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Spring Practice 2011 - Day 10 (Scrimmage)


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Fight for starting spots will continue today in Auburn's scrimmage in Jordan-Hare Stadium

Charles Goldberg

...the morning scrimmage that is closed to the public and media but figures to be popular among the hundreds of high school coaches on campus for a football clinic -- and for the players competing for plenty of starting spots.

That apparently includes the much-watched quarterback race between Clint Moseley and Barrett Trotter. In last Saturday's scrimmage, Moseley threw touchdown passes and interceptions. Trotter threw neither.

Today's scrimmage is likely the last major practice before the April 16 A-Day game, and it will look a lot like last weekend's scrimmage.

"We're looking for consistency, we're going to try to keep, as close as we can, groups together that we feel like is going to create some continuity on both sides of the ball," coach Gene Chizik said.

Read more: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2011/04/fight_for_starting_spots_will.html

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I'd be very surprised if a starter at QB is named after spring practice. Not because of Frazier, seeing as starting a true freshman at the spot could be abysmal, but more so because it seems like the coaches usually don't want any one quarterback to feel "too" comfortable. Keeping the competition going into next season will keep the drive on these guys.

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Quarterbacks Barrett Trotter, Clint Moseley agree: Defense wins the day in Auburn scrimmage

Charles Goldberg


AUBURN -- Auburn quarterbacks Barrett Trotter and Clint Moseley gave the edge to the defense in Saturday's scrimmage.

Offensive coordinator Gus Malzahn agreed.

"They got after us pretty good," Malzahn said. "It was a tough day for us offensively."

"The quarterbacks are very sporadic right now in general," said coach Gene Chizik. "It's been up and down for both quarterbacks."

"Today," Moseley said, "was obviously dominated by the defense."

Malzahn said there was no movement in the quarterback race for the starting position.

**Trotter and Moseley each worked with the first-team offense. Walk-on Logan Paul worked with the second-team offense.


Chizik said no separation among QBs. Trotter and Moseley have been "very sporadic."


Gene Chizik on scrimmage: "Our tackling needs to get better." Says angles and approach lacking.


Chizik also says he would like to see more "explosive plays" on offense.


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Jeffrey Whitaker on the DL: "We actually love being together. That's the exciting thing about the future, six months from now."


Trovon Reed on the defense's second-half performance today: "They must have had something in their water that we didn't have."


Chizik on his younger CBs: "I've seen some very positive improvements over the past 10 days."


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Chizik said Anthony Morgan (knee) isn't injured seriously and could be back by end of spring.


Chizik mentioned Reese Dismukes and Blake Burgess (in that order) when discussing center competition. Don't know what to read into that.


Chizik said DeAngelo Benton made a couple explosive plays in the scrimmage today.


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Big day for the defense. "Offensively it was one of the most discouraging days this spring for sure," QB Clint Moseley said.


Chizik on scrimmage: "Today I thought was a productive day." Focus was on offensive pace, physicality on offense; turnovers on defense


Chizik said DL Corey Lemonier, Dee Ford, Craig Sanders have made significant strides this spring.


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Trovon Reed...

Reed will be a big part of the game plan this year. Stay healthy, please.

Trooper Taylor...

Any one else catch Trooper catch himself about Benton? Interesting.

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