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MTV making southerners look ignorant


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Okay. This is stupid. There is this one black guy on the newest real world show...and a bunch of white kids. Two girls are from the south.

Well they were all out partying one night...and some black guy on the street calls one of the white girls the b word(hehe)...she is. And she calls him the n word.

And she's all..."i didn't know it was offensive...im from the south and we ALL say that all the time"

NO WE DONT. I've lived in alabama ALL MY LIFE and I have a TON of black friends...that's just one place you don't go.

So they were interviewing this other girl from the south and she was like "this is totally new to me...where im from it's okay to say it....he had to tell me that you don't say that to black people"

WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!!! And MTV is displaying these people like they are the ambassadors of the south to america...uggghhhhh.

Am I the only one from the south that doesn't just run around calling everyone that?

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MTV is crap anyways. i suggest stop watching it.

but most bama fans WOULD like MTV

I don't know what else is on at 11:30 at night.

I don't normally watch tv so I guess I'll keep flippin... :)

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GUys, these shows are about as spontaneous as Synchronized Swimming. They are coached, directed, edited around, etc. One show I saw recently showed two folkswalking into the woods and the audio was from a back massage shot earlier with another woman. OOOHHS and AHHS included. You guys just need to remember that everything on tv is just staged. Springer et al is just pure theatre and nothing more.

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I was born in North Carolina, raised in Alabama, and have lived in Tennessee for 9 years. I have NEVER been in any crowd that thought it was cool for any white person to use the n-word. Now, I've been among black friends who would call each other that or call other black folks that (which I think is hypocritical, but that's another subject). But no Southerner, unless they were dropped on their head as a child, thinks that it's "no big deal" to just toss around that word...especially directing it at a black person.

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GUys, these shows are about as spontaneous as Synchronized Swimming. They are coached, directed, edited around, etc. One show I saw recently showed two folkswalking into the woods and the audio was from a back massage shot earlier with another woman. OOOHHS and AHHS included. You guys just need to remember that everything on tv is just staged. Springer et al is just pure theatre and nothing more.

I'm with David on this one. I watched a few episodes of "The Simple Life" while I was off for Christmas. Ain't nobody THAT dumb, but if they were, the folks in Arkansas wouldn't trust them with the instant responsibilities they cast upon them. You could almost tell the stage was set for hilarity. It's like a reverse Beverly Hillbilly's.

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Guest AuNuma1

Ohhhhh those Rich B!tch shows are awful. You have the "Simple Life" and then there's the one on MTV that follows Tommy Hillfiger's daughter and her rich friend around...literally will make you cringe.

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im being totally honest here. i went to auburn for 2 years and heard the n word more then i had ever had. when i go back i hear it a lot too.

either way, DONT WATCH MTV

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im being totally honest here. i went to auburn for 2 years and heard the n word more then i had ever had. when i go back i hear it a lot too.

either way, DONT WATCH MTV

Penguin, you need new friends guy. I went to AU for 5 years. I never heard the N word once.

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That word is not tolerated in my home - all rules of hospitality go out the window when that is said, by anyone, even my black friends. That will be the worst punishment Katie EVER gets, if I hear that word from her mouth.

Absolutely intolerable.

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To answer the question the blonde chick is from Anderson, SC about 30 miles from Greenville.

The chick who used the word is from Tampa.

Ok, my thoughts... I saw the show, and first off I never use that word, nor condone the use of it-- but these people just turn everything into a melodrama.

I understand the black guy being pissed off, I would have been if I were in his shoes, but the rest of the group just went bonkers like they have never seen an offended person in their life. Instead of letting those 2 work it out, everyone had to make their little comment to him and her and suddenly it was this huge 30 min.

Also, I have heard the N word, but very very rarely. I do not tolerate it being used. I do think those shows just make everyone look stupid in the south. Unfortunately the people that are on them also help all the yankees that run these stations perpetuation the "southerners are stupid" notion.

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It may just be me but I never considered Tampa part of the "south". Her parents are probably from New York.

Preach on, brother. Anything south of Gainsville is just Manhattan/Jersey City South... just TRY to find true Southerners down there!!!

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Teaching in a suburban Houston school that shall remain unnamed, I hear my black students call each other "nigga" all...the...time. They use it in much the same manner as I would use "dude" and they are fully aware that it is considered a pejorative if used by someone who isn't black. I don't completely understand it and I don't go around calling my white friends "crackers."

On a side note, it is a sad day when ESPN has to resort to televising poker games and (I am not kidding) Scrabble...I love playing Scrabble, but I can't imagine that it is very riveting. I know I turned the TV to another channel.

Oh, and MTV is pathetic now...where have you gone, Martha Quinn?

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Uh? Did the black guy call the girl a bitgh first? If so. All goes. Can't have it both ways. Wanna start name calling, be ready. I grew up around MANY people who used the word. I am not ashamed of it nor will I appologize. It was acceptable then. I don't teach it to my children. But I will not stand around and be accosted by anyone in whatever way they choose and then FEEL I can't do the same. I would like to say I would refrain from doing so, but life is not always planned. And sadly enough, the word DOES describe many people in this world, white and black. But if you want equality, refer to me with respect and I'll refer to you with respect.....BLACK OR WHITE!!!!

I am tired of playing the "don't offend me because of my color" game. It's OLD!!!!

NOW. Crank it up AL!

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I was watching NBC's Apprentice the Reality show where Donald Trump is giving a group of ppl to be president of one of his companies. Well Anyways I was watching and the women group won a contest that would allow them to fly to Boston for a Dinner. On the way back a white woman and a black woman got into a arguement. During the Arguement the white woman said the common phrase Pot meet kettle its black too. and the black woman got all in a huff and accused the white woman of being a racist. and I was like dang you need to get a grip and get a reality check. then I started laughing at the black woman. It was just crazy.

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I saw taht as well last night. Some people are WAY too sensitive. All the girl said was "Well that's the pot calling the kettle black!" and the black girl just jumped all over her and said "what did you say about black people? are you intimidated by a strong black woman?"

I do understand that there is racism in this world, and that people do feel those affects everyday, however, I don't think it is every white person and I have a hard time believing that every black person has felt its effects.

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I think racism like a lot of other things that offend people are sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Like if I said all the a--sholes on this board should shove it and you are offended, isn't that you calling yourself one. I didn't say you were one.

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