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Dems slam White House on Haiti policy


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We have been hearing for the past two years from the democrats that President Bush was too quick to go to war. Now according to them he is too slow. why didn't the United Nations do something at the outset? Why didn't France do something instead of asking the US to do it?

I know Al you hate Bush and that is the rallying cry of the demoncrats.

Dems slam White House on Haiti policy

Democratic presidential hopefuls Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards, in their final debate before Tuesday's nominating contests in 10 states, similarly slammed the president. (Full story)

"He's late, as usual," Kerry said. "This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.

"By giving to the insurgents the power to veto an agreement, they effectively said, 'Unless you two reach an agreement on the sharing of power, we're not going to provide aid and assistance,'" Kerry said.

"So he empowered the insurgents to say, 'No, we're not going to reach agreement.' ... So the result is that you almost inevitably had the clash that you have today."


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"He's late, as usual," Kerry said. "This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.

i wonder what he's talking about here... especially the LATE part.

goodness knows they've criticized the man on most everything possible, but 'late as usual' is a new one.

and the last part of the quote is quite the statement:

paraphrased: 'had he made a different decision, things would have been different'.

i wonder how long it took him to come up w/ that one. :roll:

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just had a left-leaning buddy lament that the US was interfering in another country's democracy...

i pointed out that anything we did was going to be perceived as interfering....

i believe the way things have taken place thus far has resulted in the fewest lives lost.


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I thought the same thing when I first saw this in the fishwrap yesterday. How hypocrital of the liberals. If Clinton would have taken care of it completely when we were first there, then we would not have to be worrying about it. I was sent to Haiti when we landed there the first time and it was a waste of time. Sure, the warlords ran to the hills when we showed up, but Clinton rushed a bunch of morons into office there instead of making sure a stable governement was setup. Funny how Bush was "too quick" on Iraq, not quick enough for Haiti.

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"He's late, as usual," Kerry said. "This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.

In ENGLISH, please? That sentence is too convoluted.

First Bush rushes to war with no allies. Now we are supposed to have jumped right in, but Bush is "always late"??? But, Mr. Kerry...you just said he rushed into Iraq - how could he have been late??? Pick one or the other!! What a crock!!

And what about Rwanda? Why is this any different? And we didn't rush in there - hell, we didn't go at ALL! Ranger is right - the first trip to Haiti should have taken care of things, but it wasn't done properly.

Libs can't pick and choose when you want America to be preemptive and when we have to wait. If this were not an election year, this would not be an issue whatsoever.

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"He's late, as usual," Kerry said. "This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.

In ENGLISH, please? That sentence is too convoluted.

First Bush rushes to war with no allies. Now we are supposed to have jumped right in, but Bush is "always late"??? But, Mr. Kerry...you just said he rushed into Iraq - how could he have been late??? Pick one or the other!! What a crock!!

And what about Rwanda? Why is this any different? And we didn't rush in there - hell, we didn't go at ALL! Ranger is right - the first trip to Haiti should have taken care of things, but it wasn't done properly.

Libs can't pick and choose when you want America to be preemptive and when we have to wait. If this were not an election year, this would not be an issue whatsoever.

But Jenny, he is all the dems have! They hate Bush and Kerry is the most electible of all! The dems sat back and said nothing until duly and legally elected President Bush did something. Then they want to take pot shots, and I might add not very well thought out pot shots!

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If he is all they have, then Hillary has got to be THRILLED. 2008, here she comes... :roll:

Don't you think that has been their plan all along?

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"He's late, as usual," Kerry said. "This president always makes decisions late after things have happened that could have been different had the president made a different decision earlier.

In ENGLISH, please? That sentence is too convoluted.

First Bush rushes to war with no allies. Now we are supposed to have jumped right in, but Bush is "always late"??? But, Mr. Kerry...you just said he rushed into Iraq - how could he have been late??? Pick one or the other!! What a crock!!

And what about Rwanda? Why is this any different? And we didn't rush in there - hell, we didn't go at ALL! Ranger is right - the first trip to Haiti should have taken care of things, but it wasn't done properly.

Libs can't pick and choose when you want America to be preemptive and when we have to wait. If this were not an election year, this would not be an issue whatsoever.

Well, they can and will if they get elected. Cause then it will be their beloved UN telling us when and where and how.

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If he is all they have, then Hillary has got to be THRILLED.  2008, here she comes... :roll:

Don't you think that has been their plan all along?

Exactly! They are already looking towards 2008 and Hilary. If I was a democrat, there would be no way I would vote for her! Surely the democratic party would have better candidates then her. She will only get the democratic nomination because of he name, because her qualifications are not even close to being decent, besides the fact she has already been the president for 8 years before. If she gets the nomination and the Amercian people elect this crooked woman for president, I may seriously have to consider moving to Mexico. :lol:

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She will only get the democratic nomination because of he name, because her qualifications are not even close to being decent,

That is enough for the dems, Ted Kennedy is a perfect example! :rolleyes::lol: But looking at Hillary, I didn't think the people of NY would elect her for the Senate, but they did. :rolleyes:

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She will only get the democratic nomination because of he name, because her qualifications are not even close to being decent,

That is enough for the dems, Ted Kennedy is a perfect example! :rolleyes::lol: But looking at Hillary, I didn't think the people of NY would elect her for the Senate, but they did. :rolleyes:

Good point! :o

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The whole problem is the fact that liberals do not know what they want.

That, and the fact that they hate President Bush. No, they do not mearly disagree, THEY HATE President Bush. They are pitching a little child tantrum over his Presidency.

I say vote Republican..Early and, in Florida, often. :D

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I say vote Republican..Early and, in Florida, often. :D

I read somewhere just recently that the democrats were considering running Sen. Bill Nelson, D, Jr Senator (FL) as the VP candidate with Kerry. They want to get all the Florida votes they can. :D

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If she gets the nomination and the Amercian people elect this crooked woman for president, I may seriously have to consider moving to Mexico. :lol:

I'm with you brother!! I'm thinking Topolobampo, Puerto Vallarta, or Progreso myself. Whichever it may be, the Coronitas will be cold and on the house for any WEN brothers or sisters that drop by :D

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If she gets the nomination and the Amercian people elect this crooked woman for president, I may seriously have to consider moving to Mexico. :lol:

I'm with you brother!! I'm thinking Topolobampo, Puerto Vallarta, or Progreso myself. Whichever it may be, the Coronitas will be cold and on the house for any WEN brothers or sisters that drop by :D

One thing about Mexico, those retirement $$$$$ go a lot farther there! B):D:D Belize would be another option, they even speak English! B):D But Belize is a little more expensive. :( The divinig is great in Belize! B)B)B)

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:( The divinig is great in Belize! B)B)B)

Is that like looking for water with two sticks??? ;)

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South America is nice, but more expensive. I've been to Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina and although they are beautiful, and the women are.....to borrow an adjective from BamaGrad.....SMOKING HOT, the cost of living is significantly higher than in Mexico. For $2000 a month, you could live like a king!!

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If he is all they have, then Hillary has got to be THRILLED.  2008, here she comes... :roll:

Don't you think that has been their plan all along?

ABSOLUTELY - and if you go to Mexico, my family and I will come with you... :blink:

My concern is who the Repubs will put up in 2008 against her - unless it is RUDY - and that will be one HELL of an election! I know we have gone this route before as a topic, but that would be awesome...

I read that thing about Bill Nelson too - WHO????? :rolleyes: Just another nail in the coffin. Voting for someone just because he is NOT GWB is just plain stupid - you will totally reap what you sow.

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ABSOLUTELY - and if you go to Mexico, my family and I will come with you... :blink:

As TIS says, the door will always be open! B)B):D:D

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Voting for someone just because he is NOTGWB is just plain stupid - you will totally reap what you sow.

......and unfortunately, it is America as a whole that will suffer from their pigheadedness.

If these pinheads would take the time to acquaint themselves with the candidates platform then make an informed decision as to whom to cast their vote for, I could understand them. Instead, they decide to dwell on the fact that their candidate lost the 2000 election and they have been sitting around in messy drawers ever since. I guarantee you that if someone were to stand on the sidewalk and poll 100 democrat voters, 60% of them couldn't tell you what Kerry stands for. Maybe that's a bad example, because I think Kerry doesn't even know what Kerry stands for. The point I'm trying to make is that these people are so consumed with the "anyone but Bush" mentality, that they are willing to sacrifice the country to get Kerry elected.

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ABSOLUTELY - and if you go to Mexico, my family and I will come with you... :blink:  

As TIS says, the door will always be open! B)B):D:D

I think we could buy a medium sized Mexican town that we could all fit into for a pretty reasonable price and rename it Tigertown. Thoughts?

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ABSOLUTELY - and if you go to Mexico, my family and I will come with you... :blink:  

As TIS says, the door will always be open! B)B):D:D

I think we could buy a medium sized Mexican town that we could all fit into for a pretty reasonable price and rename it Tigertown. Thoughts?

Dude, when do we leave? My shorts are packed & my sunglasses are in my pocket! B)B):cheers::cheers: But in Mexico that would be El Tigretown! B)B)

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or Cuidad del Tigre. We'd have to have a gathering place in the center of town (complete with a tree on the corner) that has satellite TV so we can watch the games in the fall.

I'm for it!! Let's go!!

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