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I Want My $.75 Back....


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Although they picked us to win the west-we got no mention in any of the Games to Watch or Players to Watch...Amazing... :blink:

You expect a lot for less than a buck. ;)

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Although they picked us to win the west-we got no mention in any of the Games to Watch or Players to Watch...Amazing... :blink:

You expect a lot for less than a buck. ;)

Let me tell you about what you can get for less than a buck-I just left the dinner table where my mother-in-law bammer gave me a load of "wisdom" absolutely free of charge because I was dumb enough to say "Only 7 more days till the season starts". Of course, as I'm sure you all could imagine-the conversation eventually included the "This is the year" and "We've got 12 Championships" speech along with tons of the typical and standard bammer propaganda.

Soooooo for a grand total investment of $.75 and 45 mins of dinner conversation, I now know that "This is the year", bama has 12, and that the USA Today folks suck. But wait, it doesn't stop there, Mom was also kind enough to let me know that "Coach Bryant might have been a drunk(Her words-not mine and totally unprovoked), but he knew how to coach when he was drunk and that's why he's considered one of the greatest coaches ever" and for the conspiracy theorist in us all that "Kitchens was paid off to throw that pass instead of run the clock out-and he did it 'cause he wasn't going to be drafted to the NFL". Once again, all this glorious information over the last 45 mins and for just one easy installment of $.75. :popcorn:

Thanks USA Today and "Mom"

Seriously-I kid you not.... :blink:

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Although they picked us to win the west-we got no mention in any of the Games to Watch or Players to Watch...Amazing... :blink:

You expect a lot for less than a buck. ;)

Let me tell you about what you can get for less than a buck-I just left the dinner table where my mother-in-law bammer gave me a load of "wisdom" absolutely free of charge because I was dumb enough to say "Only 7 more days till the season starts". Of course, as I'm sure you all could imagine-the conversation eventually included the "This is the year" and "We've got 12 Championships" speech along with tons of the typical and standard bammer propaganda.

Soooooo for a grand total investment of $.75 and 45 mins of dinner conversation, I now know that "This is the year", bama has 12, and that the USA Today folks suck. But wait, it doesn't stop there, Mom was also kind enough to let me know that "Coach Bryant might have been a drunk(Her words-not mine and totally unprovoked), but he knew how to coach when he was drunk and that's why he's considered one of the greatest coaches ever" and for the conspiracy theorist in us all that "Kitchens was paid off to throw that pass instead of run the clock out-and he did it 'cause he wasn't going to be drafted to the NFL". Once again, all this glorious information over the last 45 mins and for just one easy installment of $.75. :popcorn:

Thanks USA Today and "Mom"

Seriously-I kid you not.... :blink:

I think all of us owe you a quarter for the wisdom you've just shared with us. ;)

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