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Looking back on Saturday


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First, let me tell you about the Auburn Bluegrass Alumni CLub. They are AUsome! The party on Friday night was great! Lots of music and food, along with an auction. They had a bluegrass band also. The party was in a three story barn-like strucutre. Very "Kentucky". White fences, horses, the whole works. The AU Marching pep Band stood on the second floor, overlooking everyone and played.

The game:

Very lack-luster performance by the defense. Some will say, "we won't play like that next week". Well, we better not, or we lose big time.

QB and receivers B+

Too many drops, not enough yards

RB's - A

Against UK, they should have ran for that many yards. It wasn't exceptional, just expected. Hopefully the starter and 2nd stringer are ready this week.

Punt Returns- Do I need to say this? F

2 returns for 2 yards! AND a fumble. I wish they would let TD get back there with his speed and make something happen.

Kickoffs - F

How do you back a team up that far and not on-side the ball?!! No excuse for that ball to go thru the endzone, NONE!! Maybe it was a coaching error, but the coach did not kick it. A soft on-sides kick would have, at least, put them inside the 20. After getting the coaches in trouble and having some momentum, Auburn could have scored another quick TD with a successful kick recovery.

Defense- C-, and that's being nice!

The most scary thought about the whole game was that without the "help" from the officials, the game could/would have swung the other way. We did fumble the reception that UK picked up and ran back for a few yards(we score a TD right after that).Our receiver was out of bounds and was not pushed by the DB(and we score a TD on that play) The game never got much more than a 2 touchdown game until the end, when we scored on a long run. They go right back and drive the field at the end and almost score. We were very close to being on ESPN all night, by being the biggest upset of the day.

Drastic improvements must be made before this Saturday night in puppyville.

FOCUS and EXECUTION are the keys to winning.

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I never thought I would see the day when AU would win by 22 points, on the road, in the SEC and any "fan" would find this much to complain about. Looks as if someone's true "colors" are shinning through. :D:poke:

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QB and receivers B+

Too many drops, not enough yards

About right, though I'm not concerned about the yards. We were doing so well on the ground, the passing game just wasn't a focus anymore and didn't need to be.

RB's - A

Against UK, they should have ran for that many yards. It wasn't exceptional, just expected. Hopefully the starter and 2nd stringer are ready this week.

I'd say A+ when the 5th string tailback breaks off two huge runs and even Tre Smith almost hits the century mark in 13 carries. I don't care what defense it was, that was impressive.

Punt Returns- Do I need to say this?  F

2 returns for 2 yards! AND a fumble. I wish they would let TD get back there with his speed and make something happen.

Ugh. I don't even care about having someone explosive anymore. I just want someone to hang on to the damn ball.

Kickoffs - F

How do you back a team up that far and not on-side the ball?!! No excuse for that ball to go thru the endzone, NONE!! Maybe it was a coaching error, but the coach did not kick it. A soft on-sides kick would have, at least, put them inside the 20. After getting the coaches in trouble and having some momentum, Auburn could have scored another quick TD with a successful kick recovery.

Is there anything else you're basing this "F" on? Seems overly harsh to me. We had 7 kickoffs other than the one where you felt we should have done an onsides kick. Five were touchbacks and another went to the endzone and was returned. The other went to the seven. That doesn't warrant an "F" even with the onsides issue. Frankly, I agree we should have done an onsides, but we did attempt one and it got called back on an illegal formation penalty because only 3 men were one side of the kicker. I guess after that with the element of surprise gone, they decided not to do it again, but I would have done it anyway. I think a B- would be more in order.

Defense- C-, and that's being nice!

Very lack-luster performance by the defense. Some will say, "we won't play like that next week". Well, we better not, or we lose big time.

It's a mixed bag for sure. The starters played fairly well. But the 2nd and 3rd teamers did not keep up the intensity like they had in other games. And I know we played some vanilla coverages and didn't blitz that much, but still, UK shouldn't put that much offense on us.

Drastic improvements must be made before this Saturday night in puppyville.

FOCUS and EXECUTION are the keys to winning.


Well, if you feel that this performance was normal for this year, sure "drastic" improvements are needed. I don't see that as being the case though. This game was atypical on defense for us this season and don't expect a repeat against Georgia. That doesn't make me any happier about the defensive effort vs UK, but it puts in some perspective.

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Just wanted to throw in that - while, admittedly, there wasn't a whole lot to cheer about defensively - it was GREAT to see McClover going full speed and wreaking havoc in the UK backfield. (Though he's got to learn to stay home vs. the run . . . geeeez.) Hopefully having him back at 100% will allow us to be more aggressive (and successful) pressuring (and containing) Shockley and Croyle.

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How do you back a team up that far and not on-side the ball?!! No excuse for that ball to go thru the endzone, NONE!! Maybe it was a coaching error, but the coach did not kick it. A soft on-sides kick would have, at least, put them inside the 20. After getting the coaches in trouble and having some momentum, Auburn could have scored another quick TD with a successful kick recovery.

I'm not absolutely positive on this one, but remember we did line up for an onside kick, and the ball was blown off of the tee twice. After that, Prechae (I think it was him) had to come hold the ball on the tee. I'm no kicker, but my gut tells me it is probably very difficult to kick an onsides kick when someone has their hand on top of the ball. Thus, the hard kick that was meant to bounce off one of their players. I would bet having a holder led to the penalty too, since your onsides formation is skewed to one side. Taking a man away from the small side would leave only three players over there.

Edit: Also, we only kicked once. They flagged us for the illegal formation penalty, but UK declined it, presumably to avoid allowing us a second chance.

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How do you back a team up that far and not on-side the ball?!! No excuse for that ball to go thru the endzone, NONE!! Maybe it was a coaching error, but the coach did not kick it. A soft on-sides kick would have, at least, put them inside the 20. After getting the coaches in trouble and having some momentum, Auburn could have scored another quick TD with a successful kick recovery.

I'm not absolutely positive on this one, but remember we did line up for an onside kick, and the ball was blown off of the tee twice. After that, Prechae (I think it was him) had to come hold the ball on the tee. I'm no kicker, but my gut tells me it is probably very difficult to kick an onsides kick when someone has their hand on top of the ball. Thus, the hard kick that was meant to bounce off one of their players. I would bet having a holder led to the penalty too, since your onsides formation is skewed to one side. Taking a man away from the small side would leave only three players over there.


You are right that the ball blew off the tee twice...Montae Pitts had to come up and hold it after that...which I would assume makes it difficult and/or extremely akward for Matt Clark to kick an on-sides attempt.

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How do you back a team up that far and not on-side the ball?!! No excuse for that ball to go thru the endzone, NONE!! Maybe it was a coaching error, but the coach did not kick it. A soft on-sides kick would have, at least, put them inside the 20. After getting the coaches in trouble and having some momentum, Auburn could have scored another quick TD with a successful kick recovery.

I'm not absolutely positive on this one, but remember we did line up for an onside kick, and the ball was blown off of the tee twice. After that, Prechae (I think it was him) had to come hold the ball on the tee. I'm no kicker, but my gut tells me it is probably very difficult to kick an onsides kick when someone has their hand on top of the ball. Thus, the hard kick that was meant to bounce off one of their players. I would bet having a holder led to the penalty too, since your onsides formation is skewed to one side. Taking a man away from the small side would leave only three players over there.


You are right that the ball blew off the tee twice...Montae Pitts had to come up and hold it after that...which I would assume makes it difficult and/or extremely akward for Matt Clark to kick an on-sides attempt.


You all are right...They were going for the onsides kick, but it fell of the tee twice, so Pitts had to hold the ball and the coaches just decided to kick it.

Aubie7, how does that make for an automatic F even if it was a bad call?

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And it shall be written "It will be a cold day in a bad place before one shall complain about a 22 point win against an SEC opponent!!"

So sayeth the shepard, so sayeth the flock!!! :P

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Forgot one catagory:

Covering the spread: F

Would have landed me $100 on a parlay, and its the first time Auburn hasn't covered since Ga Tech.

Should have gone for two on that last touch down. :D

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Guest Tigrinum Major
Forgot one catagory:

Covering the spread:  F

Would have landed me $100 on a parlay, and its the first time Auburn hasn't covered since Ga Tech.

Should have gone for two on that last touch down.  :D


The football team and coaching staff shouldn't be worried about the spread at all, in any situation.

And anyone who puts money on a 20 year old that may or may not have broken up with his girlfriend last night should take the bad with the good and not complain.

Ya pays ya money, ya takes ya chances.

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Forgot one catagory:

Covering the spread:  F

Would have landed me $100 on a parlay, and its the first time Auburn hasn't covered since Ga Tech.

Should have gone for two on that last touch down.  :D


The football team and coaching staff shouldn't be worried about the spread at all, in any situation.

And anyone who puts money on a 20 year old that may or may not have broken up with his girlfriend last night should take the bad with the good and not complain.

Ya pays ya money, ya takes ya chances.


I'm pretty sure he was making a joke. Lighten up, Francis.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I know he was and I was making a point in a sarcastic way. I didn't put a similie on mine, so therefore my subtle humor gets overlooked.

I have no problem with folks putting some action on a game, "Francis".

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I know he was and I was making a point in a sarcastic way.  I didn't put a similie on mine, so therefore my subtle humor gets overlooked. 

I have no problem with folks putting some action on a game, "Francis".


Touche, Sir Sarcasm. My apologies.

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I know he was and I was making a point in a sarcastic way.  I didn't put a similie on mine, so therefore my subtle humor gets overlooked. 

I have no problem with folks putting some action on a game, "Francis".


Touche, Sir Sarcasm. My apologies.


"When you and your buddy stole that cow.....and your buddy made it with the cow.....I want to party with you."

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I know he was and I was making a point in a sarcastic way.  I didn't put a similie on mine, so therefore my subtle humor gets overlooked. 

I have no problem with folks putting some action on a game, "Francis".


Touche, Sir Sarcasm. My apologies.


"When you and your buddy stole that cow.....and your buddy made it with the cow.....I want to party with you."


"You may have noticed....I have this weight problem...."

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I know he was and I was making a point in a sarcastic way.  I didn't put a similie on mine, so therefore my subtle humor gets overlooked. 

I have no problem with folks putting some action on a game, "Francis".


Touche, Sir Sarcasm. My apologies.


"When you and your buddy stole that cow.....and your buddy made it with the cow.....I want to party with you."


"You may have noticed....I have this weight problem...."


"Oh, it's not the speed really so much, I just wish I hadn't drunk all that cough syrup this morning."

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Just wanted to throw in that - while, admittedly, there wasn't a whole lot to cheer about defensively - it was GREAT to see McClover going full speed and wreaking havoc in the UK backfield.  (Though he's got to learn to stay home vs. the run . . . geeeez.)  Hopefully having him back at 100% will allow us to be more aggressive (and successful) pressuring (and containing) Shockley and Croyle.


Correct! We are still very vunerable on the ends. They do not stay at home and often get pushed inside. If Shockley can get outside, and if he can run on that bad knee, we are in trouble. I also forgot to mention that in the entire time that this coaching staff has been at Auburn, they have yet to find a way to cover a running back coming out of the backfield and catching a pass.

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