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Hopeful of a new comprimise on war spending and overall government!

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I want to start out by saying that I (along the majority of this country) am tired of the wasted tax dollars in Washington D.C. My contentions on the war in Iraq and the security of our homeland have me sick and tired of these overpaid officials who use the taxpayers money as if it were an endless reserve for personal spending. I am not talking about military, homeland security, medicare, ect. budgets here. I'm talking about the wasted man hours that our elected officials use for other means that have no relation to U.S. business.

Case in point! If you are a Senator or Rep. from either party, and you decide to run for president, then you must cut your salary in half and turn over all government "slush" money that you would have used if you were a "full time" official. THERE IS NO WAY a Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, John McCain, ect. can properly fullfill there obligations as a Senator while campaigning for another office.

In addition, I am also sick and tired of this self inflicting division over the war in Iraq!!!! 89% of the people in this nation desired a war with Iraq. That determined effort, regardless of the events after the ceasing of major combat operations, should continue to exist today. The troops deserve better than what they are getting in the media and on the streets! These brave men and women put their lives on the line everyday to protect the freedoms that many of this nation take for granted! Our nation is heading towards a major crisis and all many of us can do is bitch and moan about one freakin' man! We are more powerful than this! What happened to the same resolve that we had minutes after 911? POLITICS!!!!, that's what!

I know that mistakes have been made in the war in Iraq! But that's nothing unusual in war planning. Look at WWII, WWI, The Revolution, The War of Northern Aggression ;) , the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, ect, ect, ect. The one thing that this nation was able to do during those times was look at the OVERALL impact of the event and make the outcome happen at ALL COSTS! This is why we exist today. What do you think would have happened had this country became so politically volatile in 1776???? The Union Jack may still be flying today over our land, or even worse.

At the end of the day we must support the common good, not the radical ideals of either the right or left. When will we decide that the middle road is the one to take????? Maybe never! But I am hopeful, for my brothers and sisters sake on the other side of the world.


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The problem with this war, other than being officially undeclared and approved by congress in the beginning, is that Bush should have known that he couldn't OCCUPY a nation such as Iraq on a continuing basis! His Dad knew this and liberated Kuwait and got out! Another problem is his open-ended approach. He SHOULD DEMAND accountability from the Iraqi leadership where ethnic violence is concerned. If there is no accountability and the body bag count mounts while the liberal media exploits it, the public becomes disenchanted and impatient. This is a battle that we cannot afford to lose as a nation but I have serious doubts where an open-ended, no accountability, and blank check approach is used by this stubborn man. If he doesn't change his approach, then the congress eventually will force him to OR a dem will be elected and then we will cut and run. Better wake up George!

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In addition, I am also sick and tired of this self inflicting division over the war in Iraq!!!! 89% of the people in this nation desired a war with Iraq.

First of all, I'm part of the 11% that wanted no war in Iraq. I still stand on that today. As a Libertarian who votes Democrat, I feel Ron Paul would change the way our government spends money. The K street lobbyist would have to leave because he would take the money out of politics. He would make every effort to keep us out of war, and run government strictly the way the US Constitution states. I truly don't know how he would repair the financial devastation we are about to experience. Putting faith in Wall Street is a big mistake, 1929. Banks control everything and this is the biggest part of the problem, i.e. Federal Reserve. Not to mention how the income tax enslaves us all, except those very wealthy who profit from it. I'm sick of it all myself, and intend on voting for change, either Paul or Gravel. Both are strong advocates of good government.

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