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What if your kid did this?

Upstate New York Cops Track Flood of Prank 911 Calls to Third-Grader

Friday, February 09, 2007


SOUTH GLENS FALLS, N.Y. — Police used satellite tracking technology to zero in on a pint-sized prankster who had been deluging them with fake 911 calls.

Turns out it was a third-grader whose mom gave her a prepaid cell phone to use in emergencies. The 8-year-old and a few of her friends on the school bus have made more than 135 bogus 911 calls to the Warren County emergency center and state police over the last 10 days in South Glens Falls, 45 miles north of Albany.

Warren County Sheriff Larry Cleveland says the persistent calls prompted officers to use technology to track down the person responsible. All cellular phones sold since 2005 are required to have internal GPS receivers, so police were able to trace the phone to a house in South Glens Falls.

Police caught the third-grader in the act. Her parents were unaware of her mischief.

The sheriff said it's unclear if the 8-year-old would be prosecuted in family court.


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