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Nobel peace prize: Norwegians incensed over Barack Obama's snub


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You know what they say about a man w/ a large carbon footprint, right ? Obama's leaving no doubt, it seems.

Instead of making 1 trip over the Europe, to receive his Nobel Peace prize ( laugh ) and then attending the Copenhagen fake man made global warming summit, Obama is ensuring he pollutes the Earth as much as possible. He'll fly over in AF 1, get his medal, turn around, come home, and then, after all the heavy lifting in Copenhagen has taken place, he'll show up to reap the self congratulartoy praise and glory as the watermellons ( Green on the outside, red on the inside ) & sycophants pat themselves on the back on a job well done.

President Obama's trip to Oslo to pick up his Nobel peace award is in danger of being overshadowed by a row over the cancellation of a series of events normally attended by the prizewinner.

Norwegians are incensed over what they view as his shabby response to the prize by cutting short his visit.

The White House has cancelled many of the events peace prize laureates traditionally submit to, including a dinner with the Norwegian Nobel committee, a press conference, a television interview, appearances at a children's event promoting peace and a music concert, as well as a visit to an exhibition in his honour at the Nobel peace centre.

He has also turned down a lunch invitation from the King of Norway.

According to a poll published by the daily tabloid VG, 44% of Norwegians believe it was rude of Obama to cancel his scheduled lunch with King Harald, with only 34% saying they believe it was acceptable.

"Of all the things he is cancelling, I think the worst is cancelling the lunch with the king," said Siv Jensen, the leader of the largest party in opposition, the populist Progress party. "This is a central part of our government system. He should respect the monarchy," she told VG.

The Norwegian Nobel committee, which awards the peace prize, dismissed the criticism. "We always knew that there were too many events in the programme. Obama has to govern the US and we were told early on that he could not commit to all of them," said Geir Lundestad, secretary of the committee.

Although Obama will not lunch with King Harald, he will see him on a visit to the royal palace.

Peace activists opposed to the Afghanistan war are planning a 5,000-strong protest in Oslo.

The visit will test Obama's rhetorical skills as he seeks to reconcile acceptance of the Nobel peace prize with sending an extra 30,000 US troops to Afghanistan.

White House officials said that Obama, who was planning to work on the final draft of his speech on his flight from Washington to Oslo, would directly address the issue of the irony of being awarded the peace prize while escalating the war.

The Nobel peace committee has been criticised for awarding Obama the prize before he has any major accomplishments in international relations.

A White House official said that it was not necessarily an award that Obama would have given himself.

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The Norwegian Nobel committee, which awards the peace prize, dismissed the criticism. "We always knew that there were too many events in the programme. Obama has to govern the US and we were told early on that he could not commit to all of them," said Geir Lundestad, secretary of the committee.

Although Obama will not lunch with King Harald, he will see him on a visit to the royal palace.

Man they are pissed off

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I would think they would be a little concerned with the hypocrisy in which the GREAT ONE speaks of war. (while getting a peace award)

"A nonviolent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies. Negotiations cannot convince al-Qaida's leaders to lay down their arms," Obama said. "To say that force is sometimes necessary is not a call to cynicism, it is a recognition of history."

You idget dims have been saying all alone that there is no way to compare the war on terror to the war against Hitler, yet here we are with the GREAT ONE using our words as his. Absolute hypocrisy and dims are slurping it up, too stupid to see that it is that same thing republicans have said for the last 9 years. This guy is an empty suit without an original idea. He is not the great one, he is the GREAT USURPER.


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I agree with the President 100% with that quote. We have words of common ground. :thumbsup:

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