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Lies from the left


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All they had to say was supported by...

Edward Asner

Russell Banks

Ed Begley, Jr.

Harry Belafonte

St. Clair Bourne

Gabriel Byrne

Ward Churchill :lol:

Kate Clinton

John Conyers :lol:

Ariel Dorfman

Michael Eric Dyson

Steve Earle

Niles Eldredge

Daniel Ellsberg

Eve Ensler

Lawrence Ferlinghetti


Jane Fonda

Michael Franti

reg e. gaines

Martin Garbus

Andre Gregory

Paul Haggis

Sam Hamill

Suheir Hammad

Kathleen Hanna

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Bill T. Jones

Sarah Jones

Rickie Lee Jones :lol:

Brig. Gen. (ret) Janis Karpinski

Casey Kasem :lol:

Jonathan Kozol

Jessica Lange :lol:

Lewis Lapham

Mark Leno

Rabbi Michael Lerner

Cynthia McKinney

Mark Crispin Miller

Mike Molloy

Tom Morello


Grace Paley

Sean Penn

Harold Pinter

Frances Fox Piven

Sister Helen Prejean

Michael Ratner

Maggie Renzi

Boots Riley

Dennis Rivera

Mark Ruffalo

Sonia Sanchez

Susan Sarandon

John Sayles

Richard Serra

Rev. Al Sharpton

Cindy Sheehan

Martin Sheen

Nancy Spero

Gloria Steinem

Lynne Stewart

Serj Tankian

Studs Terkel I could do a whole thread on this one guy alone.

Gore Vidal

Kurt Vonnegut

Alice Walker

Maxine Waters

Cornel West

Saul Williams

Krzysztof Wodiczko

Ann Wright

Howard Zinn

and thousands more...

:lmao: This list alone was worth the laugh to go to that site. Ward Churchill, Asner, and Fonda alone will ignite the Conservatives against this bunch. Maybe we could just call this the Wacko Left's Ususal Suspects?

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All they had to say was supported by...
Edward Asner

Russell Banks

Ed Begley, Jr.

Harry Belafonte

St. Clair Bourne

Gabriel Byrne

Ward Churchill :lol:

Kate Clinton

John Conyers :lol:

Ariel Dorfman

Michael Eric Dyson

Steve Earle

Niles Eldredge

Daniel Ellsberg

Eve Ensler

Lawrence Ferlinghetti


Jane Fonda

Michael Franti

reg e. gaines

Martin Garbus

Andre Gregory

Paul Haggis

Sam Hamill

Suheir Hammad

Kathleen Hanna

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Bill T. Jones

Sarah Jones

Rickie Lee Jones :lol:

Brig. Gen. (ret) Janis Karpinski

Casey Kasem :lol:

Jonathan Kozol

Jessica Lange :lol:

Lewis Lapham

Mark Leno

Rabbi Michael Lerner

Cynthia McKinney

Mark Crispin Miller

Mike Molloy

Tom Morello


Grace Paley

Sean Penn

Harold Pinter

Frances Fox Piven

Sister Helen Prejean

Michael Ratner

Maggie Renzi

Boots Riley

Dennis Rivera

Mark Ruffalo

Sonia Sanchez

Susan Sarandon

John Sayles

Richard Serra

Rev. Al Sharpton

Cindy Sheehan

Martin Sheen

Nancy Spero

Gloria Steinem

Lynne Stewart

Serj Tankian

Studs Terkel I could do a whole thread on this one guy alone.

Gore Vidal

Kurt Vonnegut

Alice Walker

Maxine Waters

Cornel West

Saul Williams

Krzysztof Wodiczko

Ann Wright

Howard Zinn

and thousands more...

:lmao: This list alone was worth the laugh to go to that site. Ward Churchill, Asner, and Fonda alone will ignite the Conservatives against this bunch. Maybe we could just call this the Wacko Left's Ususal Suspects?


I never got past seeing this, no way bubba

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First, there isn't a Bush 'regime' . Bush was duly re-elected to office, by the people, and will serve out the remainder of this 2nd term. These clowns who think they can alter and ammend the US Constitution all on their own simply by signing some inane 'protest list ' are doing a great disservice to our country.

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  "The greatest party battle centered around the Second Bank of the United States, a private corporation but virtually a Government-sponsored monopoly."


What is so sad Raptor, is the fact that, Bush has really done nothing to help the middle-class working American. If he really cared he would abolish the Federal Reserve, thus freeing us from the bonds of slavery. Bondage/slavery(income tax) is not liberty. Liberty is God given, and freedom is government limiting liberty (control). Why is it that the U.S. Treasury/IRS transfers income taxes to the Federal Reserve? Could it be to pay the interest on the debt we'll never pay off, or is it an accounting trick used to print more money?


A response to a critic of The Creature from Jekyll Island

© 2004 by G. Edward Griffin

My lecture: I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve needed to be abolished for seven reasons. I’d like to read them to you now just so that you get an idea of where I’m coming from, as they say. I put these into the most concise phrasing that I can to make them somewhat shocking so that, hopefully, you’ll remember them:

1. The Fed is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives.

2. It is a cartel operating against the public interest.

3. It is the supreme instrument of usury.

4. It generates our most unfair tax through inflation and bailouts.

5. It encourages war.

6. It destabilizes the economy.

7. It discourages private capital formation.

            Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve: “...the increase in the assets of the Federal Reserve banks from 143 million dollars in 1913 to 45 BILLION dollars in 1949 went directly to the private stockholders of the [federal reserve] banks.”

Flaherty: It would be a mistake to examine these conspiracy theories....

            My reply: Stop right there. There is nothing about my work that merits being classified as a conspiracy theory. In modern context, it is customary to associate the phrase “conspiracy theory” with those who are intellectually handicapped or ill informed. Using emotionally loaded words and phrases to discredit the work of others is to be rejected. If I am to be called a conspiracy theorist, then Flaherty cannot object if I were to call him a conspiracy poo-pooist. The later group is a ridiculous bunch, indeed, in view of the fact that conspiracies are so common throughout history. Very few major events of the past have occurred in the absence of conspiracies. To think that our modern age must be an exception is not rational. Facts are either true or false. If we disagree with a fact, our job is to explain why, not to use emotionally-loaded labels to discredit those who disagree with us.

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UGH too bad they didnt get any support from a decent web devloper...that site was teh sux!


What is your major malfunction numb###s?


The government has said that every individual is required to read the law and determine if the words specifically show that he owes taxes (or not). Before the Internet, this was almost impossible; with the Internet, this is now possible, for free. Furthermore, the awesome power of computer search engines is such that the entire law can be searched, finding every reference to any legal topic, missing nothing.

Opinions about the law are irrelevant; the exact words of the law are what matter. Every individual DESERVES to see the exact words of the law that require him to pay any tax BEFORE he pays it. Supreme Court Justice Thomas said it best in a recent case involving Boeing:

"Before placing its hand in the taxpayer's pocket, the Government must place its finger on the law authorizing its action."

When Treasury Department regulation writing lawyers are asked to show the SPECIFIC WORDS that tax the purely domestically earned incomes of residents of the United States (Americans and resident aliens; meaning most incomes), they cannot do so.

Due to Constitutional restrictions on Congress' power to tax incomes unchanged by the 16th Amendment, the specific words that show the taxation of the purely domestically earned incomes of residents of the United States cannot and DO NOT exist in the law.

On the other hand, the law shows the specific words that say that individuals engaged in international and possessions commerce owe federal income taxes over and over and over again.

The fraud is NOT in the law. It is correctly (albeit deceptively) written and is constitutional. The truth is found in the regulations (which are detailed explanations of the correct application of the statutes) DEEP in a part of the law where nobody knew to look (Subchapter N, Section 861).

The FRAUD is the deliberate MISREPRESENTATION of the severely limited scope of the correctly written law to the public by lawyers in the Treasury Department (and other federal agencies and politicians).

Treasury lawyers (and their predecessors for over 80 years) have written the Section 861 regulations (and related sections) that prove that only individuals engaged in international and possessions commerce owe the tax. There was no requirement that they had to make the truth "easy to find."

When confronted with the irrefutable evidence in the written law, Treasury Department "expert" lawyers have REFUSED to discuss or get anywhere near the 861 regulations.

The Supreme Court has specifically stated that what the tax law means is NOT up to the courts but to the regulations. It is an accepted principle worldwide that the regulations have the final say for what the statutes mean.

Furthermore, the regulations are the government's "official" interpretation of the correct application of the statutes, and are binding on the public, IRS, and government lawyers. The tires meet the road in the regulations, NOT the courts:

"Income Tax Regulations

The Federal Income Tax Regulations (Regs.) are the OFFICIAL TREASURY DEPARTMENT INTERPRETATION of the Internal Revenue Code" [iRM §]

Subtitle A: “Income taxes”

Chapter 1: “Normal taxes and surtaxes”

Subchapter N: “Tax based on income from sources within or without the United States”

Part I:“ Determination of sources of income”*

Section 861: “Income from sources within the United States”

861(a) “Gross income from sources within United States”

861( B) “Taxable income from sources within United States”

Take a look at the title of the critical regulation 1.861-8:

1. 861 -8 “ Computation of taxable income from sources within the United States and from other sources and activities.”

[*USCS and USCA versions of the IRC]

Have you ever seen these sections of the federal income tax law before? Most people haven't (including tax professionals). For decades, the Treasury Department hoped that you never would.

The public and most tax professionals have completely ignored Subchapter N, Section 861 (above) because the government deliberately misled them into believing that the 16th Amendment gave Congress new powers of taxation, "permitting" a DIRECT unapportioned tax on ALL incomes (otherwise prohibited by the Constitution).

This is not true; in 1916 the Supreme Court AND the Secretary of the Treasury stated that 16th Amendment DID NOT give Congress new powers of taxation, but confirmed that the income tax is and has always been an indirect (excise) tax, which is a tax on certain activities.

What is an excise tax? In the Congressional Record (1943), a former Treasury Department regulation writing lawyer said it best:

“The income tax is, therefore, not a tax on income as such. It is an excise tax with respect to certain activities and privileges which is measured by reference to the income which they produce. The income is not the subject of the tax: it is the basis for determining the amount of the tax.”

This means that the "item" (type) of income (interest, compensation for services, dividends, etc.) is the MEASURE of the tax. The "activities and privileges" that generate the income are what represent the SUBJECTS of the tax. The only time that income is taxable is if it is derived from an "activity" that is taxable by Congress.

The income tax is imposed on the "taxable income" of individuals, NOT all income in Subchapter A. Only income derived from taxable activities is what becomes "taxable income" (taxable "gross income" minus allowable deductions), therefore, federal income taxes may be owed on such income. And if you owe federal income taxes, you are required to pay them whether you like it or not.

But the taxable "activities" are located in the Subchapter N, Section 861 regulations, thousands of pages away from where the tax is imposed in Subchapter A. ALL individuals with domestic income (the incomes of most Americans) must go to the Section 861 regulations to determine if the activities that generate their income are taxable or not.

Section 861 ("Income from sources within the United States") contains the critical regulation 1.861-8, entitled "Computation of taxable income from sources within the United States..." It is in a subsection of this critical regulation (1.861-8(f)(1)) that ALL the taxable activities are found.

But they are ALL related to international and possessions commerce (including the domestic income of foreigners, since this is part of "commerce with foreign nations" or international commerce). The domestic incomes of residents of the United States (US citizens AND resident aliens) are NOT shown to be taxable under the Section 861 regulations (or anywhere else in the law), because Congress cannot tax them. [Foreigners that live and work in the United States are called "resident aliens."]

Therefore, according to the written law, the domestic activities of residents of the United States (Americans and resident aliens) are NOT shown to be taxable, so the income derived from such activities does not become taxable "gross income."

This is without question the biggest government financial fraud in history. You may ask why it is a fraud if the law is correctly written? Government lawyers have been knowingly misrepresenting the LIMITED SCOPE of the law to the public for generations, hiding the truth ever deeper in the law. Treasury Department lawyers not only wrote the regulations that prove that most incomes are not taxed, but are STILL actively directing the IRS to collect taxes not owed by written law.

The significance of Subchapter N is not new. The law writers made it very difficult to make the connection from where the tax is imposed (Subchapter A) to the critical regulations under Section 861 in Subchapter N by reading the law alone.

But for decades, specific directions to Section 861 have always been in the INDEXES of the USC and CFR. For domestic income these entries direct the reader to Section 861.

* USC Index: Gross income, sources within U.S., see 861

* USC Index: Deductions, Taxable income from within U.S., see 861

* USC Index: Taxable income, Sources within U.S., see 861

* CFR Index: “Income from sources inside or outside U.S., determination of sources of income, 26 CFR 1 ( 1.861-1--1.864-8T).”

To see just how critical Section 861 and its regulations are, take a peek at this robotic and objective "data mining" website (www.whatistaxed.com) and then come back here (you should go back later to see how all roads lead to Section 861). All roads lead to Section 861 for determining taxable income (which is precisely what everyone must do).

There are many accountants, lawyers, members of the public who agree that the evidence is irrefutable. These are the details behind the upcoming film that shows that the federal domestic income tax is a FRAUD:



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