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McCain website scrubbed of 'celebrity' citation


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Turns out that until this month John McCain's presidential website had a post with laudatory excerpts from a much longer March 1, 2007 AP report about McCain's announcement on the David Letterman Show that he's running for president. The McCain website excerpt included this statement:

A political celebrity, McCain is considered a top contender for the nomination.

The article at McCain's website was scrubbed sometime after July 11. McCain's operatives don't appear to know about Google cache.

McCain's campaign excerpted it, therefore they owned the mention of his 'celebrity'. And who but a celebrity would get a chance to announce his candidacy on the David Letterman Show? Now as soon as they decide to paint Barack Obama as a celebrity, they're trying to disown the AP report they once embraced.

This mention of McCain's 'celebrity', by contrast, they're willing to keep visible on the site. The article refers to McCain's 'celebrity' as a former POW, something McCain is never embarrassed to remind people of.


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