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Registered in the fall but unknowingly had a typo in my password- thanks to some help from a member here I was able to recover it. Thank you- you know who you are.

Just wanted to say I can't wait for LSU & Auburn to put the smackdown on Tricky Nick and his delusional team/fanbase next year. Surely brings new meaning to the Ironbowl next year.

Good luck with loi day tommorrow. :sec: is looking good with 6 of the top 10 teams in recruiting.

Would also like to say special hello to the AU visitors we get in the den- all class acts and great ambassadors for AU.

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Welcome, Don't let the bamma fans confuse you, they really are that irrational.

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Welcome, Don't let the bamma fans confuse you, they really are that irrational.

That's funny!

Actually, I grew up hating bama cause when the "Bear" came to Death Valley, it was pretty much assumed we'd get our butts kicked in but as of lately with Saban's antics it's been heightened. (Most LSU fans are more upset with his character issues- we were disappointed when he left but didn't really question it cause we'd accepted he'd be in the NFL. When he tried to leave in the middle of the night again and after- like he did to us- saying he wasn't....blah blah then darting, it left a bad taste).

We do have some Bama posters who are good visitors in the Den and we also have some with really strange perceptions of the Bama program. Mark my word- Nick Saban will have a lot of trouble with their fan base. He keeps a tight lid on things and the access of information they are accustomed to will be the first point of contingency. After he doesn't win a NC within 3 years....... :angry:

Miles plucked Corley out of Mobile and has a chance to land the strongest recruiting class ever at LSU. Several of the recruits' parents have commented on his integrity. Add to that, there are confirmed reports that Luther Davis has text messaged our coaches and wants to decommit, Devine's going to WV. Things ain't so good for Saban- ending up with several two stars and three stars- which aren't a tell tale sign but you know how most fans are about recruiting classes.

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Welcome to the Jungle, Tiga......we will get alone real well until the week of our showdown......and that's to be expected.

I respect LSU.......much as I do UGA. But I have no, and I mean NO respect for the Turds in Crapstone.

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Welcome to the Jungle, Tiga......we will get alone real well until the week of our showdown......and that's to be expected.

I respect LSU.......much as I do UGA. But I have no, and I mean NO respect for the Turds in Crapstone.

We'll get along that week too, I'm not about all that smack bs- facts only type of person. If you like me the rest of the year, that week will be no different. I post a lot in the USC forum and have come to be good friends with many there. I sent one a Sugar Bowl T and was sent a Rosebowl T and my kids each one too. My nine year old said, "Dad, what's that.....USC"? It was innocently hysterical.

Fourm? Is that Cajun? :poke:

Nah, just a typo. Would you believe I majored in English!
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Welcome to the Jungle, Tiga......we will get alone real well until the week of our showdown......and that's to be expected.

I respect LSU.......much as I do UGA. But I have no, and I mean NO respect for the Turds in Crapstone.

We'll get along that week too, I'm not about all that smack bs- facts only type of person. If you like me the rest of the year, that week will be no different. I post a lot in the USC forum and have come to be good friends with many there. I sent one a Sugar Bowl T and was sent a Rosebowl T and my kids each one too. My nine year old said, "Dad, what's that.....USC"? It was innocently hysterical.

Fourm? Is that Cajun? :poke:

Nah, just a typo. Would you believe I majored in English!

You semm like a great guy, but I hate hate hate USC. <_<

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Registered in the fall but unknowingly had a typo in my password- thanks to some help from a member here I was able to recover it. Thank you- you know who you are.

Just wanted to say I can't wait for LSU & Auburn to put the smackdown on Tricky Nick and his delusional team/fanbase next year. Surely brings new meaning to the Ironbowl next year.

Good luck with loi day tommorrow. :sec: is looking good with 6 of the top 10 teams in recruiting.

Would also like to say special hello to the AU visitors we get in the den- all class acts and great ambassadors for AU.

I would like to welcome you to the forum! I hope you are not offended by my signature bar.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Welcome to AUNation. We have some really good LSU fans here and some real jack-asses. Hope your one of the good ones.

He is.

One of the good ones, that is.

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