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Tre Smith


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To sum it up, Tre Smith is definitely not the best football player on the team, but has heart and spirit.  Go Tre  :au:    :thumbsup:


Which is EXACTLY why I want to find some way to get this guy on the field a little more next year.


sam rives has heart and spirit


But, alas, He graduated LAST year. ;)


i'm an idiot, i knew that, and guys forgive me for playing devils advocate. Tre has great heart and spirit, i just firmly believe that he shouldn't be on the field any more than he is. If he was good enough to play right now then he would be at least second string tailback, and as for lining him up at wideout......Tubs would be crazy with our talent at wideout. I officially remove myself from this thread cause i'm beating a dead horse and its going nowhere anyways.

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i'd feel kinda left out if I was behind two of the best Runningbacks in the nation my whole career, He finally got his chance to shine when you are starting at 4th string in the biggest game in the nation and did very well and led us to beat the heavy favorite Alabama. Then the regular Halfbacks get better and we basically forget about the Tre.

Then he gets a chance to start again when the others graduate and then there is a piece of Iron from South Carolina that takes the job, and the other two halfbacks are apparently better then Tre all of a sudden.

I agree that Smith didnt do as good as expected starting but we didnt give him enough chances because we wanted to see what the other 3 were made of. thats my opinion of it. an we didnt run much that game anyway.

I must say that he is the best 5"10 190 pound white halfback ive ever seen.

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I think that Tre being white is the major reason for this post. Being a White back these days is almost non existent unless your playing ivy league, and everyone always wants to pull for an underdog.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I agree that Smith didnt do as good as expected starting but we didnt give him enough chances because we wanted to see what the other 3 were made of. thats my opinion of it. an we didnt  run much that game anyway.


I think practice is what seeing what the other 3 are made of is for. No one ran much that first game, for reasons unbeknownst to me.

Besides, starting a game is very overrated at positions such as RB, WR or DB. Those guys get rotated in and out so much, a 3rd stringer gets a lot of playing time, as opposed to a third string QB or center.

If Tre can contribute at any position, I feel confident that the coaches and he will make the best decision for Auburn and his future.

War Tre Smith!

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I think Tre could make a pretty good WR. Size isn't as important as some make it, especially at WR where you catch the ball in open space and are usually one on one/two with DBs. He may never be a deep threat (though the Santana Moss and Steve Smith comparisons should be considered here as well) but with great hands, great quickness, good speed, he should be able to contribute at WR. He reminds me of a poor man's Warrick Dunn. He is really quick in space and is really physical for his size. Probably no where near Dunn's speed but a decent comparison.

He is exactly what TT wants in a punt returner. He makes great decisions when the ball is coming. Doesn't blow them, and according to TT, impresses him by consistently getting junks of positive yards. He isn't going the return two back a game type or even return two or more back a season type but he is very consistent. That is what TT likes in his returners.

With all that, I am most impressed by his attitude and commitment to this team.

If he is not talented enough to be on the field then I hope he never sees it. I have all the heart in the world, but shouldn't be on the field for AU.

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I'm more comfortable with Tre and his sure hands fielding punts than anyone else. The coaches say his balance is exceptional which more than satisfies me at this vunerable time.


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