause.  Making the right choice would consist of nominating a candidate that actually has a chance to win dispite the rhetoric.  I am hoping the Republican Party can make the right choice.

To correct your last statement; the most unfit President we’ve ever had is occupying the White House as we type.

Tell me; are you proud of the way Biden is handling the office?

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

The  Dems have had a campaign to make sure he is looked upon as despicable.  They have even, in some states, tried to bar him from the ballot.  In NYC alone he was procecuted for a *rape* charge that the SOL expired on, but was allowed.   This recent one is as political as it gets with the AG running on the platform of suing Trump.  If successful, Trump is through in NY as business man.

The four indictments are a worry as he will be in court and not campaigning.  He will turn those court dates into a sideshow.  As he has said every time he gets indicted his poll numbers go up.  So the man has not convinced very many independents to switch to his cause.  Making the right choice would consist of nominating a candidate that actually has a chance to win dispite the rhetoric.  I am hoping the Republican Party can make the right choice.

To correct your last statement; the most unfit President we’ve ever had is occupying the White House as we type.

Tell me; are you proud of the way Biden is handling the office?

Why is it whenever Trump is discussed, you bring up Biden? Must you always stray from the subject? Everything you wrote sounds like a Trump response.....everyone is out to get him and it's not because of him, it's because they don't want him to win. Never mind the number of people in positions in his own government that are coming out and saying what a threat he is....pay no attention to that.

I've said many times I'm not a fan of Biden. I don't think he's fit, but I also don't think he's a danger to the country. Trump is, and Biden at least has qualified and competent people around him.

Now, care to answer my question, or will you just circle back to Biden?

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1 minute ago, Leftfield said:

Why is it whenever Trump is discussed, you bring up Biden? Must you always stray from the subject? Everything you wrote sounds like a Trump response.....everyone is out to get him and it's not because of him, it's because they don't want him to win. Never mind the number of people in positions in his own government that are coming out and saying what a threat he is....pay no attention to that.

I've said many times I'm not a fan of Biden. I don't think he's fit, but I also don't think he's a danger to the country. Trump is, and Biden at least has qualified and competent people around him.

Now, care to answer my question, or will you just circle back to Biden?

I answered your question as to why I hope Trump isn’t the nominee.  Did you miss this part? “So the man has not convinced very many independents to switch to his cause.  Making the right choice would consist of nominating a candidate that actually has a chance to win dispite the rhetoric.  I am hoping the Republican Party can make the right choice.”  To put it in terms you may understated; Trump won’t win the general election, it must be someone else if Biden is going to represent the Dems.

Yes,  you’ve said you not a Biden fan, but he will be he Dem’s choice; would you vote for him?  Or would it depend upon the Rep choice?



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