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From the website of Obama's church


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From the website of Obama's church Trinity United Church of Christ:

The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology that started in 1969 with the publication of Dr. James Cone’s book, Black Power and Black Theology.


“Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.” — James Cone whose words are cited on Rev. Wright’s church website.

Could Obama really have been unaware for all these years that his spiritual mentor follows a racially adversarial theology, one that demands of God that he be ‘for us and against white people’ and that he participate ‘in the destruction of the white enemy’? It doesn’t exactly sound like the sort of "change we can believe in.” But then I am not an Obamaphile.

“We don’t need a President of the United States who got to the White House by talking one way, voting a very different way in the Senate, and who for 20 years followed a man whose words and deeds contradict Barack Obama’s carefully crafted election year image.” —Thomas Sowell

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You ought to see if Fox News is hiring...you would fit right in.

As usual you only deal in the politics of personal destruction. What a F-ing hypocrite.

BTW - You should call Roto-Rooter to see if they could get your head out of your ass.

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You ought to see if Fox News is hiring...you would fit right in.

As usual you only deal in the politics of personal destruction. What a F-ing hypocrite.

BTW - You should call Roto-Rooter to see if they could get your head out of your ass.

this is about your 10th post on this topic....believe me, we get they story you are trying to advance.

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You ought to see if Fox News is hiring...you would fit right in.

As usual you only deal in the politics of personal destruction. What a F-ing hypocrite.

BTW - You should call Roto-Rooter to see if they could get your head out of your ass.

this is about your 10th post on this topic....believe me, we get they story you are trying to advance.

When you can't go back and say "boy the last 8 years have been great.Look at all of our accomplishments..........If you have nothing then you just turn and smear the other guy.

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"John McCain has been called upon to renounce a church leader(Rod Parsley)he considers his SPIRITUAL GUIDE for urging a Christain War to destroy the 'false religion' of Islam


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You ought to see if Fox News is hiring...you would fit right in.

As usual you only deal in the politics of personal destruction. What a F-ing hypocrite.

BTW - You should call Roto-Rooter to see if they could get your head out of your ass.

this is about your 10th post on this topic....believe me, we get they story you are trying to advance.

And believe me we know you want people to "just take Obama's word for all things" and for the story to go away. But there is more to the story than what Obama has said. The American voters know that. No matter how you spin it the truth is available for any and all who want to know it.

Not once have you commented on what is on the website. You think by attacking me it will somehow make the truth different than what it is and Obama will somehow be the shinning savior you want him to be. Not only are you delusional but either naive or extremely dishonest. My money would be on extremely dishonest.

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My views on this topic, that church and rev wright have been discussed non-stop the past week in numerous threads...are you paying attention?

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You ought to see if Fox News is hiring...you would fit right in.

As usual you only deal in the politics of personal destruction. What a F-ing hypocrite.

BTW - You should call Roto-Rooter to see if they could get your head out of your ass.

this is about your 10th post on this topic....believe me, we get they story you are trying to advance.

And believe me we know you want people to "just take Obama's word for all things" and for the story to go away. But there is more to the story than what Obama has said. The American voters know that. No matter how you spin it the truth is available for any and all who want to know it.

Not once have you commented on what is on the website. You think by attacking me it will somehow make the truth different than what it is and Obama will somehow be the shinning savior you want him to be. Not only are you delusional but either naive or extremely dishonest. My money would be on extremely dishonest.

"But there is more to the story" Like what? Please clue us in

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Here's an interesting question. Was Jesus a politaical activist for his time?

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Here's an interesting question. Was Jesus a politaical activist for his time?

He was a radical, anti-government preacher who decried the established church's position on many things. He was a strong advocate of the oppressed and dispossessed.

If Christ were to back today and make the identical sermons that he originally made, he would be rejected by many "Christian" churches, and certainly Hannity and Limbaugh.

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