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Jason Campbell has moved up to being the backup


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And Carlos Rogers in a starting CB position. :thumbsup:

He played alot and started quite a few games last year. Washington fans and the media are postive about him.

I am a huge JC fan he is all over my Wall! I hope he beats out that old qb!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He will be the starter, if not by the end of this year, then next year probably. He was drafted to be their starter, Gibbs has been quoted on that. Gibbs is old school and does not believe in rushing a young QB into the starting position without the proper mentoring first. Which is different then the popular trend these days of throwing young QBs to the lions, get them all beat up that withing 3 or 4 years, and they are already burnt out or physically unable to play.

It also does not help that the got a new offensive coordinator this year, which means that once again, JC is having to learn a new offense all over again. They are going to start calling it the Jason Campbell curse when a QB can't keep an offensive coordinator for more then a year. By the time JC is in his 5th year of pro ball, he should know about every different type of offensive system there is. :lol:

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I was very excited when I found out what Jason's situation would be. Mark Brunell is obviously past his prime, but what a great person to have as a mentor! Jason gets the benefit of a couple of years as a backup to someone who has seen and done it all in the NFL, then gets to move into the starting position gradually. I coudn't think of a better scenario for him.

Jason will be a GREAT NFL QB!

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