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Dems agenda to stifle free speech


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MoveOne.org is now calling for Fox News to be ‘excluded’ from the presidential debates and ‘de certified’ as a news organization. Why? Because they don’t like what Fox News has to say.

In other words, MoveOn wants to do exactly what many on the left openly accuse the right of doing, stifling speech and opinion inconsistent with their. Funded by the free speech rights of George Soros money, MoveOn wants to ensure their free speech is the only truly free speech.

Even as they accuse the Bush Administration of stifling free speech, that is exactly what a mainstream leftist organization is doing. One does not have to sit down with the Board of MoveOn to understand the disconnect and the pathologies involved. One does not have to sit down with the Board of MoveOn to recognize paranoid behavior (”Make them go away. We are afraid of what they have to say. What if people like them instead of us. We don’t like what they have to say. Make them go away.”)

Further, (and actually, even more troubling) one only has to regard the lack of outcry on the blatant assault on free speech from other leftists and realize, from an observational standpoint (almost conclusive, in fact) that issues of denial and projection are in full bloom.

A real commitment to a principle (free speech) is not dependent on who is speaking. That MoveOn and others, with their silence, want to do the same thing they accuse the Bush administration of doing (and so viciously denounce), is more than disingenuous, it is pathology of serious nature. This kind of behavior is indicative of a lack of credibility, which in fact, is the ‘welcome mat’ for deceit.



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Ahh, yes. The tried and true tactic of poisoning the well of public discourse. If someone doesn't agree w/ moron dot org , then they need to be eradicated.

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Nothing but the sounds of crickets from our libbies. What's the matter boys; did George Soros leave you off the mailing list?

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Nothing but the sounds of crickets from our libbies. What's the matter boys; did George Soros leave you off the mailing list?

They won't answer. We already know that moveon.org does not speak for all libbies. But libbies don't ever condemn what they are saying either.

Our libbies must be part of the .00001% that moveon.orgy does not speak for.....

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I just looked at the website. I find it annoying when trying to have a discussion and people keep bringing up "talking points" from moveon.org. Its like trying to carry on a conversation with a broken record. I find it ironic that move on accuses fox of being a right wing mouthpiece. I don't hear people quote fox news nearly as much as move on. You know, pot, kettle, black....

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This has been up for four days and not a single comment from our resident dems.

They're letting one of their cardinal rules take effect here: Ignore it and it will go away

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Whenever I hear - democrats and free speech, which they are suppose to represent, I think of Tipper Gore. Why you might ask? She was the person responsible for the adult language stickers on music CDs. That's what we refer to as censorship. And as mush as MTV loves the deomcrats, you'll never hear them mention that she infringed on their rights. If a republican would have initiated that, they would probably have referred to it as some kind of witch hunt.

And speaking of MTV, you ever notice when a republican is in office it's - Rock the Vote. When a democrat is in office it's - Choose or Lose. Let the mass media brain washing begin.

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This has been up for four days and not a single comment from our resident dems.

They're letting one of their cardinal rules take effect here: Ignore it and it will go away

See...now you've done it! They will come on here and attempt to talk down to you, now. That or start off on some sort of tangent. S.O.P.

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Hey, that all pre-supposes that anyone that watches The Real World, etc. is actually intelligent enough to actually register and vote.

As for me, I really dont care how much money MTV wastes on Rock the Vote, etc. I truly just cant see it making a hill of beans worth of difference.

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