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What would playoff look like?


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Since probably the majority of AUNation thinks a playoff is the way the FBS should go let's assume that we ended up with a 16 team playoff, based on the BCS and AP poll, since the BCS is comprised of the Coaches poll, Harris, and computer rankings. As of right now, the top 7 are identical b/t the BCS and AP poll. Spots #8 thru #13, and #15 are where the polls diverge. So, let's assume that UF beats bama in SECCG with bama having beaten AU. GT wins ACCCG, Texas wins Big 12 CG, TCU, BSU, and Cincy all finish undefeated, so automatic qualifiers are:

ACC - GT (12-1)

Big 12 - Texas (13-0)

Big 10 - OSU (10-2)

Big East - Cincy (12-0)

Pac 10 - Oregon (10-2)

SEC - Florida (13-0)

Assuming that then Cincy would have beat Pitt in the season finale for Cincy to clinch the Big East. Oregon would have beaten Oregon St., probably dropping them out of the top 16 of both polls. GT would have beaten Clemson in the ACC CG possibly keeping them out of the top 16 also, as they are #15 in AP. Assuming that LSU beats Arky in their season finale, LSU would hang around, being #15 in BCS, #17 in AP. Depending on voters and computers the #16 spot could be taken by Miami by them finishing at 9-3 or the winner of the Utah/BYU game, the winner of which would be 10-2. For the sake of this ranking Miami gets the spot b/c they are currently ranked higher than either of the other 2 and have played an arguably tougher schedule (even though it is the ACC). Assuming that undefeated TCU and Boise St. are ranked higher than Bama in polls and computers after losing in the SECCG, the 16 team National Championship playoff bracket would look like this, with the automatic qualifiers taking the top 6 seeds.

1. Florida

2. Texas

3. Cincinnati

4. Georgia Tech

5. Oregon

6. Ohio State

7. TCU

8. Boise St

9. Alabama

10. Iowa

11. Pittsburgh

12. Oklahoma State

13. Penn State

14. Virginia Tech

15. LSU

16. Miami

This would make for one heck of a playoff, with matchups like LSU/Texas, Bama/BSU, TCU/Iowa, etc. I would love to see this integrated into the bowl games. Just my opinion.


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Since probably the majority of AUNation thinks a playoff is the way the FBS should go let's assume that we ended up with a 16 team playoff, based on the BCS and AP poll, since the BCS is comprised of the Coaches poll, Harris, and computer rankings. As of right now, the top 7 are identical b/t the BCS and AP poll. Spots #8 thru #13, and #15 are where the polls diverge. So, let's assume that UF beats bama in SECCG with bama having beaten AU. GT wins ACCCG, Texas wins Big 12 CG, TCU, BSU, and Cincy all finish undefeated, so automatic qualifiers are:

ACC - GT (12-1)

Big 12 - Texas (13-0)

Big 10 - OSU (10-2)

Big East - Cincy (12-0)

Pac 10 - Oregon (10-2)

SEC - Florida (13-0)

Assuming that then Cincy would have beat Pitt in the season finale for Cincy to clinch the Big East. Oregon would have beaten Oregon St., probably dropping them out of the top 16 of both polls. GT would have beaten Clemson in the ACC CG possibly keeping them out of the top 16 also, as they are #15 in AP. Assuming that LSU beats Arky in their season finale, LSU would hang around, being #15 in BCS, #17 in AP. Depending on voters and computers the #16 spot could be taken by Miami by them finishing at 9-3 or the winner of the Utah/BYU game, the winner of which would be 10-2. For the sake of this ranking Miami gets the spot b/c they are currently ranked higher than either of the other 2 and have played an arguably tougher schedule (even though it is the ACC). Assuming that undefeated TCU and Boise St. are ranked higher than Bama in polls and computers after losing in the SECCG, the 16 team National Championship playoff bracket would look like this, with the automatic qualifiers taking the top 6 seeds.

1. Florida

2. Texas

3. Cincinnati

4. Georgia Tech

5. Oregon

6. Ohio State

7. TCU

8. Boise St

9. Alabama

10. Iowa

11. Pittsburgh

12. Oklahoma State

13. Penn State

14. Virginia Tech

15. LSU

16. Miami

This would make for one heck of a playoff, with matchups like LSU/Texas, Bama/BSU, TCU/Iowa, etc. I would love to see this integrated into the bowl games. Just my opinion.


I would love to see a playoff like this. The only thing different I would do is let a committee do the seeding after you get your 16 teams from the polls and conference champions. No system is perfect but a playoff beats a computer figuring out who will play in the championship game.

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I would love to see a playoff like this. The only thing different I would do is let a committee do the seeding after you get your 16 teams from the polls and conference champions. No system is perfect but a playoff beats a computer figuring out who will play in the championship game.

Besides having too many teams competing for the NC, a playoff like this would destroy the bowl system as we know it. If there is a "playoff" to be enacted then it will have to factor in the bowls somehow, someway. I favor an 8-team playoff playing in the current BCS bowls as such: Call it the Tournament of Champions and take the top 8 conference winnners. I don't care how each conference determines their champion (champ game, record, etc.) but whichever team wins the conference is in, and all others are relegated to the other bowl games. There are 11 conferences so 3 conference winners won't make the cut each year. One of the criticisms every year is that the BCS doesn't allow for a good team not in any of the "Big 6" BCS conferences. This would allow a team from one of the Little 5 conferences to get a chance to compete. Another often cited critcism of a "playoff" is that regular season games would be devalued as a result. If we put a premium on winning the conferece, then that argument goes out the window. There would never be any (rational) talk of UM-OSU or UF-uat playing twice in one season for the NC title ever again. Nothing like a little pressure to bring out the best in teams, eh?

Once the conference champions are known, a committe (I favor one made up of all 11 conference presidents) will rank them 1-11 and the top 8 will be in the ToC. Quarter-final matchups will be 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6 & 4 vs 5, and they will be played the 2nd Saturday in Dec at the home stadiums of the top 4 teams. The 4 winners will advance to compete in the Semi-finals games which will be at the New Years BCS bowl games bracketing the venue of the NC which rotates every year among the BCS bowl sites. For this year the Rose Bowl will be the site of the NC game, so the Orange & Fiesta Bowls will get the 4 Quarter-final winners. The 4 losers are still champions and deserve to go to a good bowl game. They will be matched up in the other two BCS bowls games: Rose & Sugar for this year. The two Semi-final winners will match up in the NC game in Pasadena on the Saturday of Martin Luther King, Jr holiday in mid-January. It just seems fitting -- equality & fairness for all.

Note that the selections to the ToC would all be merit-based (i.e. conference winners) and that not one poll, human or computer, would factor into any of the selections. Note also that the Bowl System as a whole would remain intact -- none of the lesser bowls would be affected by this playoff. The BCS bowls would all be enhanced as a result. Each venue would host either the championship or a semi-final game 3 out of every 5 years instead of the 1 in every 4 years now. This is a money-maker any way you look at it. Interest in the Quarter-final games alone would be sky-high.

This year's possible selections for the ToC:

ACC -- Ga Tech or Clemson

Big East -- Cincinnati

Big 10 -- OSU

Big 12 -- UT or NU


MAC -- Temple or CMU

Mtn West -- TCU

PAC 10 -- UO or OSU

SEC -- UF or uat

Sun Belt -- Troy

WAC -- BSU or Nevada

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SI has been doing the bracket for weeks, it is off the thier top 16 poll

I can not see why a bracket like this wouldn't generate tons of revenue and excitement.


I say destroy the bowls most don't sell out anyway... I would say most bowl games can still be played as the top 16 wouldn't be in them anyway. So just play them regardless.

BCS can play the games as stated above for the final four and MNC,

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I don't think anyone beyond the top 8 deserves a shot at a national title.

I do because it equalizes the cupcake side of the schedule for UT, UA, and UF....

I just looked at the bracket again and realized they seeded OSU above LSU becuase they were on more ballots... hmm LSU played #2, and #3 in your bracket I think that is worth something so again not excat no matter what.

I also think Okie State has a good chance to beat Cincy even though the are a 12 seed. Ga Tech and Oregon is a good match up and that is 10 against 7...

Let's come back at the end of the year on this one and see how the SEC does in bowl games.. I don't think the SEC is really that much above the rest this year therefore the in conference schedule ... well ..

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