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British dairy farmers insist cows have regional accents

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Before you dismiss this as something udderly ridiculous, consider it for a moment. A cow in Winnepeg goes "Moo, eh", a cow in Dijon counters with "Meaux", and a cow in Tuscaloosa would sound something like, "Get away from me, Jimmy!"

Cows moo with an accent down on the dairy farm

Cows moo with a regional accent, according to farmers. Dairy farmers in Somerset noticed a local twang, and experts confirmed that different herds made different sounds.

John Wells, professor of Phonetics at the University of London, said: "This phenomena is well attested in birds. This could also be true of cows."

The differences were noticed by members of the West Country Farmhouse Cheesemakers group, who put it down to the close bond between farmer and cow. Lloyd Green, a farmer from Glastonbury, said his cows definitely had a Somerset drawl.


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Before you dismiss this as something udderly ridiculous, consider it for a moment. A cow in Winnepeg goes "Moo, eh", a cow in Dijon counters with "Meaux", and a cow in Tuscaloosa would sound something like, "Get away from me, Jimmy!"


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Well, you know what? I think there's something to it. I was in Arkansas in vacaton back in June at Lake Ouchita (great lake, by the way). As I was sitting on this houseboat listening to the crickets and katydids, I realized that they had a completely different rhythm than good old Alabama crickets. I pointed it out to the other guys, and they listened and agreed. Obviously, we had run out of things to talk about.

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