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Dims loading up on the pork.


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I'm sick of both sides adding crap into bills.


Democrats, who supposedly oppose the war in Iraq with such vigor, are having absolutely no problem loading up an emergency funding bill with their pet pork projects. How much is being thrown down the proverbial pork barrel? Try $10 billion dollars. That's right...billion...with a 'B.' Let's look at just a few of the examples, shall we?

Among the war spending: $3.7 billion in farm subsidies. How this benefits our fighting men and women in Iraq, who knows. Another $2.9 billion is thrown in for good measure, this time for Gulf Coast rebuilding...you know, Katrina and all. Topping off the list is $2.4 billion for things like money for school districts, health insurance for the poor and such. But what's even more comical is that Democrats are defending it.

They say the money is needed and can't wait for the new fiscal year. This is just amazing...here you have all these Democrats opposed to the war, who say it's wrong, who want it to end...but they have no problem larding up the spending bill that will be used to fund the war they so despise. Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe this charade.

Oh, and don't forget the $1 billion for bird flu vaccines...and $500 million for wildfire suppression...sounds like war spending to me!

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Would that be all those dems who have been so concerned with the budget over the past six years? It would seem that all the talk of being fiscally responsible were just more BS & lies from the left. :blink:

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We need line item veto and a President with the balls to use it.

I thought the democrats wanted to stop the pork, not make it worse! If there was already so much support for forcing defeat upon our nation, why does Pelosi and the rest of her terrorists need to bribe their own just to get the necessary votes? Pretty sad.

Overall, politicians (both sides) disgust me. They don't give a damn about their constituents or country. It's party first and everything else be damned. We need term limits on these jackasses and 3rd party candidates that aren't nuttier than squirrel turds. Give us voters a viable alternative to cronyism.

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