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My thoughts on Palin


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I figured I would give you guys my thoughts on the pick now that I had some time to think about it and talk to some democrats and republicans, women and men, northerners and southerners, moderates and extremists. One thing I have tried to maintain on here is speaking honestly.

She is an exciting pick, but lets not forget - the best a candidate like Palin looks (in most cases) is her first impression. She hasn't lost and luster or shine yet, but dems need to be patient while repubs need to be realistic. VP picks rarely play HUGE parts in who gets elected. That said...

Good things for McCain:

  • He showed himself to be a maverick once again. Whatever rational went behind his reasoning for choosing Palin, you can't underscore the risk and gamble he decided to go with. Personally it wasnt so much the idea of choosing a woman (for example had he chosen Kay Bailey I wouldn't have been surprised one bit), but rather the idea of bringing someone fresh and outside the beltway.
  • She invigorates the Republican Base. Palin strengthens McCain's standing with Conservatives. Palin has exactly the views on issues that conservatives will salivate over. Pro-life, family woman, small government. Whatever conservatives that were on the fence due to McCains past will jump at the chance to vote for someone like Palin. Voters now at least have something to be excited about voting FOR rather than voting against (Obama)
  • She plays well on TV...for now at least. As a mother she is a person that you want to see succeed. Much like Obama is able to play the hero from the south side of Chicago, she will able to play the raised a family while running a state card. She can definitely be a hero to some, which is exactly what you want from a leader in you political party.

Not so Good things for McCain:

  • The major issue that McCain - perhaps not such much himself but his party - has been hammering Obama on his experience. Palin is not experienced. Regardless if you think she is more or less experienced than Obama doesn't matter. It really takes that attack off the table. Perhaps McCain campaign had decided it wasn't working on Obama, and it that is that case, then it makes all the sense in the world to add Palin.
  • She is a wild card on debates and public speaking. She could be great on the spot, again *could*. One would surmise though that if she was some sort of wunderchild in public speaking we would have heard more about her prior than today. It is as simple as that. One of Biden's strengths is his debating skills. The GOP better have Palin completely up to speed before sending her on national TV t debate with him.
  • As I said before, she invigorates the base - not so much the moderates. Moderates may like her, but then many like Biden. You hope to have a candidate that people are dying to vote for. Well the base will, but will the middle? From what I have heard most moderates that were for Clinton, differ from Palin on many major issues (abortion for one). I want be clear on my thoughts here, I can't see the amount voters be swayed by Palin exceed the amount of new voters out there for Obama. If I am dead wrong, then McCain wins.

Hopefully I have kept my biases somewhat in check.

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Nice write, Justin. I agree on much of what you have stated.

To that end.....I AM EXCITED!

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

You are correct, but all I know about Alaska is from "Northern Exposure" so I hope she's not like the people from Cecily :roflol:

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

you got it all wrong. they can have it both ways. they can talk about mccain finally figuring out washington is broken despite being in washington for 26 years. biden is different. so what if he's been in washington nearly a decade longer than mccain. :drippingsarcasm7pa:

and i thought Obama didn't pick Clinton because she was "politics as usual" or the "old way"

He should have picked Clinton. Sure it would have energized the Republican base, but that wouldn't have been enough. Since the last election , the Democratic party has grown. The Republican party has shrunk. So you win every Dem, you win.

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

You are correct, but all I know about Alaska is from "Northern Exposure" so I hope she's not like the people from Cecily :roflol:

I lived in Alaska for three years and had several part time jobs bartending in the Governors Mansion. Mrs. Palin sure looks better than the Governor, way back then. :)

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

You are correct, but all I know about Alaska is from "Northern Exposure" so I hope she's not like the people from Cecily :roflol:

Well, she looks like she could give Jeanine Turner a run for her money.

I have heard good things about her for about a year now. I did not think McCain would actually pick her. But now that he did, I like the pick. She is not a lifelong politician and seems to have made many decisions based on what is right and prudent as opposed to what is politically correct. I think it's a breath of fresh air and it actually invigorates this election.

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I figured I would give you guys my thoughts on the pick now that I had some time to think about it and talk to some democrats and republicans, women and men, northerners and southerners, moderates and extremists. One thing I have tried to maintain on here is speaking honestly.

She is an exciting pick, but lets not forget - the best a candidate like Palin looks (in most cases) is her first impression. She hasn't lost and luster or shine yet, but dems need to be patient while repubs need to be realistic. VP picks rarely play HUGE parts in who gets elected. That said...

Good things for McCain:

  • He showed himself to be a maverick once again. Whatever rational went behind his reasoning for choosing Palin, you can't underscore the risk and gamble he decided to go with. Personally it wasnt so much the idea of choosing a woman (for example had he chosen Kay Bailey I wouldn't have been surprised one bit), but rather the idea of bringing someone fresh and outside the beltway.
  • She invigorates the Republican Base. Palin strengthens McCain's standing with Conservatives. Palin has exactly the views on issues that conservatives will salivate over. Pro-life, family woman, small government. Whatever conservatives that were on the fence due to McCains past will jump at the chance to vote for someone like Palin. Voters now at least have something to be excited about voting FOR rather than voting against (Obama)
  • She plays well on TV...for now at least. As a mother she is a person that you want to see succeed. Much like Obama is able to play the hero from the south side of Chicago, she will able to play the raised a family while running a state card. She can definitely be a hero to some, which is exactly what you want from a leader in you political party.

Not so Good things for McCain:

  • The major issue that McCain - perhaps not such much himself but his party - has been hammering Obama on his experience. Palin is not experienced. Regardless if you think she is more or less experienced than Obama doesn't matter. It really takes that attack off the table. Perhaps McCain campaign had decided it wasn't working on Obama, and it that is that case, then it makes all the sense in the world to add Palin.
  • She is a wild card on debates and public speaking. She could be great on the spot, again *could*. One would surmise though that if she was some sort of wunderchild in public speaking we would have heard more about her prior than today. It is as simple as that. One of Biden's strengths is his debating skills. The GOP better have Palin completely up to speed before sending her on national TV t debate with him.
  • As I said before, she invigorates the base - not so much the moderates. Moderates may like her, but then many like Biden. You hope to have a candidate that people are dying to vote for. Well the base will, but will the middle? From what I have heard most moderates that were for Clinton, differ from Palin on many major issues (abortion for one). I want be clear on my thoughts here, I can't see the amount voters be swayed by Palin exceed the amount of new voters out there for Obama. If I am dead wrong, then McCain wins.

Hopefully I have kept my biases somewhat in check.

Nice post, Justin 5. She is a wild card. Time will tell.

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I figured I would give you guys my thoughts on the pick now that I had some time to think about it and talk to some democrats and republicans, women and men, northerners and southerners, moderates and extremists. One thing I have tried to maintain on here is speaking honestly.

She is an exciting pick, but lets not forget - the best a candidate like Palin looks (in most cases) is her first impression. She hasn't lost and luster or shine yet, but dems need to be patient while repubs need to be realistic. VP picks rarely play HUGE parts in who gets elected. That said...

Good things for McCain:

  • He showed himself to be a maverick once again. Whatever rational went behind his reasoning for choosing Palin, you can't underscore the risk and gamble he decided to go with. Personally it wasnt so much the idea of choosing a woman (for example had he chosen Kay Bailey I wouldn't have been surprised one bit), but rather the idea of bringing someone fresh and outside the beltway.
  • She invigorates the Republican Base. Palin strengthens McCain's standing with Conservatives. Palin has exactly the views on issues that conservatives will salivate over. Pro-life, family woman, small government. Whatever conservatives that were on the fence due to McCains past will jump at the chance to vote for someone like Palin. Voters now at least have something to be excited about voting FOR rather than voting against (Obama)
  • She plays well on TV...for now at least. As a mother she is a person that you want to see succeed. Much like Obama is able to play the hero from the south side of Chicago, she will able to play the raised a family while running a state card. She can definitely be a hero to some, which is exactly what you want from a leader in you political party.

Not so Good things for McCain:

  • The major issue that McCain - perhaps not such much himself but his party - has been hammering Obama on his experience. Palin is not experienced. Regardless if you think she is more or less experienced than Obama doesn't matter. It really takes that attack off the table. Perhaps McCain campaign had decided it wasn't working on Obama, and it that is that case, then it makes all the sense in the world to add Palin.
  • She is a wild card on debates and public speaking. She could be great on the spot, again *could*. One would surmise though that if she was some sort of wunderchild in public speaking we would have heard more about her prior than today. It is as simple as that. One of Biden's strengths is his debating skills. The GOP better have Palin completely up to speed before sending her on national TV t debate with him.
  • As I said before, she invigorates the base - not so much the moderates. Moderates may like her, but then many like Biden. You hope to have a candidate that people are dying to vote for. Well the base will, but will the middle? From what I have heard most moderates that were for Clinton, differ from Palin on many major issues (abortion for one). I want be clear on my thoughts here, I can't see the amount voters be swayed by Palin exceed the amount of new voters out there for Obama. If I am dead wrong, then McCain wins.

Hopefully I have kept my biases somewhat in check.

Great post. I think you nailed it.

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

Of which, nobody lives there.

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Palin is Governor of the nations LARGEST state. ( Sorry, Texas ) Her state is essentially bordered by 2 nations, Canada and Russia. To say she has ZERO foreign policy experience is wishful thinking on the Dems part.

Folks are saying they want change, they want to do away w/ the " business as usual " antics of Washington insiders, and you expect that from Joe Biden and his 35 years in the U.S. Senate ???

Guess again.

Of which, nobody lives there.

We've bee thinking that about your head for some time.

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