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I'm just waiting on the season finale when Prattville whoops that a$$...........

As am I. I was there, and it was a stomping.

It was funny on the show last night it was right after their other loss of the season.

One of the kids was like.

"It's so disappointing. What's the point in playing now when we're only going to win State? That's so lame. I mean going from National Champions to just State Champions is such a step down."


Can't wait for the dramatic finale.

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Anybody know which episode will show their game with Vestavia? A friend of mine took a verbal berating from Probst during that game and I don't want to miss that...

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Anybody know which episode will show their game with Vestavia? A friend of mine took a verbal berating from Probst during that game and I don't want to miss that...

The next one.

Cause they were talking about how they play thm next week in last night's epidsode.

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