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Official American Idol Thread

Jenny AU-92

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Okay, so basically the last two nights have established that the winner this year will be a female, probably a black female. The guys totally sucked, with a few rare exceptions. Looks will be the only thing earning some of those guys a vote, a la Ace from last year. Most of them were totally forgettable. I liked the fat guy with curly hair.

Right now, strangely enough, I am agreeing with Simon and picking LaKeisha to take it all. She blew the house down last night and she looked great too. Finding something flattering when you are as big as she is can be difficult, but she pulled it off. Throw in the Fantasia-like single mom feel good story and whammo.

The white girl who went right before her (the one with the pink in her hair) may be some competition, as will the former back-up singer girl and the other black girl with the long curly hair who blew it out last night (not the heavy set 17 year old one - I don't have names down yet).

I was SO GLAD that Antonella blew it last night - I did not like her and her "oh we are both just SO pretty" best friend from the minute I saw them audition, and I was very disappointed when she made it through to the top 24. I think she will be the one to go home tonight.

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I've been waiting on the thread to start. I think Lakesha is the one to beat now, but in my opinion they cut the best male when Tommie went home. He was the one who went into the room with Sundance at the end, but didn't make it. Of the guys, only fat and curly Chris and Phil (baldy who missed his kids' birth) have shown me anything at all. The beatboxing guy has a decent voice, but he's gonna screw up before it's over and beatbox at the wrong time.

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I'm voting Chris every day when the competition starts warming up.

Also, I know Chris's audition was in Birmingham, but which of the finalists are actually from Alabama?

They'll all have to be my runners up to pull for if Chris doesn't make it.

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The boys brough teh suck on Tuesday.

The girls were awesome on Wednesday.

Can they have like 9 girls in the Top 12 this year? After tonight, it will be tough to find someone who DOESN'T deserve to be in the Top 12 from the girls. What were the judges thinking on this set of guys?

I like some of the guys.

1. Beat-boxer

2. Shoeless Joe.

3. Jack Osborne look-a-like.

4. Baldie

But, none of them blew me away.

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I was SO GLAD that Antonella blew it last night - I did not like her and her "oh we are both just SO pretty" best friend from the minute I saw them audition, and I was very disappointed when she made it through to the top 24. I think she will be the one to go home tonight.

She is my favorite. She is the best. Looks the best. Dresses the best. And will win. I will vote every day for her until she wins.

<Above is only for the purpose of irritating Jenny. I have no idea who this person is>

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I had no problem with the eliminations, except that Antonella didn't go. I was surprised at the Asian guy, but the others were so forgettable I didn't even remember what they had sung.

Unfortunately they have to have 6 girls and 6 guys, but I think the guys will get voted off pretty quickly. Too much talent in the female contingent.

<Above is only for the purpose of irritating Jenny. I have no idea who this person is>

Speaking of irritating Jenny...

I read in People at the dr office today that Bucky the Inbred Freak Show from last season is divorcing his wife of 7 years. He really should have held on to her - he is now doomed to a life of increasingly toothless prostitutes in sleazy motels.

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I had no problem with the eliminations, except that Antonella didn't go. I was surprised at the Asian guy, but the others were so forgettable I didn't even remember what they had sung.

Unfortunately they have to have 6 girls and 6 guys, but I think the guys will get voted off pretty quickly. Too much talent in the female contingent.

<Above is only for the purpose of irritating Jenny. I have no idea who this person is>

Speaking of irritating Jenny...

I read in People at the dr office today that Bucky the Inbred Freak Show from last season is divorcing his wife of 7 years. He really should have held on to her - he is now doomed to a life of increasingly toothless prostitutes in sleazy motels.

Make sure you leave the key at the front desk, don't want the corndog to know what's up. I agree, LaKeisha blew the roof off. When she came out and Seacrest announced what song she was going to sing I went "uh, oh" because I have seen the movie and Jennifer Hudson was just WOW. The girls are ten times better than the guys, and too bad that only 6 girls can make it through.

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Speaking of irritating Jenny...

I read in People at the dr office today that Bucky the Inbred Freak Show from last season is divorcing his wife of 7 years. We are currently making our plans to run off together and fill the world with little JenBucks

Fixed that for ya :poke:

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The girls really are ahead of the boys at this stage in the competition, but some of the guys are very talented. Melinda Doolittle and Lakisha Jones are my favorite girls so far but close behind them with a great voice is Gina Glockson and the 17 year old Jordan Sparks is a great talent. The guys that should go far Phil Stacey he has a great voice, Nicholas Pedro from last year is doing well Chris Richardson is a great performer and that should take him very far in the competition, Chris Sligh is the one Im rooting for I want the big guy to go far, It should be fun to see how everyone handles singing songs that they arent comfortable singing in weeks to come

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I was SO GLAD that Antonella blew it last night - I did not like her and her "oh we are both just SO pretty" best friend from the minute I saw them audition, and I was very disappointed when she made it through to the top 24. I think she will be the one to go home tonight.

She is my favorite. She is the best. Looks the best. Dresses the best. And will win. I will vote every day for her until she wins.

<Above is only for the purpose of irritating Jenny. I have no idea who this person is>

Oh, and I thought for a second you had run across her XXX pictures on www.idontlikeyouinthatway.com :P

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Antonella Barba may be gone without the audience even voting.. There is a scandal over some pictures she had taken that are...shall we say...not suited for American Idol.

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The guys definitely showed improvement last night. It made me think they wouldn't be the first six voted off when it gets to the final 12.

I'm thinking Chris Sleigh won that battle on complete personality....either that or a lot of liquor and a trip to Vegas

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Oh, and I thought for a second you had run across her XXX pictures on www.idontlikeyouinthatway.com :P

Thanks for the heads up on that one. :popcorn:

I guess that's one way to tune up the ole vocal chords. She would have been a complete unknown. But now she will have her 15 minutes and become one of those reality TV people.

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Antonella Barba may be gone without the audience even voting.. There is a scandal over some pictures she had taken that are...shall we say...not suited for American Idol.

I thought she might get voted off because of the Pics but America decided no, I think she will be going home next week.

How did Sanjaya Malakar make it thought the week?? I have heard better singers at the Upper Deck as they were falling off stage, I thought Nick Pedro was a lot better oh well

What about Kellie Pickler she has spent some money on herself!!

I loved her song!

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She sang a song???

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Antonella Barba may be gone without the audience even voting.. There is a scandal over some pictures she had taken that are...shall we say...not suited for American Idol.

I thought she might get voted off because of the Pics but America decided no, I think she will be going home next week.

How did Sanjaya Malakar make it thought the week?? I have heard better singers at the Upper Deck as they were falling off stage, I thought Nick Pedro was a lot better oh well

What about Kellie Pickler she has spent some money on herself!!

I loved her song!

According to dialidol.com, Antonella and Sanjaya were among the top vote getters this week. Expect to see them around for awhile. Remember, this is a popularity contest.

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Antonella Barba may be gone without the audience even voting.. There is a scandal over some pictures she had taken that are...shall we say...not suited for American Idol.

I thought she might get voted off because of the Pics but America decided no, I think she will be going home next week.

How did Sanjaya Malakar make it thought the week?? I have heard better singers at the Upper Deck as they were falling off stage, I thought Nick Pedro was a lot better oh well

What about Kellie Pickler she has spent some money on herself!!

I loved her song!

According to dialidol.com, Antonella and Sanjaya were among the top vote getters this week. Expect to see them around for awhile. Remember, this is a popularity contest.

Folks are thinking, "Just a few pics. Surely there are more. If we keep her around long enough, maybe they'll release more." We are a country of truly train-wreck watching people. Just look at the whole Anna Nicole Smith fiasco.

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Sanjaya = Chicken Little (from Idol '06)

at least Chicken little could sing!!!!!!!!

The guy seems to keep it on key and have good tone, but he needs to speak up a little bit, you can barely hear him over the band. He has also done two of the most boring songs in the world.

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Sanjaya = Chicken Little Gay (from Idol '06)

not saying there isn't anything wrong with that.

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