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Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence

By Sean Poulter

Last updated at 10:28 AM on 26th April 2010

Britain's airspace was closed under false pretences, with satellite images revealing there was no doomsday volcanic ash cloud over the entire country.

Skies fell quiet for six days, leaving as many as 500,000 Britons stranded overseas and costing airlines hundreds of millions of pounds.

Estimates put the number of Britons still stuck abroad at 35,000.

However, new evidence shows there was no all-encompassing cloud and, where dust was present, it was often so thin that it posed no risk.

The satellite images demonstrate that the skies were largely clear, which will not surprise the millions who enjoyed the fine, hot weather during the flight ban.

Jim McKenna, the Civil Aviation Authority's head of airworthiness, strategy and policy, admitted: 'It's obvious that at the start of this crisis there was a lack of definitive data.


False alarm? Satellite images have revealed there may never have been a doomsday volcanic ash cloud over the UK (file picture)

'It's also true that for some of the time, the density of ash above the UK was close to undetectable.'

The satellite images will be used by airlines in their battle to win tens of millions of pounds in compensation from governments for their losses.

The National Air Traffic Control Service decision to ban flights was based on Met Office computer models which painted a picture of a cloud of ash being blown south from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano.

These models should have been tested by the Met Office's main research plane, a BAE 146 jet, but it was in a hangar to be repainted and could not be sent up until last Tuesday - the last day of the ban.

Evidence has emerged that the maximum density of the ash was only about one 20th of the limit that scientists, the Government, and aircraft and engine manufacturers have now decided is safe.

British Airways chief Willie Walsh always insisted the total shutdown went too far.

'My personal belief is that we could have safely continued operating for a period,' he said.

Mark Tanzer, chief executive of Britain's ABTA, which represents British travel agents and tour operators, said about 100,000 stranded British travellers should have been returned home by Monday morning.

About 35,000 more will remain marooned until Friday, the group said.

'While most flights are back to normal, and most stranded British passengers will be back by the end of this weekend, there is still quite a high level of disruption in some destinations.

'In some areas of the world, there is a significant lack of air capacity to enable British people to be returned quickly,' Tanzer said.

Many Icelandic airports are closed and though authorities say Eyjafjallajokull is now producing much less ash, they confirmed no signs of the eruption ending.


I guess we should just all be thankful that we’re not relying on the expertise of the Met Office to push broad new government powers. Based on this incident, one could imagine how the world economies might come to a grinding halt, and all based on nothing but an illusion coughed up by a computer model. Well, thank goodness, that could never happen.

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Is anyone really surprised by this? A manufactured crisis based on manufactured data...sound familiar?

The UK Met Office last year predicted a BarBQ summer here in the UK. Turned out it rained almost all summer long and we were freezing most of the summer. These guys are clowns. Puxatawny Phil is more reliable than them.

I can't believe anyone shut down an entire global industry based on what they said. It's shameful that we've lost our curiosity, skepticism and demand for proof from government before we take ridiculous actions. This would never have happened 30 years ago; even in Europe.

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Yeah, I remember how worked up you guys were over this one, too:


Sometimes governments err on the side of caution and sometimes they just lie, lie, lie.

Always better to leave these decisions up the corporations whose profits are on the line:


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How dare they side with safety!

They should have just kept flying until a plane went down dammit! It isn't dangerous until we have 50+ bodies!

Don't they know that?

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How dare they side with safety!

They should have just kept flying until a plane went down dammit! It isn't dangerous until we have 50+ bodies!

Don't they know that?

Yeah Obama missed a state funeral because of safety concern. :thumbsup:

No he had a golf game scheduled. :rolleyes:

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No he had a golf game scheduled. :rolleyes:

You told me all 5,905,505 of Bush's golf games were just over-reactions to the media reporting it

That sure has changed lately!

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No he had a golf game scheduled. :rolleyes:

You told me all 5,905,505 of Bush's golf games were just over-reactions to the media reporting it

That sure has changed lately!

No I have told you that Obama has played golf more in his fir year and a half than Bush did in eight years. But you continue to run with the lies of the left. And I provided a link to prove my point.

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No I have told you that Obama has played golf more in his fir year and a half than Bush did in eight years.

So what? I played golf last week. Took me 2-3 hours to finish a quick 18 when nobody was on it.

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No I have told you that Obama has played golf more in his fir year and a half than Bush did in eight years.

So what? I played golf last week. Took me 2-3 hours to finish a quick 18 when nobody was on it.

You live and breathe a double standard don't you?

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No I have told you that Obama has played golf more in his fir year and a half than Bush did in eight years.

So what? I played golf last week. Took me 2-3 hours to finish a quick 18 when nobody was on it.

You live and breathe a double standard don't you?

When it helps me, yes

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No I have told you that Obama has played golf more in his fir year and a half than Bush did in eight years.

So what? I played golf last week. Took me 2-3 hours to finish a quick 18 when nobody was on it.

You live and breathe a double standard don't you?

When it helps me, yes

You must be a sitting Senator. :P

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The point is we shut down the planet for a week based on fantasy; not reality. I tend to not like it when incompetents make decisions that change lives based on fantasy. We flew planes safely for 100 years without the Met office getting involved. Now the facts come out and they were criminally wrong.

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But JAPAN! The government said it was a safety issue. They would NEVER lie to the people. :rolleyes:

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My only thing is, what did the government have to gain by shutting down the airways? And why couldn't someone just look up and say, "Hey, it's not that bad, let's let them go."

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My only thing is, what did the government have to gain by shutting down the airways? And why couldn't someone just look up and say, "Hey, it's not that bad, let's let them go."

How hard would it have been just to send up a couple of observation planes. The UK people have been transformed into robots. As long as they get a good ale and a ciggy (f a g) all is well in with the world.

That is what the left envisions happening here.

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But JAPAN! The government said it was a safety issue. They would NEVER lie to the people. :rolleyes:

Just ask George Bush.

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I had a dream: Obama won in 2012 and in 2014 was still blaming Bush. And all the little O-bots said Amen.

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