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Covering the Gulf oil crisis...

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CNN is really putting it front and centre, while FOX only pops in every once in a while, and pretty much sticking w/ its regular programming.

Most of the talk is about the economy, yet the actual environmental impact.... not really talked about that much. Sorry, but I think that could be far and away the bigger story here...but that's just me.

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Greed and the failure of regulatory bodies to ensure safety is the story. Why should we believe that this cozy relationship between Big Oil and MMS is the exception rather than the rule? What other governmental regulators are a sham? Can we trust out dams? (Google TVA dam Harriman Tennessee) Can we trust the Nuclear Regulatory Commission? What about the handling and disposal of military nuclear waste? Are our bridges safe? (Google bridge collapse) Big Oil completed inspection forms in pencil which MMS inspectors traced over for their reports!

Before the failure, there were warning signs. Pieces of the blowout preventer were coming up. There were pressure issues, arguments between BP and Transocean. Haliburton's cement job failed. The BOP failed.

The companies are so cocky, they didn't even have a plan developed for situations such as this. Meeting deadlines, production and profits bowl over any regard for safety. The government shouldn't even have to regulate. The companies should do what is right, but even with regulation and oversight, they seek to cut corners and endanger lives, our economy and our environment.

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Greed and the failure of regulatory bodies to ensure safety is the story. Why should we believe that this cozy relationship between Big Oil and MMS is the exception rather than the rule? What other governmental regulators are a sham? Can we trust out dams? (Google TVA dam Harriman Tennessee) Can we trust the Nuclear Regulatory Commission? What about the handling and disposal of military nuclear waste? Are our bridges safe? (Google bridge collapse) Big Oil completed inspection forms in pencil which MMS inspectors traced over for their reports!

Before the failure, there were warning signs. Pieces of the blowout preventer were coming up. There were pressure issues, arguments between BP and Transocean. Haliburton's cement job failed. The BOP failed.

The companies are so cocky, they didn't even have a plan developed for situations such as this. Meeting deadlines, production and profits bowl over any regard for safety. The government shouldn't even have to regulate. The companies should do what is right, but even with regulation and oversight, they seek to cut corners and endanger lives, our economy and our environment.

There are many who need to go to jail over this in the Federal government, State government, BP, Transocean, etc.

Katrina will be like a walk in the park when compared to this.

The White House is preparing for an August geyser shutdown. WKRG is predicting oil on shore in 24 hours, but it's already there (I have a link if interested, I'll just have to look it up - it's an eyewitness account). I guess it's appropriate now to bid farewell to Blue Fin Tuna and Mobile Bay Jubilees.


Also, there's a Russian scientist who says that the Corexit can encounter a " phase change" due to the warm waters of the GOM and becomes a gas which could be absorbed by the clouds and fall with rain. I'm officially off of seafood altogether. But, what about testing crops in the area? The rain we are getting, and have gotten over the last 48 hours, is coming from the oil spill area. Who tests the rain and crops for contamination???

The list continues...

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What it really points to, at least to me, is that our government is leaning more toward special interest and corporate money every day.

Want to have unlimited campaign finance contributions? Be a big company. Want to lobby government officials to not have to have some expensive (but necessary) safety measures on your oil rigs? Be a big company.

Both sides of washington are so in bed with big companies that I'm beginning to feel helpless as an american. Being a representative has become about power. And the people who would have to vote in measures to protect these things, are those who will never do so because it's counter to their own interests.

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What it really points to, at least to me, is that our government is leaning more toward special interest and corporate money every day.

Want to have unlimited campaign finance contributions? Be a big company. Want to lobby government officials to not have to have some expensive (but necessary) safety measures on your oil rigs? Be a big company.

Both sides of washington are so in bed with big companies that I'm beginning to feel helpless as an american. Being a representative has become about power. And the people who would have to vote in measures to protect these things, are those who will never do so because it's counter to their own interests.

It starts at home and in our schools. Where is public ethics learned? Where is responsibility taught? Where do we see the honest person getting ahead? We have a culture of doing what is likely to bring "me" more money/power rather than doing what is right. It won't go away anytime soon.

I left religion out even though it is an obvious source of moral guidance. Although we cannot teach religion in our schools, we can teach morality, civic duty, civic pride, honesty and responsibility. Sounds like a "head start" to me.

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What it really points to, at least to me, is that our government is leaning more toward special interest and corporate money every day.

Want to have unlimited campaign finance contributions? Be a big company. Want to lobby government officials to not have to have some expensive (but necessary) safety measures on your oil rigs? Be a big company.

Both sides of washington are so in bed with big companies that I'm beginning to feel helpless as an american. Being a representative has become about power. And the people who would have to vote in measures to protect these things, are those who will never do so because it's counter to their own interests.

It starts at home and in our schools. Where is public ethics learned? Where is responsibility taught? Where do we see the honest person getting ahead? We have a culture of doing what is likely to bring "me" more money/power rather than doing what is right. It won't go away anytime soon.

I left religion out even though it is an obvious source of moral guidance. Although we cannot teach religion in our schools, we can teach morality, civic duty, civic pride, honesty and responsibility. Sounds like a "head start" to me.

There in lies the problem. Most schools no longer have civics classes which is reflected in our prison population explosion. We have more prisoners than any other country. Religion alone will not deter youngsters from turning out bad or falling through the cracks. On the contrary, it usually works out the other way with religion. I believe we can start to change things for the better by leading by example at the very top to the very bottom. This would result in a major cleaning job in DC all the way down to the council men and women at the local level. Just being honest with the people would go along way in regaining the trust of the people. Otherwise, don't look for things to improve.

This is a major area for me because I got my @$ whipped as a child for lying, yet everyone from the bottom representatives to the top ALL LIE. And so do major corporation heads, i.e. Hayward and his ilk at BP. They are ALL LIARS and get away with it for the most part. So, answer me this, "Why did I get my ass beat as a child, when some of the most successful people lie their @$es off and get paid big bucks to do it?" No wonder I'm poor.



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