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TV Questions about ULM game


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I see that this game will be available on DTV. I just got DTV and I'm not sure how this works.

Is this game available as a single-game purchase, or do I have to have GamePlan?

Any idea what the cost might be?

Any chance it will be in HD?

I can't find any of these details on DirecTV's website



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You can get a single-game purchase for ~$30. No HD.

:slapfh: Ouch. But still a bargain at twice the price, right?

I assume that even if I had GamePlan, this game would not be included. It is an individual purchase only. Right?


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You can get a single-game purchase for ~$30. No HD.

:slapfh: Ouch. But still a bargain at twice the price, right?

I assume that even if I had GamePlan, this game would not be included. It is an individual purchase only. Right?


You need to call DTV. as it is listed on as being a GamePlan Game, see link below. You need to see if it is blacked out in your area and if so buy the single game (meaning on the AU ULM game) PPV price that CSS is feeding in.

Punch It

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If it's listed as GP will probably be blacked out. I made the mistake of buying the whole day of Game plan last year and still had to buy the auburn game. ouch!!

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Don't panic on game day. First, it may be just a few hours before the game when the guide finally tells you what channel it will be on. Then after you buy it, there will be a test pattern there until just a couple of minutes before kickoff.

DTV kinda' helps you get fired up for the game by starting the adrenaline pumping over the TV situation.

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i have dish network but they pretty much work the same. If you have gameplan but live out of state and the game is included, you'll get it. If you have gameplan but live in state, then it will be blacked out and you'll have to buy it separately.

It will usually be on the dish network guide as far as channel goes about a week or so before the game..

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It will be. Likely around channel 460-462 or so. I doubt it will be part of the gameplan package for the week, so it will require being purchased separately. Usually $29.95

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Ok, that sounds better. I live in ATL, so I'm guessing the game won't be blacked out here. Can anyone confirm the game is blacked out in Alabama only?



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thanks. I try to watch all the auburn games. With this one being about the same time as Bama - Clemson, I'll probably tape it and watch it sunday. I'm actually thinking about not watching this one because I think I'll be asking myself through out the whole game how Bama could loose to them - not sure I want to live that pain over again........

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well, you could save your money and download the game here once I get it encoded. I do all the auburn games and put the links here. Also, mine will be edited with all the dead periods and halftime taken out of it.

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It will be. Likely around channel 460-462 or so. I doubt it will be part of the gameplan package for the week, so it will require being purchased separately. Usually $29.95

It has already been announced as a part of the Gameplan package, per ESPN.

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I can confirm. It will be blacked out based on zip code with regard to your "local team." Per the agreement with ESPN, the games are blacked out for the in-state customers but available on GamePlan elsewhere. Long story short, if you live in AL hit the pay-per-day, elsewhere pick up the GP and save yourself a few bucks.

I work for DTV so my info is actually legit :)

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Sigh. I'll watch it Sunday on CSS. I hope someone on here keeps us posted on the game as it progresses.

The game will be available for download sometime sunday as well. Also, we'll be here doing our game thread as usual, so check in and keep up...

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So, where does a poor Charter subscriber like moi go to get the ULM game on ppv?

I know that if you are in Alabama, Charter will offer it and all you have to do is call them.

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Seems exploitive. If you have gameday and they are showing the game on their network but blacking out the area's that would benefit the most and make them pay extra, why get gameplan?

So you either go to the game and Auburn gets your money..or you pay for it on pay per view and Auburn gets a share of your money.

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Why? Is ESPN GamePlan not offered by Comcast?

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