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Bush closes school for Republican fundraiser


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HA!! remember the flak Clinton caught from Right-wingers for closing an LA runway for less than an hour to get a haircut? It seems that Bush shut down a school of 1425 students so that police could close down public streets for a Republican fundraiser!! Where's the Right-wing outcry over that?!

No fundraiser left behind

More than a thousand school students in Boston unexpectedly get a snow day today -- oh wait, no, that's a day off so President Bush can raise more money for his re-election campaign.

A spokesman for the Boston Public Schools told the Globe that his transportation director just found out yesterday about a Bush-Cheney '04 fundraiser that will prevent kids from going to school because of blocked off streets and presidential security. The Globe says: "The president's visit unexpectedly canceled classes for 1,425 children at the Boston Renaissance Charter School, a K-8 institution on Stuart Street a block away from the hotel. The Boston Public Schools system, which provides about 30 buses to transport Renaissance students, said it could not guarantee timely pick-up of students at dismissal time, said Dudley Blodget, chief operating officer of the Renaissance School's foundation. The school also feared that the 300 parents who pick up their children would not be able to reach the school."

"It's a sad situation that you have to close off school because of a fund-raising event," said Roger F. Harris, Renaissance headmaster. Indeed.

But here's what's edging out reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic for those 1,425 students: About 500 people, paying $2,000 a pop, will listen to the president deliver a speech, "but in order to hold down costs there will be no food or entertainment," the Globe reports.

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HA!! remember the flak Clinton caught from Right-wingers for closing an LA runway for less than an hour to get a haircut? It seems that Bush shut down a school of 1425 students so that police could close down public streets for a Republican fundraiser!! Where's the Right-wing outcry over that?!

How many planes were kept in holding patterns while Slick Willie was having his hair cut by the top LA Hairdresser? Also if you looked closely and did not only attempt to make it a big deal for the LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, you would know that whenever the president goes ANYWHERE by automobile, streets are closed! Side streets, main streets interstates it does not matter they are all closed until the motorcade is passed!

Your welcome!

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Couldn't he have planned this thing after school hours? Seems like kids going to school are more important than a fundraiser.

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Or could it possibly be that the event was planned and too far along before they realized the roads that would have to be closed to allow him to travel? And wasn't this a decision of the school district anyway?

Much ado about nothing.

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Wait a minute I just realized what they are saying. John Kerry cares more about children than George Bush! hug1: :hug1: Also Kerry would be a better education president than GWB! :haloslip:

If they had made the point that Kerry would be less likely to have fund raisers because he is the man of special interest, it would have been more truthful. :lol:

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It's a gubment school run by a bunch of pinko commie liberals. What did it hurt if their indoctrination into liberalism was delayed a day?

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It's a gubment school run by a bunch of pinko commie liberals. What did it hurt if their indoctrination into liberalism was delayed a day?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Good one!

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