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Where are you on the Political Compass?


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Here's mine, which hasn't changed much since the last time I took one of these.


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rolltide316, I'm curious if you realize Trump favors universal health care and in 2000 championed a one-time soak-the-rich tax to clear the nation's debt?



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rolltide316, I'm curious if you realize Trump favors universal health care and in 2000 championed a one-time soak-the-rich tax to clear the nation's debt?



True I remember hearing him talk about that a while back. He has changed his views and began to conform somewhat to the views of the GOP. It's somewhat exaggerated saying he supports universal healthcare, since he was really expressing his distaste with the system now and wished a better system could work. Yeah the system kinda sucks now....I don't want universal healthcare....but I think we could all agree that if there were no drawbacks from a universal healthcare system it would be a perfect system. In reality universal healthcare is not a fiscally responsible system and Trump's more of a fiscal conservative than a universal healthcare advocate. It's not something that worries me at this point. Ask him today I bet he's changed his mind after doing his research. Sad thing about that website is that I think it was last updated 11 years ago

He has recently spoken about the one time tax on the wealthy. I don't think it's a terrible idea...it could backfire and it would not be a long-term solution.

I think his one off tax plan was to tax 14.24% on those with a net worth exceeding $10 million. Trump claimed that this would generate $5.7 trillion in new taxes, which could be used to eliminate the national debt.1 I understand your skepticism on the idea of it but I don't think you will have to worry about it along with 95% of the population. :big: I'm not saying I completely support the idea because it's not a long-term solution to the deficit but at least it's forward thinking compared to every other politician and it would buy us time to fix the real problems and maybe help with the transition costs of shifting entitlement programs into the private sector. Oh yeah and with this plan Trump said the inheritance tax could be completely done away with permanently.

He's the only one that has really even addressed the deficit and given actual solutions that aren't completely vague.

Hmmm everyone keeps talking about cutting taxes. Yeah that is the only real solution but nobody will touch the things that actually need to be cut......entitlements.

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