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New Game Plan


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From the O_A News

By Tuesday, when USC head coach Steve Spurrier announced Mitchell would not be ready for this weekend’s game, AU’s coaching staff had a complete gameplan ready for redshirt freshman backup Antonio Heffner.

Heffner, who threw for 91 yards and a touchdown in relief of Mitchell last week, is more of a running threat. AU defensive coordinator David Gibbs thinks he has a handle on Spurrier’s offensive gameplan for this week, which should emphasize Heffner’s athletic ability.

For those who know these things. What exactly is a "Game Plan" and what is that large card that CAB carries on the sidelines?

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From the O_A News
By Tuesday, when USC head coach Steve Spurrier announced Mitchell would not be ready for this weekend’s game, AU’s coaching staff had a complete gameplan ready for redshirt freshman backup Antonio Heffner.

Heffner, who threw for 91 yards and a touchdown in relief of Mitchell last week, is more of a running threat. AU defensive coordinator David Gibbs thinks he has a handle on Spurrier’s offensive gameplan for this week, which should emphasize Heffner’s athletic ability.

For those who know these things. What exactly is a "Game Plan" and what is that large card that CAB carries on the sidelines?


The large card is all of the plays that Borges wants to run during the game. Some of the plays are regulars, which mean they run them every week; other are plays they have put into the game plan for this particular opposing team; to exploit what the staff feels is their opponents weakness. Some coaches have a script such as a list of plays to run on 1st and 10 or 2nd and short or 3rd and 15+.

The comment above is on the defensive game plan. This is taken from watching film and trying to figure out what a team is going to do in certain siuations.

It goes much more in depth but this is a 1000 foot overview.

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Note to Coach Gibbs.

Athletic, running QB means good possibility of many hours of GT film being watched by USC offensive coordinator. Please plan on contingency of bootleg rollout play, aka...Reggie Ball. One word. CONTAIN!!!

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We can't let him have all day like we did with Reggie Ball.  If we put no pressure on him he's going to be able to do whatever he wants.


we can't over pursue and must get pressure the QB

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This guy will most likely scare the bageezus out of us a time or two, but with few reps with the 1st team offense I doubt their O will have much consistency. Especcially when you figure in their lack of a running game.

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Auburn is definitely in for plenty of WR screens, smoke draws, QB sweeps, reverses, and naked boots(naked Italians :moon: ). Wouldn't surprise me to see a WR pass or two.

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