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Saw II


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I went to the theatre and saw it the other night. I felt the first one was very predictable, a fantastic watch, but a predictable ending, as it were. I had high hopes for the second one. It was a phenomenal movie but I knew who the bad guy was within the first twenty minutes. I won't be "that guy" and reveal anything here but I'd like some thoughts. Anyone else feel the same way?

For those that haven't watched it, give it a watch. It is a good movie.

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I want to see it so bad. The first one was awesome, and I really, really want to see the second. I'm going to the movies tomorrow, but I don't know if I should see Jarhead or Saw II

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Woah Woah....the first one was "predictable"?

Damn...you have a much better sense then me then...I didnt have the faintest clue who the actual bad guy was in the first Saw until the last 2 minutes.

I downloaded Saw II a few days ago....hated it. Loved the first, hated the 2nd.

Like you said, you can tell who the bad person is pretty quickly and the ending was terrible. Nowhere near as good as the first movie ending

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Woah Woah....the first one was "predictable"?

Damn...you have a much better sense then me then...I didnt have the faintest clue who the actual bad guy was in the first Saw until the last 2 minutes.

It seemed obvious in the first one. There had to be a logical explanation for the guy in the floor. The tapes were fairly thorough and yet there was no mention of him.

I thought the first one was better but hate seems like a strong word. I guess I can see it though; it's frustrating to sit through two hours of movie when you know the ending.

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Woah Woah....the first one was "predictable"?

Damn...you have a much better sense then me then...I didnt have the faintest clue who the actual bad guy was in the first Saw until the last 2 minutes.

It seemed obvious in the first one. There had to be a logical explanation for the guy in the floor. The tapes were fairly thorough and yet there was no mention of him.


When the tape said somethign to the effect of "when there is that much poison in your blood the only thing left to do is shoot yourself" I thought that meant it was a part of his previous game and the man had elected to shoot himself. Which explained why he was there to me...

I certainly didn't see it coming.

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When the tape said somethign to the effect of "when there is that much poison in your blood the only thing left to do is shoot yourself" I thought that meant it was a part of his previous game and the man had elected to shoot himself. Which explained why he was there to me...

I certainly didn't see it coming.


My thoughts exactly...the guy in the middle of the room was leftovers. No way was it predictable.

Haven't seen the second one but I have a free ticket to see it...bought the first one on DVD at Bestbuy and it came with a free ticket.

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