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NIL Fatigue


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Saban speaks at the Ted Cruz round table on the future of college sports:



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On 3/11/2024 at 1:52 PM, Win4AU said:

It’s all a slippery slope.  A lot of the money that football brings in funds other sports.  If you make football players employees then you have to make all sports members employees.  Schools are going to have to pay female athletes the same as male athletes or you’re opening up a whole other Pandora’s box.  To me there’s not a lot of incentive for big money donors to keep pumping money into NIL because there’s not really a ROI or tax incentive.  At least when you make a charitable donation to the school you get a tax write off.  They need to let the kids who want big money go straight to a professional league and leave the college game to the amateur athletes and kids who actually want to attend college.

See that was the thinking when NIL first got off the ground.  the thinking was "the big money donors didn't get the big money by flushing $$ down the toilet on stupid stuff that didn't pay back (like 18 yr old players)"  and yet, here we are.  maybe fatigue will set in, eventually.

I'm still fuzzy on why all of a sudden, players are allowed to jump team to team to team. 

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22 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Saban speaks at the Ted Cruz round table on the future of college sports:



Ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun. 

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45 minutes ago, cbo said:

Ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun. 

A convenient time for him to retire.  If you heart’s not in it and you don’t want to adapt, its time to go.

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I guess we'll see real soon if the plan many HC's have of culture, team spirit, patience, development, and loyalty to a program & coaching staff are still in existence or not.

Freeze has stated that at his core, he is about building relationships and forming personal bonds with his players.  He would ideally build a foundation at Auburn with talented high school players who take pride in wearing the O&B and who have the patience to accept the training and development he and his staff offer.  Kids that will accept training, wait their turn and commit to the process he has put in place for success both on and off the field.  

I wonder if that is even be obtainable in today's NIL/portal environment of college football? 

Kids have folks in their ears wanting $$ and agents are shopping these kids non-stop to the highest bidder.  Loyalty to a school is out the window, full ride scholarship is no longer considered a benefit and academics are rarely mentioned in the recruiting negotiations.  :dead:


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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Saban speaks at the Ted Cruz round table on the future of college sports:



That’s rich, coming from the man that effectively started this spiral away from “ college football “ by recruiting kids because he could “create value” for them if they played for him. He had the only minor league NFL team for 12 years, then the playing field was leveled 

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The leaders have nobody but themselves to blame. Instead of relinquishing some financial assistance in order to placate the athletes, they did their best to keep it all for themselves until a few alumni and influential people in Cali decided enough is enough (I remember when people said the preliminary court cases would amount to nothing). Now the courts got involved and the schools had to be reactive in short notice with no one to police any of it. 

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21 hours ago, Chaotic_zx said:

A few things to unpack in that article.


First and foremost. The moment they institute a collective bargaining agreement, the universities like Texas, TAMU, UGA, and Bama will again gain the upper hand. They're never going to stick to a defined set of rules. NIL changed that and dispersed talent more readily throughout CFB.

Secondly, there absolutely is reason to bitch, whine, and complain when you're the one being milked for every cent. I don't contribute but I understand why someone would stop. It is the same reason I don't contribute. Middle class workers living in modest to poor conditions being asked to contribute to a 18 year old's lavish lifestyle is a large ask. Auburn University taking in millions upon millions of dollars and asking fans to donate whatever we can.  Give me a break.  My ego is not so precious that I must give any disposable income I can come up with so that Auburn can compete is bama and UGA.

I just don't know how much further I am willing to go down this road. I am likely out at the first lockout/strike. I know it is coming. 


An aside:

Being the sidewalk fan that I am. I am profoundly confused how a good deal of the alumni of Universities tend to operate post graduation. Degrees aren't cheap. I have a 15 year old that I am shopping schools for already. Degrees can be around 60-100k depending. If you have done it, all the more to you. I will pay for my 15 year olds college when it comes time. I am just baffled that alumni paid to go to a University like Auburn and graduate. Then turn around and donate money afterward to the same university. I get that you love it but you paid to go there. It's not like they were doing any of you favors. I mean absolutely no disrespect whatsoever. What each of you choose to do with your disposable income is your business but I just can't wrap my head around it. 

Yeah, what premise of "parity" this sport has has been closer to becoming obtained the last few years as compared to before it. We've pretty much had it to where one team is way better than everyone else and the best of the everyone else can at least routinely struggle against the scrubs. 

I hope employees get a salary directly from the school/NCAA eventually, but with the lack of a centralized overseer in the NCAA, it's probably just going to be the biggest schools being able to offer more. What has hurt the NCAA is just the lack of a true commissioner/front office. 

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2 hours ago, DAG said:

The leaders have nobody but themselves to blame. Instead of relinquishing some financial assistance in order to placate the athletes, they did their best to keep it all for themselves until a few alumni and influential people in Cali decided enough is enough (I remember when people said the preliminary court cases would amount to nothing). Now the courts got involved and the schools had to be reactive in short notice with no one to police any of it. 

What you say is 💯 true. That this is totally out of control and needs someone or thing to get it under control is also true. The feds solving any problem is just not something I believe will happen. I love college sports, but the goose that lays the golden eggs CAN be killed. Or at least severely wounded.

I have family that is involved with NASCAR in a peripheral way. At one time not too long ago , if NASCAR had scheduled one more race a year in their area, they would have all quit their day jobs. That hasn't been the case for some years now. I do not want this to happen to college sports. 

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3 hours ago, jluvah said:

That’s rich, coming from the man that effectively started this spiral away from “ college football “ by recruiting kids because he could “create value” for them if they played for him. He had the only minor league NFL team for 12 years, then the playing field was leveled 

And he got out.  Good riddance.

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1 hour ago, JuscAUse! said:

What you say is 💯 true. That this is totally out of control and needs someone or thing to get it under control is also true. The feds solving any problem is just not something I believe will happen. I love college sports, but the goose that lays the golden eggs CAN be killed. Or at least severely wounded.

I have family that is involved with NASCAR in a peripheral way. At one time not too long ago , if NASCAR had scheduled one more race a year in their area, they would have all quit their day jobs. That hasn't been the case for some years now. I do not want this to happen to college sports. 

Can only sell so much 3 paraphernalia, huh?

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1 hour ago, NCAubs said:

Can only sell so much 3 paraphernalia, huh?

I think it had more to do with running off the people that followed the sport by jacking prices to the max and putting a product on the track that didn't appeal to the fans that made the sport. And closing some short tracks that were icons. My son could tell you more. I only went for the party. And those days ended decades ago.

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17 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Saban speaks at the Ted Cruz round table on the future of college sports:



That type of hyperbole is a weak look for him. He could go to Wallace State or Valdosta State and get back into sport for the sport - if that's what saint saban stood for. No, he believed in a playing field so sloped to his side, it is a wonder anyone could stand up straight. Baby doesn't have better toys than his neighbors and decided to quit; now wants to go cry about it. Yeah, he was one of the nuclear powers. Now he whines about proliferation. Weak.

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1 hour ago, AUx said:

That type of hyperbole is a weak look for him. He could go to Wallace State or Valdosta State and get back into sport for the sport - if that's what saint saban stood for. No, he believed in a playing field so sloped to his side, it is a wonder anyone could stand up straight. Baby doesn't have better toys than his neighbors and decided to quit; now wants to go cry about it. Yeah, he was one of the nuclear powers. Now he whines about proliferation. Weak.

Not that I care that much but I would like to point out the hypocrisy of someone that made $10 million dollars per year and had stipulations that he be paid the highest in CFB to turn around and claim that the only thing players are caring about is money. That hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it.


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Saban protests too much, but it's a problem any college coach is now going to face. How do you coach a guy you're paying close to or more than a million that can cut and run at any time? How do you install an offense, defense when the change could take a big gouge out of your roster if the players don't want to adjust? How do you continue to keep rich boosters handing over more and more cash only to start over again every single season? 

It's unsustainable. It's not parity. Already, we're seeing the same names excelling in recruiting because they always had more booster money dedicated maniacally to football success. The other teams are just going to invest less and not only will the level of competition drop the level of football is going to as well because players can leave at any time and will continue to do so. The only solution is to try and impose some kind of professional structure onto college football with contracts, agents, trade agreements, etc. and that means B-grade pro ball. And B-grade pro ball has never been very successful. 

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3 hours ago, AUx said:

That type of hyperbole is a weak look for him. He could go to Wallace State or Valdosta State and get back into sport for the sport - if that's what saint saban stood for. No, he believed in a playing field so sloped to his side, it is a wonder anyone could stand up straight. Baby doesn't have better toys than his neighbors and decided to quit; now wants to go cry about it. Yeah, he was one of the nuclear powers. Now he whines about proliferation. Weak.



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16 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

And he got out.  Good riddance.

Not only that, he just admitted to breaking the rules by discussing NIL money with players.

And nobody bats an eye!

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On 3/12/2024 at 6:56 PM, I_M4_AU said:

And he got out.  Good riddance.

Conveniently got out just before Texas and Oklahoma got in. Hmmm?

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4 minutes ago, jluvah said:

Conveniently got out just before Texas and Oklahoma got in. Hmmm?

His domination was on its way out and was, I’m sure, part of his decision making.

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On 3/12/2024 at 5:58 PM, JuscAUse! said:

I love college sports, but the goose that lays the golden eggs CAN be killed. 

I think that golden goose is already being killed.   Other than revenue sharing, the only other way that the huge NIL dollars being paid to athletes will continue to come is from the Daddy Warbucks, and that is going to dissipate without stellar results on the field or court.  

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

His domination was on its way out and was, I’m sure, part of his decision making.

His domination was progressively being taken over by Kirby Smart.  At the end of the day, trading one devil for another does Auburn no favors. 

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41 minutes ago, Mike4AU said:

I think that golden goose is already being killed.   Other than revenue sharing, the only other way that the huge NIL dollars being paid to athletes will continue to come is from the Daddy Warbucks, and that is going to dissipate without stellar results on the field or court.  

If I'm Daddy Warbucks, it won't take long for me to scale back my donations if I don't see the teams produce something of significance within a year or two.  The NCAA is neutered, NIL & transfer portal are unrestricted, and millions are flowing to the coaches and athletes.  There are no excuses for mediocrity or lack of success. 

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On 3/13/2024 at 10:27 AM, aucom96 said:

Saban protests too much, but it's a problem any college coach is now going to face. How do you coach a guy you're paying close to or more than a million that can cut and run at any time? How do you install an offense, defense when the change could take a big gouge out of your roster if the players don't want to adjust? How do you continue to keep rich boosters handing over more and more cash only to start over again every single season? 

Exactly. I don't see how you can have freedom of movement in the portal AND pay players. It's literally the same as if the NFL had no salary cap and every player is a free agent every year - doesn't work.

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It’s hard to stomach Saban being the voice for the negatives of NIL. The only thing it did concerning him is leveled the unfair playing field Emmett allowed him to build his brand on. 

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On 3/12/2024 at 3:05 PM, I_M4_AU said:

A convenient time for him to retire.  If you heart’s not in it and you don’t want to adapt, its time to go.

I detest the man but the reality is he had nothing left to prove. Why mess with this crap when more fans than not consider you the goat of college coaching? I’d have done the exact same thing and live the rest of my life in the sun, sand, and waves lol. 

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