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Get ready for a new head DEMON


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The real test for Pelosi wil be how she (wo)manhandles Rangle, Waxman and Conyers to keep the :bs: factor out of the committees. Waxman has been foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the Govt Reform Chairmanship, and she is REALLY going to have her hands full reining in these boneheads. If she doesn't get and maintain a tight grip right off the bat, the Dems are in trouble - it will be nothing but more of the same crap in 2008 - Dems don't have an agenda, and will try to run on "We Ain't Bush", resulting in another Repub sweep.

Bush was a great bi-partisan governor here in Texas. He and Dem Lt Gov Bullock got some great things accomplished. If Pelosi and the Dems step up and meet him half way, things will get done. Try and tinkle in his Cheerios, and well, we have already seen how stubborn the man can be. The Veto pen will run dry.

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The real test for Pelosi wil be how she (wo)manhandles Rangle, Waxman and Conyers to keep the :bs: factor out of the committees. Waxman has been foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the Govt Reform Chairmanship, and she is REALLY going to have her hands full reining in these boneheads. If she doesn't get and maintain a tight grip right off the bat, the Dems are in trouble - it will be nothing but more of the same crap in 2008 - Dems don't have an agenda, and will try to run on "We Ain't Bush", resulting in another Repub sweep.

Bush was a great bi-partisan governor here in Texas. He and Dem Lt Gov Bullock got some great things accomplished. If Pelosi and the Dems step up and meet him half way, things will get done. Try and tinkle in his Cheerios, and well, we have already seen how stubborn the man can be. The Veto pen will run dry.

As I said, right now I'm willing to take BOTH of them at their word, without any qualifications.

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I saw Bush's press conference and must admit that I was impressed with what he had to say. I also saw Nancy Pelosi's press conference and liked what she said. They both talked about working in a bipartisan way. Neither Bush nor Pelosi has done this to date, but, I'm willing to take both of them at face value. I certainly hope both of them will do what they say. We need it.

What we don't need is amnisty for 20+ million illegal aliens. But since Bush's politics are much closer to Pelosi's on this, and a great many other matters, that's what we'll be getting.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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Some of this is directly copied from a post I made in another thread, but is still relevant to this discussion.

At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. Pelosi's majority is still slim, President Bush still has a veto, a tie in the Senate means Cheney does his job, and not all Democrats will support her if her agenda goes off the left end. In my mind, this really is not a bad thing. It will be a two year long campaign ad for whatever Republican decides to run for President in 2008, a good reminder to the American people of why we can't have a Dem in the White House. After so many years of Repub control, people tend to forget that the Dems are much worse - this will be a great wake up call.

The only thing this Dem House/Congress will accomplish is creating work for DC lawyers as the subpoenas start to fly like snow. It will be investigation after hearing after muckracking, in a vicious and ultimately useless attempt to discredit a lame duck President. The Dems would be better off trying to come up with an alternative to Pres Bush and the Repubs rather than bashing the current administration who will be gone in two years anyway. But they won't - Henry Waxman already has a hit list, and the thought of John Conyers running Judiciary is appalling, about as bad as an IMPEACHED JUDGE as the head of Intelligence. Fabulous.

I agree that the R's shot themselves in the foot - they did not listen to their base. But I also think that the next two years are not going to be that bad, and that it will be a good thing, to get the R's back on track. The worst of it will be all the gleeful nasty vicious "scandal" the Dems are going to try and rake up - I am SO SICK of that crap. Yet another history lesson the Dems will not learn - the R's went after Clinton and it cost them. Going after Bush and this administration will get them nowhere. They need to focus on using this time to pull together an agenda that will appeal to people other than alternative lifestyle ecoterrorist vegan trust fund baby pacifists from California.

So, in two years, the Dems will not be able to point to one single concrete thing that shows why they deserve to sit in the Big Boy Chair. They will try to run again on how corrupt the R's are, how corrupt Bush is, see all the investigations we did? See? SEE!! Unfortunately, that won't work this time - Bush isn't running, his adminstration will be gone, and the Dems STILL will have no alternative plan for the direction of this country. The country goes right back to Red in 2008.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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