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Cell Phone Spying


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Guest tigerman11

All of this spying in the United States has gotten beyond ridiculous. It is like we are living in the book/movie 1984. How far will the government and corporate America go to ensure "safety/security" of this nation? You have the Patriot Act, government officials circumventing the Constitution at their will, the NSA teaming up with AT&T, Google spying, cell phone spying(as mentioned in original post), FBI setting up fake Facebook accounts, Facebook selling user information etc. What we know is scary enough, but I wonder about the stuff we don't know. Technology isn't going away and will only get more powerful. If the American people don't wake up, we will be living in a totalitarian environment before we know it. Truly terrifying. As one great American patriot stated:

Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

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All of this spying in the United States has gotten beyond ridiculous. It is like we are living in the book/movie 1984. How far will the government and corporate America go to ensure "safety/security" of this nation? You have the Patriot Act, government officials circumventing the Constitution at their will, the NSA teaming up with AT&T, Google spying, cell phone spying(as mentioned in original post), FBI setting up fake Facebook accounts, Facebook selling user information etc. What we know is scary enough, but I wonder about the stuff we don't know. Technology isn't going away and will only get more powerful. If the American people don't wake up, we will be living in a totalitarian environment before we know it. Truly terrifying. As one great American patriot stated:

Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

Have you ever met Bottomfeeder? You guys would get along great.......

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Guest tigerman11

All of this spying in the United States has gotten beyond ridiculous. It is like we are living in the book/movie 1984. How far will the government and corporate America go to ensure "safety/security" of this nation? You have the Patriot Act, government officials circumventing the Constitution at their will, the NSA teaming up with AT&T, Google spying, cell phone spying(as mentioned in original post), FBI setting up fake Facebook accounts, Facebook selling user information etc. What we know is scary enough, but I wonder about the stuff we don't know. Technology isn't going away and will only get more powerful. If the American people don't wake up, we will be living in a totalitarian environment before we know it. Truly terrifying. As one great American patriot stated:

Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

Have you ever met Bottomfeeder? You guys would get along great.......

Well, it's pretty obvious you and I don't. It seems like you can't handle anyone's opinion that is different than yours. I get it CCTAU, you are an ultra-conservative, military loving, NRA member, good 'ole boy from Alabama. You know what, I don't have a problem with that even though I am not many of those things. That's what is great about this country, we can have different viewpoints. Now on the flipside, differing viewpoints is exactly why things don't get done in this country. I am not a member of either political party. I just call it like I see it.

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All of this spying in the United States has gotten beyond ridiculous. It is like we are living in the book/movie 1984. How far will the government and corporate America go to ensure "safety/security" of this nation? You have the Patriot Act, government officials circumventing the Constitution at their will, the NSA teaming up with AT&T, Google spying, cell phone spying(as mentioned in original post), FBI setting up fake Facebook accounts, Facebook selling user information etc. What we know is scary enough, but I wonder about the stuff we don't know. Technology isn't going away and will only get more powerful. If the American people don't wake up, we will be living in a totalitarian environment before we know it. Truly terrifying. As one great American patriot stated:

Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

Have you ever met Bottomfeeder? You guys would get along great.......

Well, it's pretty obvious you and I don't. It seems like you can't handle anyone's opinion that is different than yours. I get it CCTAU, you are an ultra-conservative, military loving, NRA member, good 'ole boy from Alabama. You know what, I don't have a problem with that even though I am not many of those things. That's what is great about this country, we can have different viewpoints. Now on the flipside, differing viewpoints is exactly why things don't get done in this country. I am not a member of either political party. I just call it like I see it.

I didn't disagree with you. Your rant just sounded what we would call "Bottomfeederish" around here.

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Guest tigerman11

All of this spying in the United States has gotten beyond ridiculous. It is like we are living in the book/movie 1984. How far will the government and corporate America go to ensure "safety/security" of this nation? You have the Patriot Act, government officials circumventing the Constitution at their will, the NSA teaming up with AT&T, Google spying, cell phone spying(as mentioned in original post), FBI setting up fake Facebook accounts, Facebook selling user information etc. What we know is scary enough, but I wonder about the stuff we don't know. Technology isn't going away and will only get more powerful. If the American people don't wake up, we will be living in a totalitarian environment before we know it. Truly terrifying. As one great American patriot stated:

Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

Have you ever met Bottomfeeder? You guys would get along great.......

Well, it's pretty obvious you and I don't. It seems like you can't handle anyone's opinion that is different than yours. I get it CCTAU, you are an ultra-conservative, military loving, NRA member, good 'ole boy from Alabama. You know what, I don't have a problem with that even though I am not many of those things. That's what is great about this country, we can have different viewpoints. Now on the flipside, differing viewpoints is exactly why things don't get done in this country. I am not a member of either political party. I just call it like I see it.

I didn't disagree with you. Your rant just sounded what we would call "Bottomfeederish" around here.

Oh okay, well my apologies then.

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