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10 MILLION new jobs?


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Kerry's plan is to create 10 MIllion new jobs in four years. What, is he looking to start allowing children to work again? Are we going to bring in thousands of immigrants just so we can fill the jobs? How do you have a negative unemployment rate? :unsure:

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When I heard that, I thought those numbers were kind of hard to believe also. Here's hoping Bush calls him out on that.

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Kerry's plan is to create 10 MIllion new jobs in four years. What, is he looking to start allowing children to work again? Are we going to bring in thousands of immigrants just so we can fill the jobs? How do you have a negative unemployment rate? :unsure:

and that was just "in his first four years". If you seen that speech, he had to pause and wait for the crowd to pick up it. :rolleyes::rolleyes: guess he was expecting applause there.

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I know what it is...he has to create EXTRA jobs for americans whom are already employed. They will have to work two jobs after his tax hike...

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the only reasonable explanation is that he didn't mean 10 million NET jobs...just 10 million new jobs...and if that's the case, then his statement is very much so less impressive, given millions of "new" jobs are created each month...the DOL estimates as many as 2.5 million "new" jobs are created each month!


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There's a study out that says by 2008 all of the baby-boomers will retire and that will leave a 10 million job surplus. Maybe he's gonna try and claim that he created those.

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There's a study out that says by 2008 all of the baby-boomers will retire and that will leave a 10 million job surplus. Maybe he's gonna try and claim that he created those.

there is that, too...

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