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Cox vs. Burns


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There is no doubt that Brandon is good at "checking" us into good situations...maybe the best that we have ever had! On the other hand, he has very limited mobility and is unable to run his way out of trouble. I think this makes it very easy for defenses and is the real reason our offense has been average this year.

With this being said, I am ready for Kodi to get on campus and give us that exta threat. I don't think that he starts; but I don't see a Redshirt either!

Your thoughts?

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I don't see CAB as a guy who will put in a package for a true frosh, but stranger things have happened in the SEC in the last few years.

Agreed. As happy as I am about him coming I think he will be riding the pine for a while before he is a major force.

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People who are more on the inside than myself can probably speak to this, but Caudle is supposed to be a VERY mobile QB. I don't know how he has progressed during his redshirt year, but if he lives up to the hype, he may be the factor that gets Burns a redshirt year.

That said, it wouldn't hurt my feelings to see him come in and redshirt. That is how you begin to "reload" rather than "rebuild". This staff has been very hesitant to play true freshmen, and it has worked out well. Even top recruits like Blackmon, Fannin, Hawthorne, ect. Even though these guys could have contributed (and started on many teams) the redshirt year is like a "boot camp" for them. It also makes them seem to come out hungrier after the redshirt year.

I look for Burns to be a MAJOR factor after a redshirt year.

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Even if Kodi seems to have more 'weapons' to show than Cox, I don't see him playing next year. Despite Cox' lack of mobility, I think CAB likes his leadership, experience and decision making.

Besides, what about Caudle? Wasn't he a Top10 QB recruit last year? He didn't take any snaps but he has been on the sidelines and knows the offense already. I wouldn't waste a year of eligibility on Kodi just to use him as a third stringer..............

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People who are more on the inside than myself can probably speak to this, but Caudle is supposed to be a VERY mobile QB. I don't know how he has progressed during his redshirt year, but if he lives up to the hype, he may be the factor that gets Burns a redshirt year.

That said, it wouldn't hurt my feelings to see him come in and redshirt. That is how you begin to "reload" rather than "rebuild". This staff has been very hesitant to play true freshmen, and it has worked out well. Even top recruits like Blackmon, Fannin, Hawthorne, ect. Even though these guys could have contributed (and started on many teams) the redshirt year is like a "boot camp" for them. It also makes them seem to come out hungrier after the redshirt year.

I look for Burns to be a MAJOR factor after a redshirt year.

You said it... Caudle is the whole enchilada. If he and Cox were both RS frosh, Cox would be holding the clipboard. AND I strongly disagree about Cox and his audibles. The majority are 1 yard and a cloud of dust.

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Caudle is a very mobile QB..runs a 4.6 before Yox got a hold of him...he's a little over 6'3" 215 and has got a cannon...he'll be 2nd string e next year.

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I still think that the way Daymeune Craig was used for fourth downs when someone else ( I don't remember who) was quarterback was great. Daymeune was ready the next year when he was 1st string quarterback. And it had to mess up the defense of the opposing team when a 2nd quarterback came in there.

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CAB is very confused as how to coach BC. When CAB came in, he could look at JC and see his weaknesses. Therefore, as the season progressed, he would call plays and set up situations to avoid JC's weak areas. This, in turn, gave JC a chance to succeed and gain confidence so that when we did go to one of his weak plays, he made them work. Apparently BC does such a good job in practice and evaluating an opponent that CAB cannot see an glaring issues to avoid. Therefore he keeps calling the same plays over and over again. As a result, BC is set up to fail. Against UN, BC checked to a runnig play to the left for a loss on almost every check off. CAB must set the table for BC to succeed. For any of you out there that claims we need better execution, NO CRAP. Every team needs better ececution. But if you cannot get better execution, then its the coaches job to go a different route. Against UN, only one good (long) pass and catch was made, to PRod. The other calls were bad decisions, bad throws, GREAT catches by CT. The underneath crossing route has been non-existent this year. That is the route that was used in the past to back the defense off. We did have a few uncharacteristic drops on screens by CS and BT? And CS dropped a low pass. Not sure if the passes were just not put in a good spot or just dropped. But when a team is coming at you as hard as UN was, you have to get the short INSIDE passing game going. An 80 yard out that gains 2 yards does nothing. This, IMO, is CAB's job. And so far with this group he has failed. BC came in as one of the best I have ever seen at hitting the crossing route, short or deep, and we use none of these. I am beginning to see shades of Mazzone here, take a QB, get away from his strenghts and force him to fail until he has no confidence.

JC was not as great as we make him ou to be from start to finish. CAB put him in the right situations and JC grew from there. BC is not getting the same type of coaching. Not sure of the reasons, just that its fairly obvious to anyone who has played QB. CAB is the key here. He cannot get caught up in playing home run football. And that is what our offense is right now, a home run offense. In 2004, we would throw the short route and make good runs after the catch, now we are lucky to just catch it.

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AND I strongly disagree about Cox and his audibles. The majority are 1 yard and a cloud of dust.

Have you noticed that both Campbell and Cox will always check to a run. I can only remember one time when a check was to a pass. I know we call a lot of running plays but some of these were on third and semi-long. It might be all the control that the coaches give them, but it always seems so predictable to me.

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Caudle is a very mobile QB..runs a 4.6 before Yox got a hold of him...he's a little over 6'3" 215 and has got a cannon...he'll be 2nd string e next year.

How about his knees?

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unless there are some injuries in the qb ranks, Burns will absolutely redshirt next year. By the way, those of you expressing KB is the savior next year statements, I encourage you to take a peak at some of his high school video clips. Impressive athlete, strong arm, terrible(or perhaps I should say raw) qb skills. Burns without a doubt needs a redshirt year to develop his QB physical fundamentals as well as QB mental skills.

What I would like to see in spring practice/fall practice/2007 is this coaching staff develop a #2 QB that actually sees the field, whether that be caudle/ensminger/fields. Personally my eye leans towards either of the RS freshman because after cox is gone BF has 1 year & apparently he doesn't have it or he would have seen the field this year. I still don't understand why we didn't have another QB in some of the garbage games. I can only assume BF really doesn't have it & the coaches choose to play BC all the time vs. burning a redshirt for caudle or ensminger.

Looking forward to spring practice to see if either of the young QB's can step up.

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unless there are some injuries in the qb ranks, Burns will absolutely redshirt next year. By the way, those of you expressing KB is the savior next year statements, I encourage you to take a peak at some of his high school video clips. Impressive athlete, strong arm, terrible(or perhaps I should say raw) qb skills. Burns without a doubt needs a redshirt year to develop his QB physical fundamentals as well as QB mental skills.

What I would like to see in spring practice/fall practice/2007 is this coaching staff develop a #2 QB that actually sees the field, whether that be caudle/ensminger/fields. Personally my eye leans towards either of the RS freshman because after cox is gone BF has 1 year & apparently he doesn't have it or he would have seen the field this year. I still don't understand why we didn't have another QB in some of the garbage games. I can only assume BF really doesn't have it & the coaches choose to play BC all the time vs. burning a redshirt for caudle or ensminger.

Looking forward to spring practice to see if either of the young QB's can step up.

I can't fathom why BF didn't see the field more this year. If BC's performance was due to injury, a backup would have had to have been terrible not to see the field. I can't imagine he's that bad.

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AND I strongly disagree about Cox and his audibles. The majority are 1 yard and a cloud of dust.

Have you noticed that both Campbell and Cox will always check to a run. I can only remember one time when a check was to a pass. I know we call a lot of running plays but some of these were on third and semi-long. It might be all the control that the coaches give them, but it always seems so predictable to me.

Exactly what I was thinking, everytime I see Cox audible I think run - and I can't help but think our opponents know that too. Don't get me wrong, I think Cox is the man and that Caudle and Burns will learn alot from him next year, but I'd really like to see him audible into a pass some time.

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Re: BC always checking into a run... maybe that's b/c he's usually checking out of a bad pass?

I knew very little about this before last year, but I've since heard numerous comments from coaches about how audibles are rarely used to check INTO a play... they're instead used more often to check OUT of a bad play.

Given the fact that CAB, BC and the WRs were never in synch this year, it seems very likely to me that BC regularly saw coverage he didn't like and opted for a short, safe play instead of a possible TO.

And no, I've never played QB or coached a game, so I'm happy to be corrected on this...

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AND I strongly disagree about Cox and his audibles. The majority are 1 yard and a cloud of dust.

Have you noticed that both Campbell and Cox will always check to a run. I can only remember one time when a check was to a pass. I know we call a lot of running plays but some of these were on third and semi-long. It might be all the control that the coaches give them, but it always seems so predictable to me.

Not true. His senior year, Campbell would very often check into pass plays. I would guess passes were 30-50% of his audibles. Also, Cox, and thus Borges, need to quit audibling to a run EVERY single time. Atleast pretend to be telling the receivers something too.

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One factor that hasn't been discussed is the o-line. We are losing almost the entire o-line in 2007. I don't think Nall is hiding any great talents because we surely would have seen them by now. If you think Cox took a lot of abuse this year, think about starting a bunch of inexperience linemen. Borges better start grooming his most mobile QB now.

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One factor that hasn't been discussed is the o-line. We are losing almost the entire o-line in 2007. I don't think Nall is hiding any great talents because we surely would have seen them by now. If you think Cox took a lot of abuse this year, think about starting a bunch of inexperience linemen. Borges better start grooming his most mobile QB now.

Based on the running game this year, this may not be all bad. 155 yards per game ain't gettin' it done! :thumbsdown:

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There is no doubt that Brandon is good at "checking" us into good situations...maybe the best that we have ever had! On the other hand, he has very limited mobility and is unable to run his way out of trouble. I think this makes it very easy for defenses and is the real reason our offense has been average this year.

With this being said, I am ready for Kodi to get on campus and give us that exta threat. I don't think that he starts; but I don't see a Redshirt either!

Your thoughts?

I also cannot wait for Mr. Burns to arrive...It seems when we have had our greatest success when we have had a mobile quarterback...or at least one that can get out of the way...

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My biggest complaint against BC is his weak arm. When he throws the ball I take a chance to go to the kitchen and get some Nachos. I know it will not get to the WR before I get back. Not slamming him, just think he doesn't have the arm strength to play at this level. Never have. I must admit though I have a bias against the weak arm QB types. I just don't see us being dominant with BC at QB. That just my opinion. I hope I am wrong and I am sure the coaches know better. He has a great heart, but I am not sure that is enough.

And, more in line with this thread, BC holds the ball way too long. He freezes in the face of the rush.

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David Greene had less mobility than an injured B. Cox and he won more games then anyone else in D1 history.

My point is...Borges should just try to build the O around a limited Cox....it can still work with a solid running game. Just need to take the good with the bad.

Sucks Cox has that disease with weak muscles....isn't that what he has?

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My biggest complaint against BC is his weak arm. When he throws the ball I take a chance to go to the kitchen and get some Nachos.

I slow cooked a roast once.

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from what ive heard on campus, Ensminger has looked better than Caudle. So caudle might not even be the 2nd man next year..Ensminger might not either for that matter but as far as those RFR go, but I think Ensminger is actually above Caude right now.

As far as Burns not redshirting, I dont see it happening AT ALL. Even when Campbell was such a big recruit and obviously very good (considering hes an NFL starter right now) he redshirted. And so have all auburns qbs with Tuberville.

The audibles are really getting old. I know Campbell was getting a lot of freedom his senior year and excelled. Its not only that we always go to run, but that we always go to the exact same play: that hb give off tackle (and I dont remember the last time we ran it to the left)

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There is nothing wrong with BC that a little time to heal and some pass proteection cannot fix. If we cannot block it would not matter if we could pass Michael Vick off as a College player he would not look that great.

BC is a true pocket QB and he needs a little time for our inexperienced recievers to get open.

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